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本文研究了铬鞣粉剂中添加剂DPS、石粉以及无水硫酸钠对铬鞣粉剂中Cr2O3含量和碱度的影响,从而为皮化厂的铬鞣粉剂的质量控制提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
采用流态化CVD包硅技术制得了表面均匀包覆SiO2的Fe磁粉.对该包硅Fe磁粉的氧化机理和动力学进行了研究.结果表明,氧化反应机理符合三维球对称扩散模型,氧化反应活化能随包硅量的增加而增加,流态化CVD包硅能提高Fe磁粉的抗氧化作用在于粒子表面形成了均匀的SiO2保护层.  相似文献   
A synthetic route is presented to attain high‐optical‐quality multilayered structures that result from coupling ordered mesoporous titanium oxide thin films to the surface of a dense one‐dimensional photonic crystal. Such architectures present spectrally well‐defined photon resonant modes localized in the outer coating that finely respond to physicochemically induced modifications of its pore volume. The potential of these porous coatings in detection of environmental changes through variations of the photonic response of the ensemble is demonstrated by performing isothermal optical reflectance measurements under controlled vapor‐pressure conditions.  相似文献   
红土镍矿直接还原富集镍工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石清侠  邱国兴  王秀美 《黄金》2009,30(11):46-49
为了解决低品位红土镍矿的合理回收利用问题,试验研究了以活性炭粉为还原剂、A物质为添加剂,采用直接还原法将矿石中的镍还原为金属镍,经磁选工艺使金属镍在磁性物质中得到富集。试验过程中,考察了还原温度、还原时间、添加剂用量、配炭量对镍回收率的影响。通过试验得到红土镍矿加炭还原的最佳工艺条件为:还原温度1320℃、还原时间120min、添加剂用量5%、配炭量为4%。在该条件下,镍的回收率可达95.44%。  相似文献   
津西钢铁公司高炉重力灰和布袋灰中的碳元素含量都比较高,高炉内碳元素的利用率比较低,且炉尘中来源于焦炭的含碳物质比例明显高于来源于未燃煤粉的比例,通过改善焦炭的质量可以有效地提高煤粉利用率。  相似文献   
本文介绍了细颗粒钨粉在凸轮式冲击台上的振实实验,得出了粒度在2μm的细颗粒钨粉在不同振动参数下的振实密度.通过振动参数优化,使钨粉的最高振实密度达到了6.04g/cm3,从而满足了钨粉冷等静压的工艺要求,且钨粉粒度组成未发生明显变化,从而说明通过冲击台能够实现钨粉的机械振实及振动装料.  相似文献   
本研究分别利用水冷铜坩埚真空感应熔炼气雾化(VIGA-CC)和等离子旋转电极(PREP)两种技术制备出球形Ti-6Al-4V合金粉末,作者利用SEM、同步辐射CT扫描-三维重建和氩气含量测试等分析手段对不同粒径的Ti-6Al-4V合金粉末的孔洞缺陷和氩气含量、硬度值进行了表征。实验结果表明, VIGA-CC粉末粒度分布宽,细粉收得率较多,粉末粒度分布在40~180 μm之间, PREP粉末的粒度分布较窄,主要集中在110~180 μm之间;金属粉末内部的孔隙率、气体含量和孔尺寸随着粉末粒度的增大而增大,且同一粒径范围内VIGA-CC粉末的气孔概率多于PREP粉末;随着粉末粒径减小,粉末截面组织逐渐细化,其硬度值逐渐升高,整体上VIGA-CC粉末硬度值高于PREP粉末。  相似文献   
以喷雾造粒 ZrO粉料为研究对象,通过对粉料的压力-密度曲线及坯体的 SEM显微结构分析,发现喷雾造粒粉料的粒度分布对坯体密度的影响较小;颗粒强度的大小是获得均匀的坯体结构的关键,颗粒的强度与其大小及环境湿度有关,因此颗粒适当的增塑及去除大颗粒均有利于坯体显微结构的改善.  相似文献   
Oxide dispersion strengthened alloy MA 758 was transient liquid phase (TLP) bonded using thin interlayers based on Ni–B electrodeposited coatings and the microstructural developments across the joint region were studied. The bonding surfaces were electrodeposited with a coat thickness of 2–9 μm and microstructural features were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The homogeneity of the joint was assessed performing micro-hardness test. The results showed that the coating thickness as well as the amount of melting point depressants (boron) in the coatings had a significant effect on the microstructural developments within the joint region. TLP bonds made using a 2 μm thick coating interlayer produced a joint with no visible precipitate formation and parent metal dissolution, and the absence of precipitates was attributed to the lower volume concentration of boron in the 2 μm thick coating interlayer.  相似文献   
The paper presents the findings of characterization of initial diamond powders and products of their flotation separation, analysis of the adequacy of mean values of morphometric characteristics and assessment of powder uniformity by a system-criterion method. The separation is demonstrated to provide a significant improvement of powder uniformity in dimensional characteristics and shape index. The flotation products have been found to feature the best uniformity which explains their higher abrasive ability. The flotation separation method has proved to be a suitable tool for improving morphometric uniformity of diamond micron powders, and the proposed system of computer-aided analytical methods has been demonstrated to offer an efficiency means for quantitative analysis of morhometric characteristics of the powders.  相似文献   
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