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We sampled fishes at 17 inner bend sites on the Wabash River in 2008 to compare with collections from 1977 to 1997. We used the same seine collection methods as previous years and collected a total of 37 species. Mean site Shannon‐Wiener diversity, species richness, evenness and abundance for all years were similar. We used multivariate analyses to test for patterns in fish assemblage structure among all sites and all years. The multivariate analyses resulted in distinct assemblages for each collection‐year, suggesting shifts in assemblage composition among years. We used separate multivariate analyses to examine fish assemblage variation within individual years. Variation that corresponded to an upstream–downstream pattern was present in 1977 and 2008, but not in 1997. A hydrologic analysis based on daily discharge revealed that eight large flood events occurred from 1928 to 2007, with four of these events during the recent 20 years. We quantified substrate variation at the 17 sites in 2008 and identified a longitudinal gradient in dominant substrate categories with gravel upstream and sand downstream that was correlated with the first axis of the 2008 fish assemblage ordination. We suggest that observed changes in fish assemblages in decadal periods were from hydrologic impacts of large floods on local habitats. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The impact of a large lowland temperate zone reservoir on chironomid and fish biodiversity was investigated in the same upstream (U) and downstream (D) sites on the same sampling occasions in spring and autumn of several post‐impoundment years. The true/Hill N1 diversity measure was used to construct diversity models of the impact, and partitioning of N1 to reveal the importance of ecological gradients. N1 is unique in being decomposable among multiple levels and easily comparable across ecosystems and animal groups. Chironomids were more diverse than fish in all community sets owing to their probably lower mobility, lower interspecific competition, opportunistic character and much shorter life spans than those of fish. Fish exerted consumption pressure on chironomids upstream by foraging mostly on benthic insects, but not downstream where they fed on microcrustaceans of reservoir origin or on epiphytic fauna (mainly Chironomidae). The reservoir impact on chironomids decreased their diversity in U and increased in D, while much the opposite was true in fish. In D in macroinvertebrates, the impact consisted in advancing over time intensification of seasonal development of submersed macrophytes, while in D in fish in a few species escaping from the reservoir after their populational explosions each year. Partitioning of diversity revealed that the spatial (upstream–downstream) gradient was the strongest factor of diversity change in chironomids as compared with season, and age of the impoundment. No gradient was dominant in fish. Comparisons of observed data with a null model testified to very strong intraspecific aggregation in both chironomids and fish. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Tree mortality and regeneration in riparian areas are greatly influenced by flooding. The elevational distribution of Salix spp. and Robinia pseudoacacia were investigated by observing densities and standing conditions before and after a major flood on a sediment bar in the middle reaches of the Arakawa River in Kumagaya, Japan. The subsequent tree recruitment was also examined. R. pseudoacacia was easily washed away with the eroded sediment, whereas Salix spp. was found to be more tolerant. Both species were able to survive even after collapsing, provided that their roots were fully or partially embedded in the sediment. Re‐shooting of collapsed trees, rather than emergence from saplings (either by seeds or vegetative fragments), was observed to be the major method of recruitment after the flood. Therefore, tree density before the flood was unchanged, unless the trees were subject to washing away. Salix spp. recruitment was mainly observed in low‐lying areas and R. pseudoacacia in elevated areas. Recruitment from saplings was species‐specific. Salix spp. at high elevations originated mainly from shoot fragments as they need high levels of moisture for seed germination and at higher elevations, sediment moisture content is very low. R. pseudoacacia, on other hand, originated mainly from roots and seeds. At a given elevation, past recruitment patterns indicated that the annual recruitment of trees increased with tree density up to a particular threshold of recruitment density. Further increases in tree density beyond that optimum value resulted in a decline in recruitment. Furthermore, threshold density was observed to increase along with elevation for R. pseudoacacia while declining with Salix spp. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hydropeaking dam operation and water extractions for irrigation have been broadly stated as alterations to natural flow regimes, which have also been noticed in the Biobío Watershed, in Central Chile, since 1996. In the Biobío River, most of native fish species are endemic and very little is known about them. Their ecological and social values have never been estimated, and there is lack of information about their habitat preferences. Furthermore, changes on fish habitat availability due to natural and/or man‐made causes have not been evaluated. In this study, eight native fish species, in a representative reach of the Biobío River, were studied and their preferred habitats were surveyed and characterized. A hydrodynamic model was built and linked to the fish habitat simulation model CASiMiR. Fuzzy rules and fuzzy sets were developed for describing habitat preference of the native fish species. CASiMiR was then used to simulate how physical habitat conditions vary due to flow control (i.e. upstream dams). Results show how overall habitat quality, expressed as weighted usable area (WUA) and hydraulic habitat suitability (HHS), changes and fluctuates due to the dam operation and how the daily hydropeaking is influencing quantity, quality and location of different habitats. The study suggests that the analysed fish are highly susceptible to flow control, as dams are currently operated, and fish habitat improvement suggestions are proposed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
朱振涛  席红霞 《红外》2017,38(7):1-5
设计了一种专门用于对日观测成像稳像系统的超高精度太阳敏感器。针对传统的四象限太阳敏感器的不足,设计了一种基于十字差动式太阳硅光电池片的探测器,以提高灵敏度和抗干扰能力。该系统在有效视场(1°)内具有10''的低误差。  相似文献   
A series of sulfonated copolyimides (SPIs) with hydrophilic segment length of 20–60 based on 4,4′‐sulfide‐bis(naphthalic anhydride) (SBNA) have been successfully synthesized to improve hydrolytic stability and proton conductivity. The SPI membranes were cast from their m‐cresol solutions, and they were characterized by determining the water uptake, water swelling ratio, mechanical properties, hydrolytic stability, oxidative stability, and proton conductivity. It was found that the water uptake of SPI membranes was low and decreased as the hydrophilic segment length increased, which led to good dimensional stability. In addition, the SPI membranes with low ion‐exchange capacity (IEC) value displayed excellent hydrolytic stability and retained good mechanical properties even after harsh hydrolysis testing, in which the block SPI with hydrophilic segment length of 40 had the best hydrolytic stability, while those with high IEC value showed an apparent decrease. All of the block SPI membranes show better conductivity than the random ones at the temperature range from 30 to 70°C. Interestingly, the proton conductivities of random SPI membranes were higher than that of corresponding block ones at 90°C. The block SPI with hydrophilic segment length of 40 gave the highest proton conductivity as the temperature increased among the block SPIs. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015 , 132, 41501.  相似文献   
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