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根据黄河上游唐乃亥以上气候资料, 统计分析了近 50年气候变化特点并以其与唐乃亥站径流关系为依据,分析了气候变化对唐乃亥站径流量的影响.结果表明:黄河上游径流呈现以枯水期占优势的丰、枯水交替变化规律,其完整的丰枯循环周期约在18 a;1920~1998年的年径流量呈现弱增长趋势,2000年以后进入一个丰水段;该区年均径流量为617 m3/s,主要集中在6~10月份;月均径流、降水和气温在变换趋势和影响月份上具有高相关性;在全球变暖的大环境下,研究区气温处于波动上升状态,20世纪90年代以后,降水、径流均呈下降趋势.  相似文献   
Peter Young 《Automatica》1981,17(3):459-470
The paper is concerned with the initial evaluation of a self adaptive autostabilization system for an airborne vehicle whose dynamic behaviour may vary rapidly and over a wide range during normal operation. The basic design approach could be applied to any airborne vehicle which warranted adaptive control operation, but it is evaluated here in relation to the control of a high performance missile during an 80 second mission. This mission includes a rocket boost phase with accompanying large variations in the model parameters caused by changes in dynamic pressure, mach number, altitude and mass. The adaptive system can be considered as a ‘second generation’ adaptive scheme in the sense that it provides a logical self-adaptive successor to the well known ‘schedule adaptive’ systems used heretofore.  相似文献   
纺织工业厂房多数采用锯齿形排架结构[1],除用力法求解外,还可采用等效刚度柱法对具有跨变的单层铰接排架建立方程求解.  相似文献   
陈强  陈凯杰  施卉辉  孙明轩 《自动化学报》2023,49(12):2594-2604
针对任意初始状态下机械臂轨迹跟踪问题, 提出一种变长度误差跟踪迭代学习控制(Iterative learning control, ILC)方法. 首先, 构造不依赖于期望轨迹的双曲余弦型期望误差轨迹, 放宽经典迭代学习控制初始状态要求严格一致的条件. 由于该误差轨迹只需设置一个常数项, 因而能够有效减少计算量, 使得期望误差轨迹的设计更为简单. 其次, 考虑机械臂运行区间随迭代次数变化的问题, 构建虚拟误差变量补偿机制, 通过定义虚拟误差变量对未运行区间进行信息补偿, 放宽经典迭代学习控制的迭代长度不变条件. 在此基础上, 基于Lyapunov-like理论设计迭代学习控制器和全限幅学习律, 实现机械臂关节位置在指定区间上跟踪给定的期望轨迹和保证未知参数估计值的有界性. 最后, 仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   
本文以含若干微元的钢筋混凝土变刚度杆作为研究对象。直接应用积分法确定截面的M-φ-N关系及微元刚度,以考虑材料的非线性效应;应用凝聚法获得其杆端刚度系数及等效结点力;同时,综合考虑了轴力及大变形的几何非线性效应。本文为变刚度杆单元分析提供了一简便而精确的计算机分析方法。  相似文献   
高压输气管道穿越河流时的力学行为受诸多因素影响,河床边界条件的变化是重要影响因素之一。该文基于流体动力学和固体力学理论,利用有限元软件FLUENT和ANSYS对高速水流冲击下的悬空管道进行了模拟分析。在总结出河床变化时悬空管道最大应力、位移变化规律的基础上,得到不同水流速度作用下高压输气管道的临界悬空长度。并对西气东输一线和川气东送等管线工程进行实例分析,所得计算结果对高压输气管道的日常维护和制定抗洪抢险方案具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
Analysis and numerical results for the axisymmetric vibrations of annular sandwich plates with relatively stiff core of non-uniform thickness have been investigated using a refined theory. The face sheets are treated as membranes of constant thickness and the core is assumed to be solid as well as moderately thick of parabolically varying thickness. Due to this-type of variation in the thickness of the core, the face sheets take the shape of paraboloid of revolution and because of this, the face sheets membrane forces contribute to the bending and transverse shear stresses of the core of the plate. The equations of motion for such a plate have been derived using Hamilton’s energy principle. The frequency equations for three different combinations of boundary conditions; clamped at the inner edge and clamped or simply supported or free at the outer edge are obtained employing differential quadrature method. The lowest three roots of these frequency equations have been reported as the frequencies for the first three modes of vibration. The effect of various plate parameters such as radii ratio, taper parameter, thickness of the facings and core at the centre on the natural frequencies has been studied. Three-dimensional mode shapes for the specified plates have been illustrated. A comparison of the results with published work has been made.  相似文献   
针对海相砂岩FOURD油藏大排量生产,发现底水油藏开发过程中不同位置水驱孔隙体积倍数不同,而常规行标中测量的实验不足以表现高水驱倍数后的油藏渗流特征。高水驱实验结果表明,不同黏土含量岩心水驱倍数的半对数与驱油效率呈线性关系,底水油藏水驱波及系数缓慢增加。基于FOURD油藏实际资料,采用数值模拟技术表征了油藏时变特征;针对FOURD油藏南北动态不同、南区水淹程度高、波及程度难以提高的问题,提出了以提液方式再提升油藏驱油效率的方案,针对北区波及程度不高的区域提出了进行井网加密的后期挖潜方案。采用该极限挖潜策略后,根据数值模拟及实际矿场应用,波及系数提高了11.1%,标定采收率提高了4.5%。  相似文献   
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