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离子束溅射淀积光学薄膜的膜厚均匀性实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了离子束溅射技术改善薄膜均匀性的两种方法。研究了修正板技术,根据工程需要将修正板技术应用于行星转动条件下的光学薄膜的均匀性修正。分别研究了靶摆动和不摆动的情况下,淀积薄膜的均匀性修正。实验结果表明,修正后的均匀性结果优于 1%,能满足实际应用的要求;靶摆动修正的均匀性结果优于修正板技术。  相似文献   
The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the practical effects of electron beam broadening in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) on particle x-ray microanalysis and to determine some of the optimum operating conditions for this type of analysis. Four sets of experiments were conducted using a Faraday cage and particles of copper, glass, cassiterite, andrutile. The accelerating voltage and chamber pressure varied from 20 to 10 kV and from 665–66 Pa (5.0 to 0.5 torr), respectively. The standard gaseous secondary electron detectors (GSED) and the long environmental secondary dectectors (ESD) for the ESEM were evaluated at different working distances. The effect of these parameters on the presence of artifact peaks was evaluated. The particles were mounted on carbon tape on an aluminum specimen mount and were analyzed individually and as a mixture. Substrate peaks were present in almost all of the spectra. The presence of neighboring particle peaks and the number of counts in these depended upon the operating conditions. In general, few of these peaks were observed with the long ESD detector at 19 mm working distance and at low chamber pressures. More peaks and counts were observed with a deviation from these conditions. The most neighboring peaks and counts were obtained with the GSED detector at 21.5 mm working distance, 10 kV accelerating voltage, and 665 Pa (5.0 torr) chamber pressure. The results of these experiments support the idea that the optimum instrumental operating conditions for EDS analysis in the ESEM occur by minimizing the gas path length and the chamber water vapor pressure, and by maximizing the accelerating voltage. The results suggest that the analyst can expect x-ray counts from the mounting materials. These tests strongly support the recommendation of the manufacturer to use the long ESD detector and a 19 mm working distance for EDS analysis. The results of these experiments indicate that neighboring particles millimeters from the target may contribute x-ray counts to the spectrum.  相似文献   
本研究运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、测试法、数理统计等方法,以24名女运动员为研究对象,对不同水平竞技体操运动员平衡木项目平衡能力影响因素进行研究,得出结论:竞技体操运动员平衡木项目向前比向侧平衡容易保持;平衡木的高度、前庭机能和视觉对平衡能力均有影响。  相似文献   
TiN/TiCN多层膜的高温抗氧化性研究对于扩大其应用领域具有重要作用,但目前鲜见相关报道。采用多弧离子镀与磁控溅射技术以不同调制周期在304不锈钢表面共沉积TiN/TiCN多层膜。采用XRD、XPS、倒置显微镜及高温氧化试验研究了多层膜的高温抗氧化行为。结果表明:TiN/TiCN多层膜表面光滑平整、均匀致密,薄膜主要为具有Ti-(C,N)键的fcc-TiN结构;随着调制周期的减小,TiN/TiCN多层膜生长取向发生转变,且具有(111)晶面生长织构;随着氧化温度的升高,多层膜的显微硬度逐渐降低,氧化增重速率不断增大,且在700℃之后变化速率较快,薄膜的开始氧化温度约为750℃;随着调制周期的减小,多层膜TiN与TiCN界面层数量增多,促使晶粒细化,提高了其致密性,还隔断了缺陷贯穿薄膜的连续性,显著降低了薄膜的孔隙率,致使O原子扩散困难,增强了薄膜的高温抗氧化性能。  相似文献   
Boron-doped or phosphorus-doped β-FeSi2 thin films have been prepared on silicon substrate by magnetron sputtering. Effects of Si/Fe ratio on the boron and phosphorus doping efficiencies have been studied from the resistivities of doped β-FeSi2 thin films and current-voltage characteristics of doped β-FeSi2/Si heterojunctions. The experimental results reveal that the carrier concentration and doping efficiency of boron or phosphorus dopants at the Fe-rich side are higher than that at the Si-rich side. The effect of Si/Fe ratio can be deduced from the comparison of the formation energies under two extreme conditions. At the Fe-rich limit condition, the formation energy of boron or phosphorous doping is lower than that at the Si-rich condition. Therefore, the activation of impurities is more effective at the Fe-rich side. These results demonstrate that the boron-doped and phosphorous-doped β-FeSi2 thin films should be kept at the Fe-rich side to avoid the unexpected doping sites and low doping efficiency.  相似文献   
Experimental verification of the mathematical surface roughness model for sputtered silicon was performed. The beam shape and its significant level of intensity were determined first by measuring the topography of craters sputtered by focused ion beam (FIB). Then the beam function was generated for various combinations of beam parameters. The material function was developed both by theoretical and experimental analysis. These two functions were then used in the model to calculate the theoretical surface roughness. Microsurface analysis was formed by FIB sputtering of a (100) silicon wafer. The surface roughness at the bottom of the sputtered features was then measured using an atomic force microscope. The theoretical surface roughness was found to be within ±1 and ±5 nm of the measured surface roughness with the measurement uncertainty (standard deviation) of about ±0.36 and ±0.85 nm for Ra and Rt, respectively.  相似文献   
 Two identical, high purity, natural type IIa diamonds, which displayed the ubiquitous blue cathodoluminescence (CL) band at ≈ 2.9 eV, as well as an indication of the corresponding green band at ≈ 2.4 eV, have been equivalently doped by using extremely low dose B+- and C+-ion CIRA-implantations respectively. Comparative CL measurements showed changes in the intensities of the 2.9 and 2.4 eV bands and the generation of bands at ≈ 4 eV, as well as at ≈ 3.5 and ≈ 4.6 eV (the latter two in the B+-CIRA diamond). The results are commensurate with the model (proposed previously) in which the 2.9 and 4 eV bands are generated respectively by electron-hole recombinations at negatively charged acceptor- and positively charged donor-like, intrinsic defects. The present results indicate that Coulomb interactions between the latter defects and (at least partially) compensated, negatively charged, boron acceptors, generate the 3.5 and 4.6 eV bands, which may be considered as higher energy (≈ 0.6 eV) replicas of the 2.9 and 4 eV bands. In both cases, two electrons and a hole interact just before the hole combines with an electron. Such a configuration of charges seems related to, and could possibly be described as, a type of ”ionised exciton molecule”, where the ”bonding” of two negative ”nuclei” is facilitated by the presence of the hole. The CL measurements further indicate that the 2.4 eV band forms when a high enough density of, in this case, neutral acceptors are present. These neutral acceptors compete with the valence band to supply holes for recombination at the negatively charged, acceptor-type, intrinsic defects which are, in the absence of the boron, responsible for the generation of the blue, 2.9 eV band. Received: 5 December 1997 / Accepted: 13 December 1997  相似文献   
采用离子束溅射镀膜装置制备了一种新的材料组合Si/C多层膜 ,用于 30 4nm波段的正入射多层膜反射镜。并用软X射线反射率计测得其反射比最大值为 0 14。有效地抑制了 15 0nm处的二级衍射峰。  相似文献   
通过分析现有镀膜工艺设备的电子束加热原理、结构和热量损耗,并针对实际应用过程中镀膜存在的问题,提出了对现有设备的改进措施,开发出一种新的镀厚膜工艺,较好解决了芯片镀厚膜的工艺技术难题和存在的镀厚膜工艺质量问题,大大提高了镀厚膜工艺的工作效率,极大地改善了特高压超大功率电力电子器件的电性能参数,收到了良好的效果.  相似文献   
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