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1400℃碳溶解度平衡实验测得:锰基Mn-Fe-P-C系碳的溶解度计算式为,Nc=0.2719-0.0940NFe-1.1954Np;整个锰铁熔体浓度范围,即从纯锰到纯铁范围,碳的溶解度计算式有,NC=0.2719-0.0945NFe和Nc==0.1959十0.1044NMn,通过热力学的推导和计算,得到以下一些热力学数据:①铁基体系,锰基体系。  相似文献   
杨立 《中外建筑》2011,(7):103-105
现代文教建筑设计时应兼顾建筑与环境的共融共生。本文结合具体实例,从总平面设计构思、建筑单体设计、园林景观设计等方面详细阐述了现代高校教学综合楼建筑设计要点,并着重于建筑与环境方面分析探讨了现代文教建筑与环境的自然融合具体设计思路。  相似文献   
为了更好地了解镁电解中及熔盐氯化中铁的行为,对铁离子在氯化物中的化学平衡作了研究。求出在PCl3=101.325kPa和实验温度下,反应FeCl_2(熔)+1/2Cl2(气)=FeCl3(熔)的表观平衡常数K。在PCl2=0和实验温度下,FeCl3完全分解。K的测量值与回归方程的预报值很吻合。熔盐体系、氯分压和温度对K值影响较大,总铁浓度的影响稍小一些。在其他条件相同时,体系3的K值最大,这表明,用光卤石作为电解质时,镁电解的电流效率会低一些,而氯化钾含量高时,在熔盐氯化中铁的催化作用较好。  相似文献   

The use of dynamic neutron imaging in combination with the falling sphere technique to measure viscosities and densities of silicate melts at high temperatures and moderate pressures is explored. The experimental set up of this technique at the neutron radiography facility of the Orphe reactor in Saclay (France) is described. First falling sphere experiments with a melt of diopside (CaMgSi206) composition show that it is possible to determine viscosities and densities with this technique. Absorption measurements of a bulk rock show that the contrast between different mineral species is sufficient for their detection, This allows the observation of processes like partial melting, melt segregation and mixing in inhomogeneous melts, which can be monitored in real time through a video system.  相似文献   
本文首次采用高温红外光谱及DSC—7差热分析技术研究了Nb2O5—B2O3—K2O系统玻璃熔体结构,并建立了该系统玻璃和高温熔体结构模型。  相似文献   
膨胀干燥机是橡胶后处理的重要设备,可脱去橡胶熔体中质量分数为90%的水分。基于FLUENT软件,对橡胶熔体在膨胀干燥机流道中的流动进行数值分析,在不同进出口压力差、螺杆转速等生产工艺条件下,根据速率分布云图、压力分布云图,分析橡胶熔体在膨胀干燥机流道中的流动规律,从而改善橡胶质量。  相似文献   
膨胀干燥机是橡胶后处理的重要设备,通过膨胀干燥机可脱去橡胶熔体中90%的水分。基于FLUENT软件,对橡胶熔体在膨胀干燥机流道中的流动进行数值分析,并根据速度分布云图及压力分布云图,分析橡胶熔体在流道中的流动规律。研究结果可为进一步研究工艺参数对橡胶质量的影响奠定基础。  相似文献   
Based on the principle of annexation and phase diagrams, the structural units of In-Pb-Sb and In-Bi-Pb melts were determined, and their calculating models of mass action concentrations were formulated. Calculated results agree well with practical values, which in turn show that the models deduced can reflect the structural realities of corresponding melts and the principle of annexation is applicable not only to some binary metallic melts, but also to ternary metallic melts.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONThestudyofmoltenstructureofCaO SiO2 ,whichactasthebasicfactorinfluencingthephysicalandchemicalpropertiesofthesilicat  相似文献   
Nd-F species in NdF3-LiF melts were studied using cryoscopic method.Liquidus temperatures of melts of various compositions were determined by differential thermal analysis(DTA).Based on the different model calculations,NdF4- was identified as the most likely Nd-F entity in the melts in which the mole fraction of NdF3 was lower than 20%,considering only one single Nd species in the melt,and which was formed in accordance with Temkin model or Flood model.Then,activities of different components in the melts were researched.The results show that activity of LiF decreases,and that of NdF3 increases with increasing the mole fraction of NdF3.The value of activity coefficient of NdF3 is higher than 1,and that of LiF is lower than 1.  相似文献   
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