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提高H13钢使用寿命的探讨   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
介绍了改进H13钢的冶炼方法和合理的锻造工艺来保证模具用材的要求,适宜的热处理工艺确保H13钢具有良好的综合力学性能,正确的操作方法更利于提高其使用寿命,冶炼、锻造、热处理、使用等重要环节相互结合,可以有效提高H13钢在压铸模上的使用寿命。  相似文献   
通过高温拉伸及胀形实验,研究了Fe78Si9B13非晶合金的塑性变形性能。高温拉伸的温度范围为430℃~530℃,初始应变速率为1.67×10-4s-1~1.67×10-3s-1。利用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对高温变形后的微观组织进行了分析。高温拉伸的延伸率随温度的升高先增大后减小,450℃时达到最大;在450℃,初始应变速率为8.33×10-4s-1时延伸率为40%。在450℃胀形得到半径为5mm、高4mm的近半球试件,显示了Fe78Si9B13非晶合金具有良好的高温变形性能。高温塑性变形过程中伴随着非晶的晶化,使塑性流动应力增大,影响了Fe78Si9B13非晶合金的高温变形性能。  相似文献   
(3S, 13R)-3, 13-Dimethylheptadecane [(3S, 13R)-3, 13-dime-17Hy] is the major pheromone component of the western false hemlock looper (WFHL),Nepytia freemani. In comparative gas chromotographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses of stereoselectively synthesized isomers, 1 pg of (3S, 13R)-dime-17Hy elicited significantly stronger electrophysiological responses by male WFHL antennae than did 1 pg of separately injected (3R, 13R)-, (3R, 13S)- or (3S, 13S)-3, 13-dime-17Hy. In field experiments with individually tested stereoisomers. (3S, 13R)-3, 13-dime-17Hy was the only stereoisomer to attract males, but the four-stereoisomer blend was 3.6 times more attractive. Quaternary and all binary combinations of (3S, 13R)-3, 13-dime-17Hy with the other stereoisomers were equally attractive, suggesting that synergisytic behavioral activity in WFHL resided with either one of (3R, 13R)-, (3R, 13S)-, or (3S, 13S)-3, 13-dime-17Hy. Because optical isomers of (di)methylhydrocarbons do not separate on currently available columns, it remains unknown whether female WFHL also produce a four-stereoisomer pheromone blend. Substitutionality of pheromone stereoisomers without loss of behavioural activity has not previously been reported, but favorably compares with the concept of pheromone redundancy that was first suggested for the multiple pheromone component blend of the cabbage looper moth,Trichoplusia ni.  相似文献   
针对普通13Cr钢的CO2腐蚀性能,在模拟大庆油田井下的腐蚀环境,通过高温高压釜进行了13Cr钢的腐蚀试验,采用SEM、EDS和XPS测试手段分析研究所获得CO2腐蚀产物膜的形貌和化学组成。结果表明,在所试验的三个温度下,13Cr钢液相、气相的腐蚀类型都主要为均匀腐蚀。13Cr钢的腐蚀膜主要成分是晶态FeCO3和非晶态的Cr(OH)3,还含有少量的Fe或Cr的氧化物、碳化物和单质Fe等。在85℃和110℃下,13Cr钢的液相腐蚀速率属于中度腐蚀,基体表面形成了一层深褐色腐蚀膜层且表面平整均匀,晶粒细小,膜层较薄;在170℃下其腐蚀速率靠近严重腐蚀的下限,接近中度腐蚀的上限;气相腐蚀与液相腐蚀腐蚀过程相似,属于中度腐蚀,腐蚀产物膜表面则为较大颗粒的晶粒,但很不规则。  相似文献   
Hydroturbine steels, such as 13Cr-4Ni martensitic steels, are generally subjected to heavy-erosive wear and loss of efficiency due to solid particulate entrainment in the water. Surface-modified steels have proven to give better performance in terms of erosive wear resistance. In the present study, an attempt is made to investigate the effect of angle of impingement and particle size on slurry-jet erosion behavior of pulsed plasma nitrided and laser hardened 13Cr-4Ni steels. Laser hardening process has shown good performance at all angles of impingement due to martensitic transformation of retained austenite. Plastic deformation mode of material removal was also an evident feature of all laser-hardened surface damage locations. However, pulsed-plasma nitrided steels have exhibited chip formation and micro-cutting mode of erosive wear. Erosion with 150-300 μm size was twice compared to 150 μm size slurry particulates.  相似文献   
Corrosion-Electrochemical behavior of a commercial API5CT grade L80 type 13Cr tubing enriched with microalloying elements is studied in 6, 7.5, 9, 12 and 15% HCl solutions by electrochemical methods. The objective is to contribute to the comprehension of corrosion phenomena caused by HCl of similar concentrations, generally used in acidizing job. The corrosion morphology is examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with EDAX. The soluble corrosion products are analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and colorimetric methods. General, as well as localized, corrosion is present. The severest general corrosion with a maximum rate of 26 mm/year is obtained at 15% HCl. The localized corrosion which morphologically differs as function of HCl concentrations is revealed by SEM investigation. In all the above HCl solutions, the commercial 13% Cr martensitic stainless steel tubing shows no passive state. Above 6% HCl, the microalloying elements promote forming a discontinuous film of the corrosion products. The corrosion rate slightly decreases in 15% HCl compared to the published data on a conventional 13% Cr martensitic stainless steel tubing. This is due to both the chemical composition (silicon, manganese and vanadium) and microstructural properties. Copper seems to additionally accelerate the corrosion of the alloy. Published in Russian in Zashchita Metallov, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 372–380. The article was translated by the authors in English.  相似文献   
定量~(13)C-NMR谱表征蔗渣碱木素结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从蔗渣纸浆黑液中制出纯蔗渣碱木素,然后测定其定量13C-NMR谱.图谱分析表明,蔗渣碱木素主要由紫丁香基,愈创木基和对羟苯基三种丙烷结构单元组成,其中未绩合的紫丁香基、愈创木基和对羟羊基含量比为2.2:1.0:1.4.蔗渣碱术素结构单元间主要以β-O-4烷基芳基醚键连接,也有一定量的非环状α-醚键存在.蔗渣碱木素中,相当部分对香豆酸类结构并非通过酯键而是通过醚键或碳双键连接于芳核上.  相似文献   
A sample of kerogen from Aleksinac oil shale was examined by high-resolution solid-state 13C n.m.r. spectroscopy. The presence and relative proportions of kerogen structural units were estimated using a combination of NQS and T1C methods with a peak-synthesis technique applied to the 13C CP—MAS spectrum. Relaxation parameters from these experiments were used to estimate differences in relative ‘mobility’ of various structural units. The kerogen was found to be highly aliphatic and to contain 79% long-chain aliphatic plus alicyclic structures, as well as 9% aromatic structures. These findings are in good agreement with the characterization of the same kerogen from its oxidation products.  相似文献   
利用水冷铜模激光熔炼炉制得了由初生枝晶Cr3Si和枝晶间Cr3Si/Crl3Ni5Si2共晶组成的金属间化合物合金。利用OM,SEM,TEM,EDS和XRD分析了该金属间化合物的显微组织,在400℃,500℃和600℃条件下测试了其耐磨性能。结果表明,由于Cr3Si和Crl3NisSi2硬度高、原子键合力强、组织细小、均匀,在高温滑动磨损条件下具有优良的耐磨性能。  相似文献   
高耐腐蚀耐酸性气体的13%Cr油井用钢管的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹长娥 《钢管》1998,27(5):51-56
在钢中复合添加Cu,Ni不会生成铁素体相,却能提高其耐腐蚀性能、复合添加Cu,Ni元素提高钢的耐腐蚀性能的机理,是由于生成的腐蚀皮膜为非结晶体,且在腐蚀皮膜下面形成了Cu的富集层。添加Mo元素,特别是在添加1.5%以上的Mo时,可以提高钢的耐酸性气体腐蚀的特性。在此研究基础上.开发出了低C—13%Cr—Cu—Ni—Mo钢管、该钢管具有良好的耐CO2腐蚀性能、耐酸性气体腐蚀特性以及高的强度和韧性,可在许多情况下替代双相不锈钢。  相似文献   
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