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In the paper we consider the non‐linear aerosol dynamic equation on time and particle size, which contains the advection process of condensation growth and the process of non‐linear coagulation. We develop an efficient second‐order characteristic finite element method for solving the problem. A high accurate characteristic method is proposed to treat the condensation advection while a second‐order extrapolation along the characteristics is proposed to approximate the non‐linear coagulation. The method has second‐order accuracy in time and the optimal‐order accuracy of finite element spaces in particle size, which improves the first‐order accuracy in time of the classical characteristic method. Numerical experiments show the efficient performance of our method for problems of log‐normal distribution aerosols in both the Euler coordinates and the logarithmic coordinates. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
讨论了超高层综合楼消防自控设计的必要性、可能性和具体的设计方法.  相似文献   
材料力学性能对液力胀接过程的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘强  刘钢  苑世剑 《材料科学与工艺》2005,13(4):420-422,426
为寻求装配式空心凸轮轴结构设计和材料选择的理论依据,应用弹塑性力学分析了弹性模量和流动应力对液力胀接的影响.将内外管的变形过程简化为平面应变问题,根据典型点应力-应变曲线分析了液力胀接过程,并给出了不同材质套管的连接条件.研究结果表明:影响液力胀接的主要因素是内外管弹性模量和流动应力,这两个材料参数决定胀后内外管弹性回复量的大小;实现液力胀接内外管应满足的条件是:内外管弹性模量的比值大于内外管流动应力的比值.  相似文献   
以硫酸钾尾液为原料,研究低温冷冻回收高硫钾比矿物合理的工艺技术路线,探寻适宜的贮存条件,为加工车间夏季高温生产硫酸钾提供优质高硫钾比原料.在低温下进行冷冻试验,根据冷冻结晶矿物产率及其干基组分确定适宜的冷冻温度为-15~5℃,冷冻制得的结晶矿物硫钾比均在3.0~5.1,符合夏季生产硫酸钾所需原料硫钾比>2.5的要求.高...  相似文献   
Iron powders with two different particle size distributions were compacted by high velocity compaction. The influences of particle size distribution and impact velocity on green properties, including green density, springback, tensile strength and bending strength etc., were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and a computer controlled universal testing machine. The results show that the particle size distribution and the impact velocity strongly affect its properties. Wider size distribution results in green compact with higher density and better strength. Furthermore, springback of compacts is lower produced by the powder with wider size distribution, especially for radial springback. As impact velocity increases, its green density and green strength gradually increases, but the increasing rate of density decreases gradually. No special relation is found between springback and impact velocity. In addition, the axial springback and the bending strength are higher than the radial springback and the tensile strength, respectively.  相似文献   
研究了通过高能球磨制备TiB2/TiC纳米复合粉体的反应过程和机理,对粉体的显微结构进行了表征.实验结果表明,采用金属 Ti和 B4C为原料,在球磨过程中, TiC先于 TiB2形成.球磨5h后Ti与B4C反应生成TiB2和TiC,在随后的长时间高能球磨过程中TiB2和TiC两相保持稳定.球磨 30h后,直径约 8nm的 TiC纳米粒子分布在 100~200 nm的 TiB2粒子中,形成均匀分布的纳米TiB2/TiC复合粉体.  相似文献   
Monitoring data from the Three Gorges Project show that the resulted tensile stresses are mainly distributed within the front section of the internal anchoring section which is often measuring 2.5 m in length. The composition of two early strength cement grout mixes marked as R3350 and R7350 was successfully developed to accelerate anchoring facilities installation and to reduce its intervention with the shiplock construction. It was measured that the ground water pH value in the sidewall slopes of the permanent navigation shiplock during the construction period was close to 8. Based on those characteristics it is concluded that the groundwater is weakly corrosive to steel material and will appear as non-corrosive to the steel wire strands embedded in the cement grout set. The advanced model of 3 MN unbonded anchor cables with double anti-corrosion protection (including the corrugated pipe) is developed to meet the needs of stabilizing the high sidewall rock slopes of the permanent navigation shiplock on the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   
韩晓芹 《煤化工》2007,35(4):16-19
介绍了18万t/a甲醇合成系统原始开车前的准备工作、开车过程及开车过程中触媒升温还原的注意事项,分析了原始开车过程中出现的主要问题,并介绍了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   
在高冶强的生产状态下,高炉如何优化各项技术经济指标,降低其成本,从而提高产品竞争力,是现代高炉操作者积极探索的问题。梅钢2号高炉通过精料、优化操作、改进工艺措施等的实施,实现了高炉高冶强下的指标优化。  相似文献   
高瓦斯自燃煤层综放工作面瓦斯综合治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵高升  王海龙 《煤炭技术》2006,25(12):65-66
通过对高瓦斯自燃煤层综采放顶煤回采工作面的瓦斯涌出考察,及对瓦斯涌出与风量、高抽巷布置、推进速度、周期来压的关系分析,提出瓦斯综合治理措施,在实践中取得较好成效。  相似文献   
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