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Owing to the deficiency in early warning for high concrete dam,a formula was established to characterize the deformation behavior of high concrete dam as a whole.The early warning index of spatial deformation was calculated by low probability principle on the basis of the deformation entropy formula proposed.The steps were as follows.Firstly,the probability method was utilized to define the degree of order and degree of chaos for each survey point.Secondly,the weight distribution among the survey points was...  相似文献   
本文在探讨“平坦”模糊数及其运算的基础上,提出模糊内部收益率的概念;并利用Prade与Dubois提出的比较两个模糊数大小的指标,给出“近似相等”的概念;从而给“模糊内部收益率”的计算提供了一个方法。  相似文献   
长距离大断面顶管施工不可避免的引起土体扰动和土层损失,导致土体塌陷和地表拉裂等现象.以某长距离超大断面顶管工程为工程研究背景,对顶管施工引起土体变形的机理展开了分析,对顶进施工过程中土体产生塌陷、地表出现张拉裂缝的原因进行了阐释,探讨了地表变位对周边建筑(构筑)物的影响,以及分析了该工程中运用的进出洞、中继器、触变泥浆减阻、加强现场监测、以及其他应急措施这5种关键控制技术,得到了一些保证工程施工安全的有益的经验.  相似文献   
针对碳酸盐类可溶岩地区水电站坝址流场、化学场以及固相介质属性等随时间发生改变,从而对工程安全运行造成不利影响等问题,研究了灰岩地区地下水运移过程中各物理场间的相互作用,分析了影响灰岩溶解速率的两个因素,即表面反应控制和扩散迁移控制。在此基础上,建立了单裂隙中的渗流—溶解耦合模型,并进行数值求解。模拟结果表明,在垂直裂隙延伸方向,其溶蚀锋面为非齐整平面,而是呈似“虫洞”状非均一变化,而沿裂隙延伸方向即自上游侧向下游方向溶蚀程度逐渐减轻;而通过裂隙的流量呈现随时间逐渐增大的趋势,但变幅不大;根据流量求得的等效水力隙宽,其增幅和增长速率均小于实际平均隙宽;同时,化学场中Ca2+浓度的分布与裂隙开度变化具有相似性,不同时刻下上游侧反应速率R均大于下游侧。就反应机制而言,在初期均受表面反应控制,而随反应进行,位于上游补给区部位转为受扩散迁移控制,但在下游位置仍受表面反应控制。  相似文献   
佘交辉 《物理测试》2006,24(6):44-0
 65钢热轧圆盘条广泛应用于拉拔高强度钢丝。在拉拔钢丝的过程中断裂现象时有发生。用金相手段分析断裂原因。分析结果认为:导致拉丝断裂的原因是拉丝工艺不当。  相似文献   
在影响粘土砂旧砂再生效果的诸多因素中,旧砂中水分含量是最重要的因素。本文就水分含量对再生效果的影响规律、再生效果最佳的水分含量等进行了研究和分析,得出了如下结论:并非含水量越低再生效果就越好,而是存在一个去泥率低谷区;再生效果最佳的适宜水分含量为1~2%。  相似文献   
Stress distribution in the gradient multi-layered surface under a sliding contact was investigated using finite element method(FEM). The main structure parameters of layered surface discussed are total layer thickness,layer number and elastic modulus ratio of layer to the substrate. A model of multi-layered surface contact with rough slider was studied. The effect of the surface structure parameters on the elastic-plastic deformation was analyzed.  相似文献   
This paper presents a class of dual–primal proximal point algorithms (PPAs) for extended convex programming with linear constraints. By choosing appropriate proximal regularization matrices, the application of the general PPA to the equivalent variational inequality of the extended convex programming with linear constraints can result in easy proximal subproblems. In theory, the sequence generated by the general PPA may fail to converge since the proximal regularization matrix is asymmetric sometimes. So we construct descent directions derived from the solution obtained by the general PPA. Different step lengths and descent directions are chosen with the negligible additional computational load. The global convergence of the new algorithms is proved easily based on the fact that the sequences generated are Fejér monotone. Furthermore, we provide a simple proof for the O(1/t) convergence rate of these algorithms.  相似文献   
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