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Cold-curing adhesives, characterized by an unsteady curing degree, present various advantages for assembling large scale structures set up under outdoor conditions. Thus various applications can be found in aerospace and automotive industries where structures are affected by thermal and mechanical loads. Hence, the curing state of the adhesive must be known to evaluate the lifetime of such bonded structures. The evolution of the polymerization of the adhesive Hysol EA-9321 during the curing process was examined in this paper. To that end, the curing degree of the adhesive was experimentally and analytically investigated for different curing cycles with a view to a potential application in the aerospace domain, where structures are assembled at low temperatures. Existing dynamic and isothermal curing models were applied to simulate the curing behavior of the adhesive. Then, an FEM model was developed to simulate the process of adhesive curing by taking into account a thermo-kinetic coupling.  相似文献   
X-ray tomography has been used to investigate the density variations in SiC joints formed using polymer pastes. It has been demonstrated that X-ray tomography provides accurate bulk density measurements and volumetric density gradients. The results suggest that the magnitude of the applied pressure after green state joining and the amount of polymer (polycarbosilane, PCS) in the joining pastes influence the green density of the joints. All joints are prepared and applied in air atmosphere and at room temperature. The green densities of the joints increase from 54% to 66% of theoretical with the increase of the applied pressure from ambient to 138 MPa. Highest joint density without applied pressure is achieved using paste containing 50 vol% PCS. Furthermore, allylhydridopopolycarbosilane- (AHPCS-) containing pastes resulted in higher densities at the joint–matrix interface, indicating infiltration of polymer into the matrix.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to predict the bearing stress at failures of woven fabric kenaf fibre reinforced polymer with single-lap hybrid joints under quasi-static testing. Testing series investigated includes a variation of joint types, normalised W/d, lay-up types, plate thickness and bolt loads. Initially, cohesive failures appeared within adhesive layer, followed by net-tension failure mode in all testing series investigated associated with stress concentration. Strength prediction was carried out subsequently by implementing XFEM framework with an embedded traction-separation relationship within ABAQUS CAE. The experimental datasets and XFEM results were evaluated where good agreements were found in the combination of cross ply and thicker coupon with a discrepancy of less than 5%.  相似文献   
Standard peel tests for aerospace laminates based on metal–polymer systems, namely floating-roller and climbing-drum peel methods, have been accommodated in a unified theory of peeling. This theory also accommodates more basic peel tests such as T-peel and fixed-arm peel and also newer methods such as mandrel peel. These five methods have been applied to two aerospace laminate systems to critically examine their use in the determination of adhesive strength. The theory has been used to unify the outputs from the tests in terms of adhesive fracture toughness. In this way, the comparative merits of the methods can be commented on.

The validity of the standard methods has been put in doubt because of the absence of a correction for plastic bending energy and also because of the poor conformance of the peel arm to the roller system used in these methods. The unified theory and some measurements of peel-arm curvature help but not completely overcome some of these difficulties.

A further complication that arises in peel is a change in the plane of fracture. This reflects a transition from cohesive fracture in the adhesive to an adhesive fracture at the interfaces among adhesive, primer, and substrate. It is likely that such plane-of-fracture phenomena are intrinsic to evaluation of the laminate and that contemplation of cohesive fracture toughness for the adhesive cannot accommodate such events.  相似文献   
The present work deals with the characterization of adhesives in thin film under uniform and multi-axial loading conditions. The tests are carried out with a tubular butt bonded specimen, previously developed by the authors, which ensures both shear and normal uniform stress fields inside the adhesive layer. Stress analysis is performed analytically and shows that, in addition to the axial stress, both radial and circumferential stress components are present in the adhesive layer due to Poisson's effect. This leads to a high level of stress triaxiality especially when only axial loading is considered. The experimental tests performed on eight different loading modes show that the adhesive behaves better under shear stress rather than under normal tensile stress, and its strength increases under compressive mixed mode loading. Among literature criteria for equivalent stress, the Stassi D'Alia criterion provides a clear equivalent failure stress value for the adhesive here examined, regardless of the stress triaxiality.  相似文献   
The aim of this research is to optimize the geometry of the overlap in mixed adhesive single- and double-lap joints using a modified version of Bees and Genetic Algorithms (BA and GA). Accounting for adherends Poisson's ratio in the deduced equilibrium equations, the proposed shear lag model gives a more accurate approximation of joint failure load in comparison with Volkersen's solution. The objective functions used in this work are used separately to maximize the load bearing capacity f and the specific strength (f/w) of the joint. This procedure is applied to optimize aeronautical adhesively bonded assemblies, while taking manufacturing constraints into account. The employed constraints are the application of yield criterion on adherends as well as geometrical constraint on the overlap length. The proposed straightforward procedure provides 18 optimal configurations amid a wide range of changes for optimization variables, among which the designer can take a choice, depending on his/her goal. The efficiency of the two employed algorithms, BA and GA, in searching for the optimum geometrical design of the mixed adhesive joints have also been investigated. The results show the more robust and efficient performance of the modified version of BA over GA in such kinds of engineering problems.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new mode-dependent cohesive zone model for the simulation of metal to metal adhesive joints is directly determined. Three consecutive steps have been taken into account for this end. First, double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF) specimens are utilized for the direct experimental extraction of the traction-separation laws (TSLs) for adhesive bonded joints subjected to pure mode I and mode II, respectively. Next, the results are implemented to obtain the relative cohesive zone parameters for defining the simplified Park-Paulino-Roesler cohesive zone model (S-PPR CZM). Finally, mixed-mode characteristics parameters are derived for an arbitrary mode-mixity ratio based on pure mode TSLs. The model is further implemented in ABAQUS® commercial software to be verified against the experimental results of pure mode loadings which leads to the direct extraction of TSLs. The experiments conducted on the strength of single lap joint (SLJ) and scarf joint (SJ) specimens, commonly tested for mixed-mode loading, confirm the accuracy of the developed mixed-mode S-PPR model for different mode-mixity conditions.  相似文献   
An experimental and theoretical investigation is described on the effects of viscoelasticity and geometric and material nonlinearity in rubber-toughened graphite/epoxy adherends. Single-lap joints, with adherends of a matrix-dominated layup and a brittle epoxy adhesive layer, were tested under two constant loading rates to failure; axial strains were measured at several locations on the surface of the adherends. Aluminum and fiber-dominated laminate adherends were also studied for comparison. Finite element analyses of the adhesive joint were made using linear and nonlinear viscoelastic characterizations of the composite. The experimental work is discussed first. Then we describe the constitutive theory and its implementation in the finite element analysis, after which the theoretical ane experimental results are presented and compared.  相似文献   
SiC particulates were mixed with Ag–Cu–Ti powders to fabricate SiCP/Ag–Cu–Ti (SICACT) sheets by tape casting process, which were used to braze the sintered SiC ceramics with the structure of SiC/Ag–Cu–Ti foil/SICACT sheet/Ag–Cu–Ti foil/SiC. Microstructure and joining strength both at room temperature and at high temperature were characterized by electron probe X-ray microanalyzer, electron dispersive spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and flexural strength test. The SiC particulates from the SICACT sheets were randomly distributed in the filler alloy matrix and reacted with Ti from the filler alloy. Reaction products TiC and Ti5Si3 were found in the interfacial reaction layer. With the increase in SiC particulates volume fraction, the joining strength at room temperature first increased, and then decreased, which was affected by both CTE mismatch and the thickness of the reaction layer. In addition, the joining strength of joints brazed using SICACT sheets at 600?°C can reach 197 MPa, which was obviously higher than that brazed using Ag–Cu–Ti filler alloy.  相似文献   
This paper outlines an experimental study on the shear behaviour of structural silicone adhesively bonded steel-glass orthogonal lap joints. In the combination of steel plate and glass panel to form a hybrid structural glazing system, bonded joints with structural silicones can provide certain flexibility which relieves stress peaks at critical points of glass panel. The cohesive failure and its related fracture pattern of test joints with varied geometries of adhesives are examined experimentally. It is shown that the presence of two failure modes as discrete voids and macro cracks is closely related to the adhesive thickness. The effects of geometric parameters of adhesives on the joint shear strength are examined. It is demonstrated that the joint shear strengths are increased with increased individual overlap length, reduced adhesive thickness or increased adhesive width while the shear deformation corresponding to maximum shear force is mostly influenced by adhesive thickness. Mechanical contributions for those effects are analyzed accordingly. Finally, an analytical formula allowing for the equilibrium of strain and force on the adhesive and adherend is proposed for the analysis of shear strength. It is demonstrated that calculated normalized shear force ratios predicted by proposed formula agree well with those from experimental results.  相似文献   
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