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To increase the output efficiency of a photovoltaic (PV) system, it is important to apply an efficient maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique. This paper describes the analysis, the design and the experimental implementation of the tracking methods for a stand-alone PV system, using two approaches. The first one is the constant voltage (CV) MPPT method based on the optimum voltage, which was deduced experimentally, and considered as a reference value to extract the optimum power. The second one is the increment conductance (Inc-Cond) MPPT method based on the calculation of the power derivative extracted by the installation. The output controller can adjust the duty ratio to the optimum value. This optimum duty ratio is the input of a DC/DC boost converter which feeds a set of Moto-pump via a DC/AC inverter. This paper presents the details of the two approaches implemented, based on the system performance characteristics. Contributions are made in several aspects of the system, including converter design, system simulation, controller programming, and experimental setup. The MPPT control algorithms implemented extract the maximum power point (MPP), with satisfactory performance and without steady-state oscillation. MATLAB/Simulink and dSpace DS1104 are used to conduct studies and implement algorithms. The two proposed methods have been validated by implementing the performance of the PV pumping systems installed on the roof of the research laboratory in INSAT Tunisia. Experimental results verify the feasibility and the improved functionality of the system. 相似文献
Sangwook Lee Jin Young Kim Kug Sun Hong Hyun Suk Jung Jung-Kun Lee Hyunho Shin 《Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells》2006,90(15):2405-2412
Core-shell-type nanoparticles with TiO2 cores and CaCO3 shells were applied as the electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells. The performance of the cell was significantly improved (as high as 26.7%) compared to the case when un-coated TiO2 particle film was used as electrode. The improved energy conversion efficiency has been ascribed to (i) enhanced dye adsorption due to the high isoelectric point of the overlayer, and (ii) the prevention of the back electron transfer by the insulating nature of the overlayer. 相似文献
介绍了安康水电站表孔消力池运行中出现的问题,多次补强加固采取的处理措施及其效果,分析了尚存的隐患和运行风险,提出了从根本上消除其缺陷隐患的设想。 相似文献
在实际环境中,目标的点散射函数不再是理想的德尔塔函数,导致待检单元中的信息会泄漏到相邻的训练单元,这将造成杂波协方差矩阵估计的不准,因此本文提出一种联合距离门的空时自适应处理方法。该方法先通过时域滑窗后滤波的处理方式来降低杂波的自由度,再利用相邻距离门上数据相关性进行联合处理,最终构造出新的杂波协方差矩阵,消除因数据信息泄露带来的影响,以达到消除地杂波的目的。最后将该方法应用于实测的数据处理中,证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。 相似文献
数字矢量地图的实际应用受到数据安全性的限制,数字水印技术是解决该问题的重要辅助手段.在二维矢量地图数据中嵌入水印需要充分考虑地图数据及其应用环境的特殊性.现有算法所暴露的一个共同的缺陷是水印的嵌入会破坏原始数据的形状特征.本文提出了一种基于数据统计特征的鲁棒水印算法,该算法以地图曲线特征点提取为基础,水印的嵌入能够尽量保持曲线本身的形状特征.实验表明该水印方案具有较好的隐蔽性和鲁棒性,能够抵抗地图几何变换、数据简化、插值,以及小幅度的加性噪声. 相似文献
利用组件技术实现基于器官装配的虚拟作物 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
文章将组件技术引入虚拟作物的构建过程,给出了虚拟作物器官的组件模型以及构建基于该组件模型的组件装配工具的方法和步骤.同时给出了一种基于生长点的作物器官组件对象生长依赖关系建立方法,最终利用这一方法将作物器官组件对象装配成完整的虚拟作物. 相似文献
Josef Eichinger Karl Heinz Mhrmann Jrg Sommer Wolfgang Zirwas Alfred Plattner Stefan Willke 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2001,14(3):319-331
Broadband networks using wireless transmission techniques are a quick and flexible means of implementing subscriber access. Unoccupied frequency bands with sufficient bandwidth to allow the transmission of digital signals at very high bit rates are found only in the microwave bands. Because the path loss is fairly high at these frequencies, the diameter of radio cells is limited to a maximum of a few kilometres. This results in a microcellular system, which is best implemented in the form of a point‐to‐multipoint system, where one radio‐base station serves all subscribers registered in that radio cell. An interactive, broadband, ATM‐based radio local loop has undergone successful trials in Munich. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Li Ying Li Yingqiu 《电工标准与质量》1998,(2)
定义了两参数标准马氏过程.由此引入了两参数标准马氏过程于“初始时间z”自x出发的条件下,属于将来的事件A(即Fz中集A)的概率Pz,x(A)的概念,讨论了两参数标准马氏过程关于Pz,x的马氏性,Ez,x的可测性及表示等. 相似文献
超大直径铝合金环形件轧制工艺研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
超大直径铝合金环形件是运载火箭关键联结件,研究开发大型铝合金环件的轧制工艺是我国航天工业的需求。西安重型机械研究所在国产5m径-轴向数控轧环机上进行了5m铝合金环件的轧制工艺试验,采用合理、可行的轧制工艺,成功的轧制了Φ5000mm/Φ4707mm×300mm铝合金环形件。该轧制工艺高效、节材、环件精度高。 相似文献
X-ray diffraction measurements are reported for 27°C, pressures to 5.2 GPa and concentrations of CF3 units to 0.049 CF3/CF2. These show both orthorhombic and monoclinic structures to exist under high hydrostatic pressure. It is proposed that shear stresses generated at elastic inhomogeneities in the sample lead to the monoclinic phase. Energy calculations are consistent with this concept. They also indicate that conformational and rotational disorders raise the entropy of the high pressure phase III. Perfluoromethyl branches increase the volume/CF2 of phase III more than that of the low pressure phase I. At high CF3 concentrations and pressures, both phases become metrically hexagonal. The volume of transition becomes zero at a concentration near 0.05 CF3/CF2 and no transition is observed to a pressure of 5.2 GPa. There appears to be a critical point near 27°C, a CF3 concentration of 0.05 and a pressure of 3.5 to 5 GPa. 相似文献