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曝气生物滤池设计与施工的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
曝气生物滤池是一种新型的水处理工艺,兼具生物膜法和活性污泥法的许多优点。结合工程实践,从主要参数、池型选择、滤板滤梁、滤头与开孔率、承托层、空气压缩系统、滤头防堵、土建质量、空气管道吹扫以及调试等方面讨论了污水处理上向流曝气生物滤池(UBAF)设计与施工过程应注意的问题。  相似文献   
首先介绍和分析了重力式滤池两种流向 (上向流式和下向流式 )的过滤机理 ,并从多方面阐明了污水深度处理宜采用上向流式滤池的观点 .其次 ,对上向流滤池的运行特性进行了分析 ,从而得出冲洗工序对滤后水质有影响的结论 .最后还介绍了上向流滤池的应用实例及其工艺设计参数 .  相似文献   
GaN-based ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light emitting diodes (LEDs) are of great interest for water disinfection. They offer significant advantages compared to conventional mercury lamps due to their compact form factor, low power requirements, high efficiency, non-toxicity, and overall robustness. However, despite the significant progress in the performance of semiconductor based UV LEDs that has been achieved in recent years, these devices still suffer from low emission power and relatively short lifetimes. Even the best UV LEDs exhibit external quantum efficiencies of only 1-2%.The objective of this study was to investigate the suitability of GaN-based UV LEDs for water disinfection. The investigation included the evaluation of the performance characteristics of UV LEDs at different operating conditions as well as the design of a UV LED module in view of the requirements for water treatment applications. Bioanalytical testing was conducted using Bacillus subtilis spores as test organism and UV LED modules with emission wavelengths of 269 nm and 282 nm.The results demonstrate the functionality of the developed UV LED disinfection modules. GaN-based UV LEDs effectively inactivated B. subtilis spores during static and flow-through tests applying varying water qualities. The 269 nm LEDs reached a higher level of inactivation than the 282 nm LEDs for the same applied fluence. The lower inactivation achieved by the 282 nm LEDs was compensated by their higher photon flux. First flow-through tests indicate a linear correlation between inactivation and fluence, demonstrating a well designed flow-through reactor. With improved light output and reduced costs, GaN-based UV LEDs can provide a promising alternative for decentralised and mobile water disinfection systems.  相似文献   
在宁波大岙垃圾渗滤液处理工程的设计中,针对南方多雨及山谷型地区垃圾填埋场渗滤液的特点,采用了由普通好氧处理、纯氧生化处理、臭氧氧化、综合物化处理等组成的多级生化处理工艺。介绍了工程处理规模及排放标准的确定方法、主要设计参数以及工程实施中需注意的问题。  相似文献   
The ammonia oxidation of a mixed culture enriched from a wastewater treatment plant sludge was monitored by a DO probe and a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) (NAD(P)H) fluorometer. Under fixed aeration, DO reflected ammonia oxidation effectively. According to the DO profiles and the total ammonia concentrations analyzed experimentally, the ammonia oxidation kinetics of the enriched culture was determined. The ammonia oxidation rate was found sensitive to pH, especially at low total ammonia concentrations. At high concentrations of total ammonia, the maximum ammonia oxidation rate occurred at pH 7.6+/-0.1. At low concentrations, the pH sensitivity intensified significantly and the apparent optimal pH shifted higher with decreasing total ammonia concentrations, because NH3 molecules were the true substrate for ammonia oxidation and more NH4+ ions were converted to NH3 molecules at higher pH. The ammonia oxidation kinetics was therefore developed according to the concentration of NH3 molecules, instead of the commonly used total ammonia concentration. The kinetics followed Michaelis-Menten behavior for both DO and NH3 concentration: the maximum rate was 16.7+/-0.7 mg NH3-N/(g TSS-h) and the Michaelis constants for DO and NH3 were (14+/-2)% air saturation and (4.4+/-0.4) x 10(-2) (mg NH3-N/L), respectively. It was also concluded from the study that with or without exogenous organic substances, the NAD(P)H fluorescence of the enriched nitrifying culture was undetectable. The fluorescence did not respond to addition or depletion of substrate (ammonia, glucose, or acetate), change between aerobic and anaerobic conditions, or even KCN addition to kill the culture.  相似文献   
张宇 《土工基础》1998,12(2):15-18,32
从技术、安全、经济等方面,通过对深圳市某排污工程软土地基处理的四种方案的综合对比,说明了在大型工程中合理选择方案的重要性。仅在该工程中的W133-W143采用格栅状双头喷浆搅拌方案代替原设计的单头喷粉方案就为国家节约大量投资。  相似文献   
周中财 《山西建筑》2006,32(5):318-320
以南边跨为主介绍了樵岭前悬灌大桥直线段,边中跨合拢段施工技术方案、施工操作要点及效果,工程实践结果证明了其方案是可行的,保证了工期和质量。  相似文献   
李东田 《山西建筑》2004,30(15):129-130
介绍了塑钢门窗的常见质量问题,从PVC型材、施工安装等方面进行了论述,指出只有以设计为前提,材料为基础,施工为关键,把好验收关,才能确保塑钢门窗的质量。  相似文献   
水解-好氧工艺在氯丁橡胶废水处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李雅忠 《山西建筑》2003,29(11):81-82
结合工程实例,介绍了水解酸化——好氧工艺在处理氯丁橡胶废水中的应用,经实际运行证明,PH等五项主要污染物实现达标排放,COD基本接近排放标准,为橡胶工业废水处理提供了有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
混凝-微滤组合工艺处理饮用水的中试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用处理能力为300m^3/d的混凝-微滤组合工艺处理饮用水。连续监测了系统的处理效果及膜污染特性。结果表明,该系统具有良好的处理效果,出水水质满足《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)的要求。系统运行期间,跨膜压差及膜比通量仅有较小程度的下降,排泥周期由24h变为48h,对膜污染和出水水质均未产生显著影响。  相似文献   
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