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The solid phase epitaxy (SPE) of undoped amorphous Si (a-Si) deposited on SiO2 patterned Si(001) wafers by reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD) using a H2-Si2H6 gas system was investigated. The SPE was performed by applying in-situ postannealing directly after deposition process. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy, we studied the lateral SPE (L-SPE) length on sidewall and mask for various postannealing times, temperatures and a-Si thicknesses. We observed an increase in L-SPE growth for longer postannealing times, temperatures and larger Si thicknesses on mask. TEM defect studies revealed that by SPE crystallized epi-Si exhibits a higher defect density on the mask than at the inside of the mask window. By introducing SiO2-cap on the sample with 180 nm Si thickness following postannealing at 570 °C for 5 h, the crystallization of up to 450 nm epi-Si from a-Si is achieved. We demonstrated the possibility to use this technique for SiGe:C heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) base layer stack to crystallize Si-buffer layer to widen the monocrystalline region around the bipolar window and to improve base link resistivity of the HBT.  相似文献   
Recombinant buckwheat trypsin inhibitor (rBTI) was studied to evaluate if it could enter cancer cells and to determine the mechanism. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled buckwheat trypsin inhibitor (FITC-BTI) entered Hep G2 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. FITC-BTI colocalised with labelled transferrin (Tf) in the punctate structure, implying that rBTI enters Hep G2 cells by clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Incubation of Hep G2 cells with different chemical inhibitors abolished diffuse, but not punctate fluorescence, thus indicating that membrane potential plays a critical role in this process. Impairment of clathrin-mediated endocytosis by RNAi with clathrin heavy chain greatly reduced or completely abolished both diffuse and punctate fluorescence, further supporting a theory of a single route of endocytosis. Consistent with our working hypothesis, Hep G2 cells which were arrested in the M phase did not show any vesicular or diffuse FITC-BTI. We conclude from these results that both endocytosis and membrane potential are required for rBTI entry into Hep G2 cells.  相似文献   
The significance of different variables viz. temperature, time and solvent at constant power in microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE) process of ginger was studied and compared with conventional method. Aqueous ethanol (50%) provided higher yields of extract as well as the highest release of total polyphenols (TPP) than alcoholic solvents. The reason could be the high dielectric constant of aqueous ethanol as compared to alcohols. Microwave heating being a volumetric process, an exposure time of 1 min was found to be sufficient. The better penetration of microwaves and greater solubility at higher temperature resulted in higher yield of TPP and [6]‐gingerol. The resultant extract showed higher radical scavenging activity (RSA) values. Thus, MAE allowed higher recoveries compared to conventional extraction process, with improvement in the quantity and quality of extract in very short period of time.  相似文献   
The potential of fresh and processed Jalapeño and Serrano pepper extracts for the control of lipid oxidation in several systems was investigated. The assays used included β-carotene/linoleate model system, striped corn oil, ground pork meat and Cu(II)-induced oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The results showed that all extracts were effective in at least one system, although their potency varied. Extracts of smoked Jalapeño were particularly effective. The lipid-protective effect of the extracts was mainly due to the presence of phenolic compounds, but other phytochemicals, such as chlorophylls were also involved.  相似文献   
采用酸性荧光黄73对锦纶6进行染色,探讨了染色p H、染色温度、染色时间、Na Cl用量、染料用量对表观色深K/S值的影响,测试了染色织物的荧光效果和色牢度.研究结果表明:染色织物的K/S值随着染色温度的升高和染色时间的延长而逐渐增加,随着染色p H和Na Cl用量的增加而逐渐下降;染色织物具有一定的荧光强度,可满足警示服外的其他服饰的荧光要求.锦纶6的最佳染色工艺为:酸性荧光黄73用量2%(omf),染色p H=5,染色温度高于80℃,染色时间60 min.该工艺下染色的织物具有较好的耐皂洗和耐摩擦色牢度.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that plasma adipokine concentrations of early-lactation dairy cows are related to body condition score (BCS) at calving and to markers of metabolic status of the cow. As part of a larger study with 117 multiparous Holstein dairy cows, which had high BCS (BCS >4.0) or normal BCS (3.25–3.5) at calving, 22 cows were randomly selected (n = 11 per group) to be enrolled in this study. Cows were divided into 2 groups based on their BCS at calving: (1) normal BCS with BCS of 3.35 ± 0.13 (mean ± SD) and (2) high BCS cows with BCS of 4.14 ± 0.17. The 22 selected animals did not have a clinically diagnosed health problem after calving. Blood samples were taken right after calving (d 1) and before morning feeding on d 8, 15, and 21 postpartum concurrently with body condition scoring for all cows. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma adiponectin, leptin, tumor necrosis factor-α, and IL-6. The mean BCS remained highest in high-BCS cows during the first 21 d in milk. Leptin concentrations decreased progressively for all cows after calving. However, differences in BCS at calving were not related to leptin concentrations. Adiponectin, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations were neither influenced by days in milk nor BCS after calving. Leptin and the leptin-to-adiponectin ratio did not show any correlation at any time point during the first 21 d in milk with plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids or β-hydroxybutyrate, which are considered as markers of metabolic status. Only for IL-6 at d 8 did we find a strong correlation with metabolic status indicators. In conclusion, plasma adipokine concentrations during the first 3 wk postpartum were not related to BCS in lactating Holstein cows that were clinically healthy at calving.  相似文献   
通过建立鱼类主要过敏原小清蛋白(parvalbumin,PV)磷酸化反应的条件,研究磷酸化对PV的抗原性及结构影响。将PV和葡萄糖-6-磷酸二钠盐(D-glucose-6-phosphate disodium salt hydrate,G6P-Na2)混合,在不同质量比、反应时间以及反应温度条件下进行干法磷酸化反应。采用Tricine-十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和Dot-blotting检验其聚合类型以及抗原性变化。通过扫描电镜对聚合物的微观结构进行分析,利用圆二色谱仪和ANS探针法分析磷酸化产物的二级结构和疏水性变化。结果显示,在PV与G6P-Na2质量比为1∶4、反应温度80?℃、反应时间80?min条件下生成的磷酸化产物的抗原性最低。磷酸化反应后,产物呈现聚集状态,其二级结构变化较为明显,疏水性明显提高。磷酸化反应对蛋白结构的改变可能是影响PV抗原性降低的主要原因。  相似文献   
Response surface methodology was used to find the optimum ethanol concentration and temperature which maximises the antioxidant activity (AA) of hydroalcoholic extracts from aerial parts of Bidens pilosa L. A rotatable central composite design was used, and the extracts were characterised by the determination of solid concentration (SC), total flavonoid (TFC) and total polyphenol content (TPC). AA was determined through 2,2′‐azinobis (3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulphonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) and 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐pycrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity. Mathematical models showed the significant effects of each variable and allowed to select the optimum conditions of ethanol concentration (62.7%) and extraction temperature (66.2 °C). The optimised extract presented an AA of 804.9 ± 12.2 Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) dry base (d.b.) for DPPH and 515.8 ± 31.8 TEAC d.b. for ABTS. It was observed that both TFC and TPC showed a good correlation with AA of the extracts.  相似文献   
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