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The term “solar architecture”is a very dangerous one. As we were always told, there is architecture as to create shelter for people. We have architecture for big people, small people, white people, black people, any kind of colour of people, healthy people, disabled people. And you start thinking to yourself, making these classifications. Does that help? And you probably have architecture for all of them. So there is disabled architecture or black architecture, lbelieve we should say that there isn't. It is quite simple: there is good architecture and there is bad architecture. Good architecture has to take care of all these factors, of solar energy as well. Probably there is a problem that, particularly in the later years, architects have actually not done that. But if you study history you will come to the conclusion, that the solar “factor” has always influenced good architecture? The Jama Manta Observatory in Jaipur where the Shajahan created enormous buildings to actually follow the paths of the sun, you could say are the purest form of solar architecture, but first of it is beautiful architecture. The same is true for Saint Chapel, it is very good architecture, but it is solar architecture, because it wouldn't work without the  相似文献   
循环冷却水中氯离子对板换材料选择的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对板式换热器腐蚀进行了分析,结合不同氯离子含量、不同温度对不同材料的腐蚀界限,对以循环水为冷却介质的板式换热器由于冷却水氯离子含量对材料选择的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   
Rice bran is a rich source of nutrients and nutraceuticals, which has bio-functional properties. De-oiled rice bran, a major byproduct of rice bran oil industry, is not yet efficiently utilized for human consumption due to its poor edible quality. Various physical processing methods like sieving, pin milling and air classification were applied to upgrade the quality of bran and also to investigate its effect on particle size distribution, content of ash, protein, total dietary fiber, insoluble fiber, soluble fiber and oryzanol as well as total antioxidant activity in bran fractions. Sieve separation resulted in an increase in the content of protein and bio-functional components like soluble fiber and oryzanol as well as total antioxidant activity. Pin milling and sieving resulted in smaller particle size fraction without loss in the content of protein and other bio-functional components and antioxidant activity. Air classification of this material resulted in significant decrease in ash content with moderate increase in protein content and significant increase in the contents of oryzanol and soluble fiber and the total antioxidant activity. This resulted in quality improvement of commercial de-oiled bran viz., reduction in coarse bran fraction (>250μm size particles) from 65% to 0%, content of ash from 14.3 to 13.1 g/100 g, and insoluble fiber from 49.3 to 46.1 g/100 g, and increase in the content of protein from 13.7 to 17 g/100 g, soluble fiber from 2.75 to 4.35 g/100 g, oryzanol from 13.6 to 18.1 mg/100 g, and total antioxidant activity from 61 to 96 mM α-tocopherol equivalent/g. About 30% edible and nutrient rich rice bran, which can be used as an ingredient in the bakery products and health food formulations, was obtained from unutilized commercial de-oiled bran by this process.  相似文献   

Multi-functional radial jet reattachment blow boxes deliver a dry air into the pockets of the dryer section of a paper machine by impinging directly onto the unsuppned sheet in the open diaw. The air flow also maintains or improves the sheet swbility.

The iadial jet reattachment blow box technology pmvides a significant enhancement in drying rates. The theoretical drying results are presented in terms of average drying rates, moisture and temperature pmfiles along the drying section with and without the presence of the multi-functional radial jet reaaachment blow boxes. The thcorclical results indicate that enhancements of drying rates within the range of 8% to 25% are feasible depending on ihe operating conditions and machine configuration.  相似文献   
介绍了空气泡沫驱技术的起源、国内外研究现状,空气泡沫驱驱油机理以及目前空气泡沫驱技术的不足和发展趋势,指出空气泡沫驱技术研究体系的形成、驱油机理的进一步研究、腐蚀问题、产出气体处理以及注气过程中安全风险问题分析是今后研究方向。空气泡沫驱技术可望成为油田挖潜剩余储量最经济有效的方法之一。  相似文献   
综述了国内外利用数值模拟技术优化设计型材挤出定型冷却系统的研究进展,指出了基于数值模拟技术的定型冷却系统的设计方法,并展望了今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   
孙汉玉  张华 《辽宁化工》2011,40(2):167-168
在目前己二酸生产中,用于固体物料干燥的代表性工艺是气流式及沸腾床式2种,对2种T艺在己二酸干燥中应用进行了综合性比较。  相似文献   
In certain laminators for poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) encapsulation process of photovoltaic modules, cooling press (CP) is applied to the module after encapsulation. Here, the effect of CP on the optical transmission through common PV encapsulants is studied. Interestingly, CP is shown to reduce drastically the scattering of the light between 400 and 700 nm traveling through the thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO)-based encapsulant. Post-annealing tests prove this effect to be stable at the temperature up to 85°C. This work has discovered a simple solution to mitigate the milky appearance of the TPO encapsulant and hence greatly enhanced its competitiveness against EVA.  相似文献   
论述小型氮肥厂近年来在煤造气工序中主要设备的更新换代问题;介绍许多优良的新设备和新技术的应用情况。  相似文献   
王志奇  刘晓 《广东化工》2012,39(10):159-161
克石化公司炼化院实验室进行实验时,由于没有补风设备,造成实验室补风困难,采用门窗补风时,造成冬季室内温度偏低,同时造成灰尘直接从室外进入实验室,而且实验室之间气体互串,影响实验精度。因此,在实验楼增设补风系统十分必要。传统的强制补风方式存在以下缺点:一、不能准确控制每个实验室内的大气压在一定范围内,进而不能保证室内微负压。二、不能将送风平均分配到每个实验室。三、送风的过程中消耗了过多的能耗。而采用自压补风通风方式可以在保证补风质量的同时,克服以上缺点。  相似文献   
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