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由于我国北方地区冬季气温较低,冷却塔普遍存在结冰问题,必须采取一定的防冻措施。通过FLUENT软件模拟分析得出进塔水温对塔内不同特征面水温的影响规律,并进一步模拟加装不同层数挡风板后冷却塔内流场的变化。计算结果表明:①当运行工况其它条件不变时,随着进塔水温的升高,塔内不同特征面最低水温升高;②加装一定层数挡风板能使填料下面空气温度场和进风口上沿面空气速度场分布逐渐趋于均匀,有利于防止塔内结冰;③选取进塔水温分别为17.80℃、21.95℃、26.77℃、30.04℃时,分别加装4、3、2、1层挡风板可有效防止塔内结冰。  相似文献   
Nowadays a sustainable development for more efficient use of energy and protection of the environment is of increasing importance. Gas engine heat pumps represent one of the most practicable solutions which offer high energy efficiency and environmentally friendly for heating and cooling applications. In this paper, the performance characteristics of gas engine driven heat pump used in water cooling were investigated experimentally without engine heat recovery. The effects of several important factors (evaporator water inlet temperature, evaporator water volume flow rate, ambient air temperature, and engine speed) on the performance of gas engine driven heat pump were studied in a wide range of operating conditions. The results showed that primary energy ratio of the system increased by 22.5% as evaporator water inlet temperature increased from 13 °C to 24 °C. On the other hand, varying of engine speed from 1300 rpm to 1750 rpm led to decrease in system primary energy ratio by 13%. Maximum primary energy ratio has been estimated with a value of two over a wide range of operating conditions.  相似文献   
基于模型的发动机空燃比控制策略研究与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空燃比的精确控制是现代车用汽油机控制最为关键的技术。发动机平均值模型由于其模型简单、计算时间短、使用方便,且能满足控制设计的要求而被广泛应用。基于模型的空燃比控制技术是当前国内外研究的热点。在建立某型汽油发动机空燃比平均值数学模型的基础上设计了稳态工况下模糊自适应PID控制器,并与传统的PID控制器空燃比控制效果进行了对比。设计了瞬态工况下燃油前馈补偿控制器并进行仿真。仿真结果表明在稳态工况下模糊自适应PID控制策略不仅能够满足实际控制需要,而且比传统的PID控制策略控制效果更好。前馈补偿控制策略能满足瞬态工况下空燃比的控制要求。  相似文献   
柴油公交车在起步和急加速时,由于发动机转速上升缓慢以及增压器的响应滞后使得进气量跟不上供油量的变化,造成烟度排放增加。为了解决这一问题,本文研究了一种用于车载的压缩空气补气系统。在发动机怠速及减速过程中,辅助空气压缩机向高压储气罐充气;当发动机加速时,由电控单元控制的电磁阀将低压气罐中的压缩空气直接喷入进气管,增加气缸充量。车载实验结果表明,该系统可满足实际应用的要求,显著减少了柴油机加速时的烟度排放。  相似文献   
This article presents the concepts of an air-source heat pump for simultaneous heating and cooling (HPS) designed for hotels and smaller residential, commercial and office buildings in which simultaneous needs in heating and cooling are frequent. The main advantage of the HPS is to carry out simultaneously space heating and space cooling with the same energy input. Ambient air is used as a balancing source to run a heating or a cooling mode. The second advantage is that, during winter, energy recovered by the subcooling of the refrigerant is stored at first in a water tank and used subsequently as a cold source at the water evaporator to improve the average performance and to carry out defrosting of the air evaporator using a two-phase thermosiphon. Unlike conventional air-source heat pumps, defrosting is carried out without stopping the heat production. A R407C HPS prototype was built and tested. The basic concepts of the HPS are detailed in part1 of this article [1]. Its performance on defined operating conditions corresponds to the data given by the selection software of the compressor manufacturer. In the present part of this article, the operation of the high pressure control system, the transitions between heating, cooling and simultaneous modes and the defrosting sequence are analysed and validated experimentally.  相似文献   
We have developed an experimental ventilation system that features direct heat exchange between ventilation air and granules containing a phase change material (PCM). Measurement of outlet air temperature when the inlet air temperature was periodically varied to simulate changes of outdoor ambient air temperature showed that the outlet air temperature was stabilized and remained within the phase change temperature range. This effect is expected to be useful in practical ventilation systems. The potential of such systems for reducing ventilation load was examined through computer simulation for eight representative cities of Japan. This revealed how different temperature conditions would affect required heat storage capacity.  相似文献   
本文介绍了变风量系统和定风量系统的特性,并以实际工程为例对两种系统的经济性进行了比较,结果表明虽然变风量空调系统的初投资较大,但它运行时能量消耗少。因此变风量空调系统具有节能、低噪声,室内温度易调节等优点,是值得推广应用的空调系统。  相似文献   
The European Centre for Public Law in Legraina near Athens in Greece is heated and cooled by a combined solar and geothermal system. The main components of the system are a saline groundwater supplying well, water storage tank for 6 h autonomy, inverter for regulating geothermal flow, heat exchanger, two electrical water source heat pumps placed in cascade, fan coils, air handling units, as well as solar air collectors for air preheating in winter. In addition, hot water is supplied to the building hostel by solar water heaters. Monitoring of the energy system during heating showed excellent energy efficiency and performance.  相似文献   
The energy consumption calculation plays an important role in the analysis of project economic and social benefits. In order to calculate energy consumption accurately, this research presents a water temperature of condenser inlet calculation model of river-water source heat pump unit. The feasibility and calculation error of the model had been analyzed. Additionally, the new water temperature calculation model had been validated via an engineering case. The results showed that the hourly water temperature in 24 h could be replaced by daily average water temperature due to little change of the daily water temperature change. In this case, the calculation error could be less than 5%. It is found that despite water temperature has many influenced factors, there is a remarkable relationship between the daily average water temperature and daily average outdoor dry bulb temperature by data analysis (R2 ≈ 0.9). The influence of river sampling location on water temperature calculation of condenser inlet could be ignored due to slight temperature changes (within 0.15 °C). The method proposed in this paper met the engineering accuracy and provided a very effective method for the engineering calculation of energy consumption of water chilling unit.  相似文献   
Low ambient pressures at elevated flight altitudes lead to power losses in fuel cell powered aircrafts. As countermeasure ambient air can be pressurized with a suitable fuel cell air supply system. In this study the influence of low ambient pressures and pressure losses within the system on the performance of two turbo compressors and the resulting stack power are examined theoretically and the findings validated experimentally. Results show that decreasing ambient pressures and pressure losses in front and after the compressor reduce the maximum pressure from 2.4 to 1.6 bar(a) in the examined system. Air compression may require a significant share of the fuel cell stack power and the maximum system power is reduced from 54 to 41 kW. For air pressures higher than 1.8 bar(a) the fuel cell stack power gain due to pressurization is found to be cancelled out by the increasing power required for air compression.  相似文献   
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