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天和家园43kWp屋顶并网光伏发电系统设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了浙江省慈溪市天和家园住宅小区43kWp屋顶太阳能并网光伏发电系统的设计思路,以及系统的具体功能与配置,提出了设计中需要注意的问题及具体的解决方案。包括:①光伏系统提供公用设施用电,在阴雨天时使用城市电网为公用负荷供电;②光伏系统在小区内局部并网,不考虑将电能输入上级城市电网;③太阳能电池组件方阵倾角确定为30°,选用常州天合光能有限公司生产的TSM-175D型高效单晶硅电池组件,分析了组件分组串接原则,确定了布置方案;④并网逆变器选择德国艾思玛(SMA)公司的SMC6000TL型无变压器集中式逆变器和SB5000TL型无变压器多组串逆变器;⑤地下车库照明负荷曲线与日照曲线接近,因此选择地下车库照明和智能化设备用电为光伏系统负荷;⑥简介了防直击雷和防感应雷措施,以及选择电缆和设计支架时应考虑的因素;⑦监控系统选用SMA的Sunny Boy ControlPlus产品。  相似文献   
在后发达经济城市中,个人主义的生产与消费成为新自由主义时期的典型特征。组屋成为新加坡政府建立新自由主义理念的主要平台。许多组屋项目开始发掘不同的主题来渲染与众不同的、大都市特色的生活方式,以回应中产新贵的居住需求。这些项目使原本同质的公共住宅景观逐步异质化,并进而承载新加坡"大都市"的新形象。新的组屋计划延续了组屋作为管制者与公民之间的调解员的角色,不仅为涌现出的新贵阶层提供新自由主义空间,同时也维护了政府的管制平台。  相似文献   
The European Union has been demonstrating its adherence to energy efficiency policy in the last decade. At the main EU summits there were stated the requirements to reduce energy consumption in the EU, and to make it sustainable over the long term. The “20-20-20” promise of a 20% share of renewable energies in total EU energy consumption and a 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2020 was determined in 2007 and affirmed in 2008. The paper deals with the evaluation of some ways of reaching a 20% reduction in primary energy demand in housing. For that purpose some measures leading to such a reduction for a dwelling house are estimated. These measures require an additional investment into the energy performance of a building. For the achievement of goals stated by the European Parliament in energy demand it will be necessary to involve a considerable level of financial and technical support in these spheres. An estimation of the amount of supporting program funds is also presented in the paper.  相似文献   
王承慧 《建筑师》2005,(3):100-104
在家园感普遍缺失的当代社会,住宅提供的经济性、住区功能的完备性、良好的视觉效果都无法弥补这一缺失的遗憾。传统院落住宅由于具备成为原型的特征,因而成为本文的考察对象,试图超越院落的形式表象挖掘出院落与居住生活相契合的本质形态。在原型剖析过程中发现“孤独而非寂寞”的具体化感受——安全感、舒畅感、群体感以及对应的空间组织方式,对其在现代居住环境的应用可能性研究揭示了四个应引起重视的方面——能够保证私密性的空间、接近住宅的交往空间、交通流与交往空间的结合、套型内的院落。  相似文献   
住宅区植物景观研究--以杭州住宅区为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在环境危机日益严重的今天,绿色植物对居住生态环境的平衡与调节作用明显,使植物景观成为住宅区环境景观的重要组成部分.纵观杭州市住宅区植物景观的发展:从早期的简单植树绿化,到如今精心设计、施工和养护管理,已进入新的发展阶段,但仍存在许多问题.采用理论联系实际的方法,以杭州住宅区为例,探讨住宅区植物景观的科学设计方法.  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,中国的城市住区建设被纳入到改革发展的宏观制度环境当中,住房政策经历了一系列重要的调整和变革。受社会制度背景和住房政策影响,中国的住区空间发展也经历了福利制均质单位空间、市场化住区分异和保障制度影响下住区空间等不同阶段。而当前住房保障制度影响下的住区空间发展也面临着新的问题和矛盾。旨在通过对各个时期社会背景和政策制度作用下的城市住区空间回顾及对当前住区问题分析,探讨现阶段中国住区空间发展问题的解决思路。  相似文献   
深圳作为中国对外开放的先行地区,通过投融资方式改革,逐步进行了企业参建保障性住房的探索,深圳市住房和建设局也启动了对此项举措的专项研究,但由于处于探索的初级阶段,问题和困惑较多。本文通对新加坡私人组屋计划的剖析,探究新加坡私人组屋计划实施后停止的原因,总结经验教训,为深圳企业参建保障性住房提供借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper has the objective of improving on the issue of forecasting new housing construction, and highlights differences between space demand and investment demand in housing markets. Further, it indicates how these differences will affect construction decisions. The first step is to identify the factors associated with estimating residential property prices in Hong Kong, based on a demand-supply adjustment process. Specifically, this study examines the role of population growth, transaction volume, inflation and interest rate in determining house prices. Second, based on these estimations, a methodology is developed to estimate the investment demand schedule and new construction of residential property.  相似文献   
Over the past two decades housing pathways have become increasingly differentiated between generations, particularly in advanced societies dominated by owner-occupied tenure systems. Demographic transformations caused by aging and falling fertility rates, along with a more volatile economy and a neo-liberal reorientation of governance have combined to restructure housing conditions. Drawing on empirical research in Japan, this paper illustrates the social origins and impact of generation-based differentiations in housing patterns in that country. It considers the housing experiences of three cohorts: baby-boomers, baby-busters and the ‘lost generation’. The contrast of housing pathways between these generations in Japan illustrates the contemporary dynamics of housing and social processes in homeowner societies.  相似文献   
We estimate the spatial substitution bias based on the difference between a price index (PI) and the true cost of living (COL). This bias is computed at three geographical scales, using several fixed baskets and across different expenditures quartiles. Our results show a significant substitution bias for small geographical units. The choice of the base basket is also relevant for the bias estimation. Finally, the spatial substitution bias is larger for upper side of the expenditure distribution due to the heterogeneity in the consumption basket. This exercise shows that the spatial dimension affects the construction of a price index and that the approach of fixed baskets should be carefully considered in the estimation of spatial price differentials.  相似文献   
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