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根据物质的辐射能量特性,利用微波辐射计可以测量绝缘子表面污秽的天线温度。绝缘子污秽的主要成分是盐分和灰分,而天线温度和等值附盐密度及等值灰密度有着复杂的非线性关系。为了更精确表达其非线性关系,文章提出了基于粒子算法优化最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)的数学模型来描述这种关系。仿真结果表明,利用LSSVM构建的数学模型预测精度很高,且可由模型通过变步长迭代法对绝缘子污秽的等值附盐密度及等值灰密度进行反演,绝缘子污秽的等值附盐密度指标是确定污秽等级和绘制电网污区分布图的主要依据,因此具有很高的工程实际应用价值。  相似文献   
标准增益喇叭天线的准确定标测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
标准增益喇叭天线经常用作天线测量时的增益参考天线,所以,标准增益喇叭天线的增益定标值的准确性决定了被测天线增益测量的准确度。目前国内所使用的标准增益喇叭天线往往采用理论值,不能很好地保证天线测量数据的准确性。介绍了一种通过时域测量技术以及距离影响修正相结合,对标准增益喇叭天线增益值进行准确定标的测量方法。经过实验验证,该方法具有准确度高、易实施、适用于各类型天线产品测量的特点。  相似文献   
本文讨论了地面大型雷达的可移动式天线罩的设计,针对各种设计要求比较和优选了相应的设计方案,使产品的研制获得成功。  相似文献   
A dual‐polarization conversion transmitarray is proposed for a circularly polarized (CP) transmitarray antenna. The designed transmitarray realizes the polarization conversion and gain enhancement for the circular polarization incident wave. The transmitarray can transform the left‐hand circularly polarization (LHCP) wave and the right hand circularly polarization (RHCP) wave into RHCP and LHCP waves, respectively. Two CP patch antennas are designed as source antennas to illuminate the transmitarray and form the transmitarray antenna. The experimental and simulation results show that the designed transmitarray realizes the polarization conversation and the gain enhancement for two CP antennas indeed.  相似文献   
In this article, a multilayered substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) Butler matrix beam‐forming network is proposed, designed, and demonstrated at 24 GHz for automotive radar system applications. The proposed low‐cost SIW structure can be used to develop a highly integrated multibeam antenna platform in automotive radar systems and other applications. In this structure, an SIW H‐plane coupler is optimized with an H‐plane slit to provide the required phase shift. A class of SIW E‐plane 3‐dB couplers in doubled layer substrate are studied and designed as the fundamental building blocks to avoid crossovers usually required in the construction of a Butler matrix. A 4 × 4 matrix is investigated and designed, which shows excellent performance over 22–26 GHz frequency band. Two types of antenna are tested with the proposed matrix scheme. First, an antipodal linearly tapered slot antenna (ALTSA) is incorporated into the Butler matrix to verify the broadband performances. Second, a longitudinal slotted waveguide antenna array is examined to generate radiation patterns in the broadside direction. Measured results agree well with simulated counterparts, thus validating the proposed multilayer SIW design concepts. In the next sections, the use as feeding networks for providing the reconfigurability operation of an antenna will be illustrated. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE , 2012.  相似文献   
利用天基雷达观测低地轨道上的危险空间碎片   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对空间碎片观测中尚未得到确切观测数据的危险碎片的观测需求, 对天基雷达观测的要求和关键技术开展研究, 针对低地轨道上5~ 70 mm 的危险碎片的普查任务提出了适合小卫星搭载的35 GHz 毫米波雷达, 并进行了雷达系统设计。  相似文献   
On‐body communications show highly polarization selectivity in both radio channels and antennas due to the complex body coupling and scattering effects, and full‐space dimension link distribution. To mitigate the polarization variation of on‐body communication links, multipolarization antennas are proposed to adaptively capture the on‐body channel polarization components. In this article, a tri‐polarization antenna design is introduced with its performance evaluated on a simplified three‐layered human chest model including skin, fat, and muscle tissues. The return loss, frequency response, and the radiation pattern of designed antenna are found to be affected by the relative orientation and distance between the antennas and the trunk, indicating the necessity of the antenna emplacement optimization for realistic on‐body communication devices.  相似文献   
In this article, a new design of miniaturized split‐ring resonator antenna using a meander line technique with a simple impedance matching method applicable to UHF‐RFID tags is presented. The new approach is based on the integration of a meander line into the radiating element of SRR to reduce the electrical tag size and a theoretical demonstration to calculate the conjugate impedance matching and directly attach the antenna with the chip. The new SRR antenna, which is printed on the flexible substrate Arlon CuClad 250LX, is designed using Alien Higgs 3 RFID ASIC whose input impedance is 25‐j190. The prototype antenna has a low‐cost compact size (18.28 mm × 18.28 mm) with a read range higher than 4 m within the RFID UHF band and with a roughly 4.2‐m peak range at 915 MHz. As a proof of behavior, a tag prototype is fabricated and measured to operate at a UHF RFID band. Based on some works' results, an optimized design is obtained with a 48% size reduction compared with the classic split ring resonator antenna and with a good impedance matching the antenna with RFID ASIC without the need for any external matching network.  相似文献   
In this article, a dual‐band and wideband omnidirectional circularly polarized (CP) antenna based on the vanadium dioxide (VO2) is investigated. The operating bandwidth of such an antenna can be regulated by altering the outside temperature (T), which is attained by the insulator‐metal transition of VO2. The omnidirectional CP antenna is based on a loop antenna‐dipole model, which is composed of four tilted metal and VO2 resonant units that are loaded around a cuboid and a feeding network for broadening bandwidth. The simulated results show that when T = 50°C (State I), the 10‐dB impedance bandwidth is 45.7% (1.67‐2.66 GHz), and the 3‐dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidth is 40% (1.9‐2.85 GHz). When T = 80°C (State II), the 10‐dB impedance bandwidth is 13.8% (1.62‐1.86 GHz), and the 3‐dB AR bandwidth is 21.8% (1.68‐2.09 GHz). In order to further characterize the concept of the proposed antenna, the related parameters of such an antenna are studied using simulation software HFSS.  相似文献   
作为一种新型无线技术,Mesh网络技术的拓扑结构、关键技术及应用领域一直以来备受关注。通过分析它的多级跳点系统拓扑结构,可以总结出它比传统无线网络具有更大的容量、速率和覆盖范围;它涉及了智能天线、MAC层多址访问等一系列关键技术,应用领域十分广泛。  相似文献   
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