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Assessment of contaminant releases during utilization of used oils is essential for the determination of environmental acceptability. These paper reports the results of the study examining a toxic metal leachability from used engine oil and sludge samples employing leaching test (TCLP). The leaching test indicated that lead in oil samples exceeded 5-ppm concentration level what qualified them as a toxic waste. The samples of contaminated sludge were found to contain high concentration of total lead, barium and chromium, but the leaching test showed concentration below regulatory limit. The total content of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (BETX), and naphthalene in used oil and sludge samples was also determined and was found not to be a significant factor to contamination.  相似文献   
介绍南京水泥工业设计研究院用预分解生产技术对山东水泥厂Φ4×60m预热器窑烧成系统进行的成功技术改造。技改设计指标为:熟料产量保证指标1500t/d,争取指标1700t/d,熟料热耗<3762kJ/kg,熟料28d抗压强度>60MPa。整个工程停产施工耗时仅用48d,烧成系统技改共耗资约3000万元。技改后一次点火投料成功,且点火当月即实现72h达标考核,所有设计指标均达标。  相似文献   
柳树沟磷矿开工时技术力量十分薄弱,以自己培养为主.广泛争取设计院等单位支持.基建工程严格按设计施工,并且建立健全各项规章制度,实行科学管理,安全生产文明生产,扩大生产规模,已由年产9万t扩大到20万t,企业经济效益、社会效益十分显著,成为乡镇矿山典范,磷矿企业的标兵.  相似文献   
This paper proposes an object placement planner for a grasped object during pick-and-place tasks. The proposed planner automatically determines the pose of an object that is stably placed near a user-assigned point on the environment surface. In our proposed method, first the polygon models of both the object and the environment are clustered, with each cluster being approximated by a planar region. The position/orientation of an object placed on the environment surface can be determined by selecting a pair of clusters: one from the object and the other from the environment. We furthermore conduct several tests to determine the position/orientation of the object, namely the Convexity Test, the Contact Test and the Stability Test. We demonstrate that, by using the polygon model of the environment that is obtained by means of conversion of the point cloud, we can determine the position/orientation of an object and can thereby realize a pick-and-place task.  相似文献   
A novel chelating resin containing sulfoxide and diethylene glycol, poly{4‐vinylbenzyl‐[2‐2‐(hydroxyethyl)ethoxyl]sulfoxide} (PVESO) was synthesized using chloromethylated polystyrene (PS‐Cl) as material. Its structure was characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectra, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The adsorption capacities of the resin for Hg2+, Ag+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+ at various pH values were determined. The maximum adsorption capacities for Hg2+ and Ag+ were 1.56 and 0.75 mmol g?1 respectively. The resin had high selectivity for Hg2+ and Ag+ over the pH range 1.0–7.0. The adsorption capacities for Hg2+ and Ag+ under competitive condition were also determined by batch experiment method. In addition, the adsorption kinetics of the resin towards Hg2+ at different temperatures was also investigated. The results showed that the adsorption rate was governed by film diffusion at 20°C and 25°C, by particle diffusion at 30°C and 35°C. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 6054–6059, 2006  相似文献   
在现代社会中,平板电脑、智能手机在人们日常生活的方方面面发挥着巨大的作用。通过分析电子产品在儿童和青少年的视力、身体发育、社交能力和学习能力等方面的负面影响,提出了加强亲子陪伴、合理引导控制等应对措施。  相似文献   
经过60年的发展,陕西煤炭技工院校形成了以服务煤业为特色的专业结构和办学模式,为祖国煤炭发展做出了不可替代的贡献。近年来,由于煤炭市场遇冷,行业技校吸引力持续减弱,如何走出困境,重铸辉煌,作者从整合职教资源,调整管理职能,转换办学模式的角度进行了分析思考,或许能给陕煤技校改革发展提供一些有益参考。  相似文献   
李玲俐 《计算机时代》2014,(4):52-53,56
针对"网络信息安全"教材建设的现状进行分析,提出建设基于工作流导向的任务式实训模式教材的必要性,并从教材的指导思想、整体结构、内容结构及其特色等方面进行了阐述。实践证明,该新型教材的建设和使用能够激发学生学习网络安全知识的兴趣,提升动手能力,有效提高教学质量和效率。  相似文献   
We report a novel method of polyimide (PI) synthesis from prepolymers based on dianhydrides and diacetyl derivatives of aromatic diamines that facilitate the preparation of a melt processable mixture at 300 ± 10°C of the prepolymer and magnetic Nd‐Fe‐B alloy to provide PI‐bonded magnets with enhanced properties. It is shown that chemical structure of the prepolymers strongly influences viscosity behavior via crystallization of the oligoimide in the melt, leading to formation of PI with rigid‐rod like structure. This structural ordering of the prepolymers based on diacetyl derivative of diamine used in this study, if not controlled, leads to exponential increase of melt viscosity with time, making it practically impossible to prepare melt processable mixture of the magnetic particles and the PI prepolymers at elevated temperatures. The results obtained demonstrate that appropriate dianhydrides and diacetyl derivatives of diamines that do not lead to crystallization of oligoimides in prepolymer mixture can be used under controlled processing conditions to prepare melt‐processable PI‐bonded magnets containing rigid‐rod like PI structure that significantly increases thermal stability of the magnets. The temperature dependencies of the magnetic properties of the PI‐bonded magnets under conditions that they are likely to encounter during their service life were found to be remarkably similar to that of commercial thermoplastic magnets such as injection‐molded nylon magnets. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 478–485, 2006  相似文献   
In the presence of rate constraints in actuator, design of cascade controller based on the primary controller conditional integration can result into closed-loop system oscillations. Stability analysis, performed by the describing function technique and confirmed by simulation, demonstrates that the solution based on the Anti-Reset Windup Cascade Control System (ARW CCS) structure is successful. Design and tuning of the ARW CCS secondary controller is a standard ARW single-input single-output problem. In the present paper tuning is proposed for the ARW CCS primary controller. For the serial process modeling simple rules are derived and confirmed by experimental results, obtained on a drum type boiler of a 210 MWe lignite coal fired unit. General design of the ARW CCS is based on the parallel process modeling and optimization of the primary controller. Optimization is performed in the frequency domain, under constraints on the maximum sensitivity, multiplicative uncertainty bound and sensitivity to measurement noise. Simulation and experimental results on a laboratory thermal plant demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed optimization.  相似文献   
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