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G. Albrecht 《Computing》2004,72(1-2):1-12
An algorithm for constructing arbitrary parametric quadratic quadric triangles in rational Bézier form is presented. The algorithm does not require the knowledge of the underlying quadric, an important property in view of applying this method for the interpolation of triangulated 3D data points. The algorithm consists of four steps starting with the arbitrary choice of the three corner points and corner weights of the patch, by then constructing a certain triangle and a tetrahedron by means of which the remaining inner control points and weights are obtained guaranteeing the resulting patch to lie on a quadric surface.  相似文献   
用重心插值配点法对轴向均布荷载下压杆稳定问题进行了研究。采用重心Lagrange插值多项式建立未知函数的微分矩阵,采用配点法将压杆稳定问题的控制方程表示为代数方程组。通过求解代数方程组系数矩阵的特征值和特征向量,得到了精度很高的后屈曲挠度数值和临界载荷数值。实例证明,这种方法原理简单,易于程序实现。  相似文献   
本文回顾广钢60t电炉选型及热调试的情况,并对生产概况进行分析.一年的生产情况表明,60t炉的选型是对的,热调试是成功的,生产的情况是良好的,最高日产23炉,最高班产9炉,最高月产3.23万吨,达到了设计能力.  相似文献   
对基于离散傅里叶变换(DFT)信号处理方式的柯氏质量流量计来说,影响其精度的关键问题是如何实现信号的整周期采样。提出了一种全新的方法,用采样率固定不变的采样数据,通过软件实时地确定信号的频率并且实现信号整周期重新采样。实验结果表明该方法在求取相位差时具有极高的精度。  相似文献   
Low energy arc discharge characteristics was analyzed based on dynamic V-A characteristics model. It draws conclusions that discharge time relates to the source voltage and the product of inductance and stable current, discharge time will increase when the source voltage increases; current reduce rate is in inverse proportion to the value of inductance; arc resistance when the arc occurs is the ratio of minimum arcing voltage to stable current. It also gains the expressions of arc resistance and arc power, arc resistance and arc power both increase as the source voltage increases and decrease as the value of inductance increases. Conclusions above mentioned are helpful to design intrinsically safe circuits.  相似文献   
A time-series database is a set of data sequences, each of which is a list of changing values of an object in a given period of time. Subsequence matching is an operation that searches for such data subsequences whose changing patterns are similar to a query sequence in a time-series database. This paper addresses a performance issue of time-series subsequence matching. First, we quantitatively examine the performance degradation caused by the window size effect, and then show that the performance of subsequence matching with a single index is not satisfactory in real applications. We claim that index interpolation is a fairly effective tool to solve this problem. Index interpolation performs subsequence matching by selecting the most appropriate one from multiple indexes built on windows of their distinct sizes. For index interpolation, we need to decide the sizes of windows for multiple indexes to be built. In this paper, we solve the problem of selecting optimal window sizes from the perspective of physical database design. Given a set of pairs 〈lengthfrequency〉 of query sequences to be performed in a target application and a set of window sizes for building multiple indexes, we devise a formula that estimates the overall cost of all the subsequence matchings performed in a target application. By using this formula, we propose an algorithm that determines the optimal window sizes for maximizing the performance of entire subsequence matchings. We formally prove the optimality as well as the effectiveness of the algorithm. Finally, we show the superiority of our approach by performing extensive experiments with a real-life stock data set and a large volume of synthetic data sets.  相似文献   
A numerical study of the effects of copper and silver vapours on the air arc behavior is performed. The commercial software FLUENT is adapted and modified to develop a twodimensional magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) models of arc with the thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients, net emission coefficient for the radiation model of 99% ai-1% Cu, 99% air-1% Ag, and pure air, respectively. The simulation result demonstrates that vaporization of the electrode material may cool the arc center region and reduce the arc velocity. The effects of Ag vapour are stronger compared to those of Cu vapour.  相似文献   
全电缆贯通线已成为高速铁路建设中电力专业的设计标准,为解决全电缆贯通线发生单相接地故障时电容电流大等问题,采用消弧线圈接地系统是很好的解决方案.通过对消弧线圈接地系统的分析,为类似工程提供借鉴.  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的加快,地下水超采、高层建筑的兴建、建筑容积率和建筑密度的增加以及特殊的地质环境所引起的城市地面沉降日趋严峻。因此,建立一种通用性更强、效率更高的沉降监控模型是十分必要的。Kriging插值以其独特的建模机制,在区域空间插值中已得到广泛应用,而在时域插值中却鲜有研究,借鉴Kriging空间插值模型,研究其在时间域插值的应用具有重要意义。为保证时域模型数据的时间相关性,减少扰动信息累积,需删除早期数据;而为了保证变异函数能真实反映数据的时间分布特征,模型又需要足够的样本数据。为此,探讨了一种基于灰色理论的等维动态Kriging时域插值模型,采用等维动态预测,保证数据时间相关性,减少信息扰动;采用对建模数据量要求较少的灰理论模型来拟合变异函数曲线,解决样本不足的问题,并结合工程实例,验证了该算法的实用性、可靠性和有效性。更多还原  相似文献   
Samples taken at scattered points of a finite-support two-dimensional signal can be interpolated to recover an approximation of the original signal. Given a bound on the number of samples, where should they be placed to enable the most accurate reconstruction? Or, given an error bound for the reconstruction, what is the minimum number of samples required, and where should they be placed? In this paper we introduce search schemes that provide good candidate solutions to these problems, for digital signals. Natural Neighbour Interpolation is used in iterative sample removal and movement processes to obtain sparse sample patterns. For pictures and Digital Elevation Models, fewer samples are required if the interpolant is onlyC 0 continuous at the data sites, than if it isC 1. Retained samples lie on the ridges and valleys of the laplacian.  相似文献   
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