In the pulsed MAG welding with highly precise periodic drop transfer, welding current was analysed by fast Fourier transform (FFT). By this analysis, peculiar frequency of the molten pool was detected by resonance phenomena with the base plate vibration and it was confirmed that peculiar frequency falls according to growth of the molten pool. Furthermore, natural frequency was detected at the natural welding state that is without vibration of the base plate and confirmed by the resonance method with the base plate vibration. To amplify natural vibration of the molten pool, drop transfer pulse was modulated consisting of regular pulse peak current and higher pulse peak current. The higher pulse peak current makes a change in the arc pressure and the molten pool is pushed down in the period of higher pulse. Because short circuit is apt to occur at the time that the molten pool is at the top of the front side, so it is effective for amplifying the molten pool oscillation that higher pulse phase begins at this time instantaneously or somewhat later. According to this, higher peak was gained at peculiar frequency by FFT analysis. It means that amplifying of the molten pool oscillation was successful. Appropriate period of higher pulse for maintaining stable oscillation is from about 1/4 to 1/2 of the oscillation cycle. 相似文献
The soiling of the slag, spatter and the fume, etc., which come into contact with the steel sheet surface with welding, is cleaned making use of steel sphere shot material of large particle diameter, high projection pressure with strong peening processing (below, called strong peening cleaning). In this research, the cleaning state of the soiling with welding and improvement of fatigue strength of the hot galvanized welded joint was inspected, when the surface of a SM490A welded joint was cleaned with strong peening cleaning. The following experimental results were obtained:
The fatigue limit of smooth base metal which received strong peening cleaning at about 320 MPa was remarkably high in comparison with smooth base metal at about 245 MPa.
The fatigue limit of a welded joint which received strong peening cleaning at about 300 MPa was remarkably high in comparison with a welded joint at about 170 MPa.
The strong peening cleaning was highly efficient and the cleaning state was satisfactory.
The cause of the remarkable rise of the fatigue limit (300 MPa) of the welded joint which received strong peening cleaning was because the fatigue limit (about 170 MPa, 57%) of the welded joint was improved (about 130 MPa, 43%) with peening cleaning. It was considered that improvement effects were: a rise (about 68 MPa, 23%) of hardness of the weld toe; relief (about 43 MPa, 14%) of stress concentration; increase (about 136 MPa, 45%) of compressive residual stress; and the decrease (about ? 96 MPa, ? 32%) by increase of surface roughness.
The fatigue strength of the hot galvanized welded joint decreased remarkably. This was thought to be due to the decrease (about HV40) of hardness of the surface, the decrease (about 188 MPa) of the compressive residual stress and the influence of many factors which accompanied hot galvanizing.