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In recent studies, PSO algorithm is applied to solve OPF problem. However, population based optimization method requires higher computing time to find optimal point. This shortcoming is overcome by a straightforward parallelization of PSO algorithm. The developed parallel PSO algorithm is implemented on a PC-cluster system with 8 Intel Pentium IV 2 GHz processors. The proposed approach has been tested on the test systems. The results showed that computing time of parallelized PSO algorithm can be reduced by parallel processing without losing the quality of solution.  相似文献   
In this paper, a framework is presented to solve the problem of multistage distribution system expansion planning in which installation and/or reinforcement of substations, feeders and distributed generation units are taken into consideration as possible solutions for system capacity expansion. The proposed formulation considers investment, operation, and outage costs of the system. The expansion methodology is based on pseudo-dynamic procedure. A combined genetic algorithm (GA) and optimal power flow (OPF) is developed as an optimization tool to solve the problem. The performance of the proposed approach is assessed and illustrated by numerical studies on a typical distribution system.  相似文献   
张闻  孙歆 《浙江电力》2011,(12):78-82
介绍信息安全风险评估的概念和内容,根据浙江省电力系统相关企业的实际情况和特点,详细阐述了可操作的电力信息系统安全风险评估的方法和流程,以及实际操作过程中的技术细节。  相似文献   
于春燕  国栋 《防爆电机》2011,46(3):44-45
根据泵的相似理论中切割叶轮外径泵参数的变化-切割定律,结合各批次产品屏蔽电泵叶轮切割的数据统计,提出了切割叶轮的经验及切割经验系数。  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with water saving for water-loop cooling tower system in power plants. A newly developed water saving device of swirling flow is presented. The key point is that the new water saving device makes the steam swirl up along the device wall rather than engender laminar flow in a corrugated plate. The corrugated plate device can save approximately 10 percent of the total lost water. In contrast to the scale model of corrugated plate water saving device, experimental analyses have demonstrated that the new water saving device of swirling flow is more efficient, with a capacity of saving more than 20 percent of water.  相似文献   
This paper presents an efficient and reliable evolutionary-based approach to solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problem. The proposed approach employs differential evolution algorithm for optimal settings of OPF problem control variables. The proposed approach is examined and tested on the standard IEEE 30-bus test system with different objectives that reflect fuel cost minimization, voltage profile improvement, and voltage stability enhancement. The proposed approach results are compared with the results reported in the literature. The results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
快速三相高斯潮流算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出快速三相高斯潮流算法。因潮流计算给出的未知条件数目多于方程数,所以对发电机进行研究,增加发电机节点的内电势节点,使方程数目等于未知条件数目。对导纳矩阵中的PQ节点对应部分进行消去,得到只有发电机节点的网络。对此网络进行分析,得到PV节点迭代方法。在潮流计算时,分别形成固定的PQ节点、PV节点对应因子表,通过对PQ部分电流前代,将PV节点的有功功率进行修正,由此有功功率对PV方程进行求解,然后将求得的PV电压代入PQ方程进行回代,得到一次迭代计算的解。计算结果表明该方法具有良好的收敛性,虽然迭代次数较牛顿法有所增加,但是计算时间较牛顿法少。  相似文献   
油/气两相流高速电容层析成像可视化系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用电容层析成像(electrical capacitance tomography,ECT)技术,设计了一套应用于油/气两相流检测的高速实时可视化系统。系统硬件采用基于现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate array,FPGA)的全数字化数据采集及处理模块和USB通讯接口,可实现高速数据采集及传输;同时采用基于总变差正则化的图像重建算法重构被测介电分布,该算法具有较好的成像分辨能力和边缘保持性。实验表明,该系统重构图像具有较高分辨率和实时性,同时系统软件功能丰富、界面友好,可以满足实际应用对两相流可视化的要求。  相似文献   
根据特定电容式微传感器后续处理电路的高性能要求。设计一个运算放大器芯片,设计中采用了美国MOSIS公司提供的n阱0.35μm cmos工艺的SPICEBSIM3mos管模型。手算估计芯片的参数,然后采用了两种能系统反映芯片特性的测量电路对设计进行了性能测量。并根据测试结果对设计微出相应调整,从最终测试结果来看。设计的运算放大器具有很好的静态和动态性能。  相似文献   
Critical review of external network modelling for online security analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A critical review of various external network modelling methods for online security analysis is presented. Motivations and derivations of the methods are discussed. Each method is assessed from the point of view of accuracy and of computational and load-flow compatibility. A unified approach to external network modelling which encompasses the desired features of different methods is proposed.  相似文献   
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