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An ILRIS-36D 3-D laser image scanning system was used to monitor the Anjialing strip mine slope on Pingshuo in Shanxi province.The basic working principles,performance indexes,features and data collection and processing methods are illustrated.The point cloud results are analyzed in detail.The rescale range analysis method was used to analyze the deformation characteristics of the slope.The results show that the trend of slope displacement is stable and that the degree of landslide danger is low.This work indicates that 3-D laser image scanning can supply multi-parameter,high precision real time data over long distances.These data can be used to study the distortion of the slope quickly and accurately.  相似文献   
在目前高校人才培养与企业人才需求脱节的背景下,浙江科技学院进行了校企合作办学新模式的探索。通过与企业合作进行“双元制”人才培养,发挥各自的优势开展校企合作办学,联合培养适应现代社会需要的高层次应用型人才。本科教育的“双元制”人才培养模式能够优化教育资源,同时兼顾教育规律和市场规律,提高学生实践和创新能力,提升学生的就业竞争力。  相似文献   
In this paper,taking Nb-Mo alloy system as an example,the equations of concentration of characteristic atoms of alloys in BCC structure were obtained on the basis of the idea of systematic science of alloys and the number of coordination atoms.The concentrations of characteristic atoms in B2-NbMo type ordered alloys were calculated as functions of ordering degree(s) and composition xMo.When s=smax,the concentrations of characteristic atoms of stoichiometric B2-NbMo intermetallic compound are equal to that o...  相似文献   
因子分析法和熵值法在高校科技创新评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已有研究的基础上总结出了一套科学合理并具有可行性的高校科技创新评价指标体系,并把因子分析法和熵值法应用于高校科技创新评价.首先对高校科技创新评价体系的5个一级指标分别进行因子分析,然后运用熵值法对其确定权重.分析结果表明两种方法的结合使用能够简化分析对象的结构,使评价结果更具科学性、客观性.  相似文献   
Full frontal impact theory needs researching and exploring to satisfy the primary safety design of occupant restraint system,avoiding the increasingly "engineering"trend in order to develop and design safety vehicle. After occupant restraint system is simulated by using linear elastic stiffness k,the occupant-vehicle frontal rigid barrier impact model is established. Dynamic equation of dummy chest coupling vehicle is built for full frontal impact based on ordinary vehicle deceleration by Hooke law,and the equation is solved by comparing coefficient and satisfying boundary qualifications. While relative vehicle characteristic parameters are kept unchanging,the actual vehicle deceleration is fitted to the simplified equivalent square wave( ESW),tipped equivalent square wave( TESW) and equivalent dual trapezoids wave( EDTW). Phase angle  and amplitude A of dynamic equations based on ESW,TESW and EDTW are calculated and deduced. The results show that: the dynamic equation of dummy chest coupling vehicle can be well utilized to instruct the primary safety design of full frontal impact for objective vehicle to satisfy chest deceleration demands and the equation based on TESW is best for this design.  相似文献   
A hybrid remotely operated underwater vehicle (HROV) capable of working to the full ocean depth has been developed. In order for the vehicle to achieve a certain survivability level, a self-repairing control system (SRCS) has been designed. It consists of two basic technologies, fault diagnosis and isolation (FDI) and reconfigurable control. For F'DI, a model-based hierarchical fault diagnosis system is designed for the HROV. Then, control strategies which reconfigure the control system at intervals according to information from the FDI system are presented. Combining the two technologies, it can obtain the fundamental frame of SRCS for the HROV. Considering the hazardous underwater environment at the limiting depth and the hybrid operating modes, an assessment of the HROV' s survivability is vitally needed before it enters operational service. This paper presents a new definition of survivability for underwater vehicles and develops a simple survivability model for the SRCS. As a result of survivability assessment for the SRCS, we are able to figure out the survivability of SRCS and make further optimization about it. The methodology developed herein is also applicable to other types of underwater vehicles.  相似文献   
通过产业集聚的EG指数对中国各省份信息服务业的空间集聚程度进行研究,得出集聚程度比较显著.在此基础上,找到这一服务业的两个相关指标,利用产业集中度CRn判断出信息服务业主要集中于北京、广东等六个地区,然后对两指标数据进行无量纲化处理,加权求和得到新的综合指标,最后对这一新指标进行了系统聚类分析,得知这一产业主要集中在北京和广东两个地区.  相似文献   
在定量液压泵供油的系统中给出进、旁油路联合调速的回路,通过对2种进、旁油路联合调速的定量分析,推导出理论计算依据,得出这2种进、旁油路联合调速的调速特点。  相似文献   
介绍了易门铜冶炼厂烟气制酸系统的技术改造工程.从工艺流程、设备复核、工艺参数、设备配置等方面阐述了技改的过程.  相似文献   
研究真空水冷铜坩埚感应炉中模糊控制专家系统。阐述该炉控制系统复杂性 ,介绍模糊控制专家系统的主要结构和各主要部分的功能和一些算法  相似文献   
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