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主要介绍了热电厂近几年来在技术管理方面取得的主要工作经验,以及围绕生产经营开展科技创新所取得的成绩,并且针对当前形势,进一步提出了热电厂今后一个时期科技工作的指导思想、任务目标和措施。  相似文献   
彭发云 《铸造技术》2004,25(10):785-787
用呋喃树脂石英砂工艺生产牵引电机换向器套筒出现变形、裂纹等铸造缺陷,是由石英砂相变膨胀引起,后用高铬刚玉砂代替石英砂得到解决.  相似文献   
为了适应火车全面调速后货运高度的要求,提出了有效的铸模改进方案。对铸模改造前后的使用寿命进行了分析。通过改造达到了降低铝锭垛高的目的,同时延长了铸模的使用寿命。  相似文献   
Abstract. For stationary second-order autoregressive normal processes, the conjecture of uniqueness of the solution of the exact likelihood equations is examined. A sufficient condition for uniqueness is given; this condition is satisfied with very high probability if the number of observations is not extremely small. Moreover, it is shown that not more than two maxima may exist. Examples of data which actually produce a likelihood function with two local maxima are given.  相似文献   
Electroosmotic experiments have been carried out on eight different mixes of hardened cementitious matrixes including concrete, mortar and pastes, different types of binders, carbonated and non-carbonated specimens and different test conditions. From these trials, the zeta potential values have been determined and the optimum experimental parameters and devices have been established. In addition, the influence of the composition of the binder on the zeta potential has been quantified indicating that higher amounts of Al2O3 in the binder lead to higher positive values of zeta potential, while the SiO2 acts just on the opposite side. This has been explained in terms of the different i.e.p. (isoelectric point) for both oxides. Concerning the influence of carbonation, it increases the absolute value of the zeta potential toward more negative values; this behaviour has been attributed to the influence of the specifically adsorbed Ca2+ in the negative sites of the surface in the non-carbonated samples.  相似文献   
油品添加剂在工业中的应用越来越广泛,加入油品中能显著改善油品原有性能或赋予油品某些新的品质。介绍了油品添加剂的生产控制要求,通过对三合仪表自主研发的SHCAN2000系统以及FIX组态软件资料的查阅,设计一套基于现场总线的油品添加剂生产监控系统。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍通过加入特定的表面改性剂,制得了表面改性的活性碳酸钙.并对活化过程中的一系列影响因素,如活化温度、活化时间、碳酸钙悬浊液浓度、表面改性剂用量进行了研究.  相似文献   
本文合成了一系列不同相对分子质量的聚丙烯酸钠,应用于艺术瓷的坯体中,研究了聚丙烯酸钠对艺术瓷坯体强度、变形率的影响,并对聚丙烯酸钠增强机理进行了探讨。结果表明:聚丙烯酸钠可有效地提高艺术瓷坯体的成形强度,减少了坯体的变形率,当增强剂c加入的质量分数为0.6%时,坯体的干燥强度增加率达167.5%,坯体的变形率从50%降低到10%。  相似文献   
《动态网站开发》课程是中职学校计算机专业的核心课程,传统的授课方式以讲授理论为主,实际操作较少,这种方式很难适应现在中职学校的教学,必须打破传统的教学理念,对《动态网站开发》课程进行改革。  相似文献   
文章首先概述潇湘八景在日本传播发展的大致特点,之后重点针对铃木春信的《坐铺八景》这一组作品如何对应潇湘八景的每一个画题逐一做详细探讨,并深入阐释了春信作品如何将江户时代一个普遍的创作手法——“见立”创造性的运用于八景画题的独特特点。  相似文献   
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