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通过料垛码法形成的气流通道大小对倒焰式燃气窑内气流分布以及温度均匀性的影响进行了分析,认为在一定的条件下,通道大小与气体流动速度和流量成正比,根据这一结论,可对倒焰燃气窑内料垛码法起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to predict the turbulent scalar flux at a free surface subject to a fully developed turbulent flow based on a hydrodynamic analysis of turbulence in the region close to the free surface. The effect of the Reynolds number on turbulent scalar transfer mechanisms is extensively examined. A direct numerical simulation technique is applied to achieve the purpose. The surface‐renewal approximation is used to correlate the free‐surface hydrodynamics and scalar transport at the free surface. Two types of characteristic time scales have been examined for predicting turbulent scalar flux. One is the time scale derived from the characteristic length and velocity scale at the free surface. The other is the reciprocal of the root‐mean‐square surface divergence. The results of this study show that scalar transport at the free surface can be predicted successfully using these time scales based on the concept of the surface‐renewal approximation. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012  相似文献   
栗晶  蒋贵丰  王汉封  易超  柳朝晖  郑楚光 《化工学报》2012,63(11):3407-3417
应用PIV两相同时测量方法,对壁面Reynolds数为430的水平槽道稀疏气固两相湍流边界层拟序结构变动特性进行了研究。选取质量载荷为10-4~10-3的110 μm聚乙烯颗粒作为离散相。结果表明,低载荷颗粒仍能显著改变湍流拟序结构,进而影响宏观湍流属性。颗粒重力沉降形成的粗糙壁面增强了壁面附近湍流猝发行为,导致黏性底层中的气相法向脉动速度和雷诺剪切应力显著增大。颗粒与壁面的碰撞加强了低速流体上抛、削弱了高速流体下扫,同时增强了轨道交叉效应,从而抑制了湍流拟序结构发展,显著减小了黏性底层以上区域的法向脉动速度和雷诺剪切应力。此外,颗粒惯性还减小了黏性底层厚度、增大了流向速度梯度,导致气相流向脉动速度峰值增大,且其对应位置也更加靠近壁面。  相似文献   
A numerical study of a dilute turbulent gas‐particle flow with inelastic collisions and turbulence modulation in an Eulerian framework is described. A new interpretation is provided for the interaction/coupling terms, based on a fluctuating energy transfer mechanism. This interpretation provides for a new robust closure model for the interaction terms with the ability to predict the turbulence dampening as well as the turbulence enhancement phenomenon. Further, the model developed herein is investigated along with a variety of other published closure models used for the interaction/coupling terms, particle drag, and solid stress. The models are evaluated against several sets of benchmark experiments for fully‐developed, turbulent gas‐solid flow in a vertical pipe. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012  相似文献   
Micro-particle transport and deposition in a human oral airway model   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Laminar-to-turbulent air flow for typical inhalation modes as well as micro-particle transport and wall deposition in a representative human oral airway model have been simulated using a commercial finite-volume code with user-enhanced programs. The computer model has been validated with experimental airflow and particle deposition data sets. For the first time, accurate local and segmentally averaged particle deposition fractions have been computed under transitional and turbulent flow conditions. Specifically, turbulence that occurs after the constriction in the oral airways for moderate and high-level breathing can enhance particle deposition in the trachea near the larynx, but it is more likely to affect the deposition of smaller particles, say, St<0.05. Particles released around the top/bottom zone of the inlet plane more easily deposit on the curved oral airway surface. Although more complicated geometric features of the oral airway may have a measurable effect on particle deposition, the present simulations with a relatively simple geometry exhibit the main features of laminar-transitional-turbulent particle suspension flows in actual human oral airways. Hence, the present model may serve as the “entryway” for simulating and analyzing airflow and particle deposition in the lung.  相似文献   
Detailed continuous phase flow measurements (mean and RMS velocities) by Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) of a turbulent gas/fibre/liquid suspension in a rotary shear tester have been performed with simultaneous torque measurements. The model system comprises a refractive‐index matched suspension in the 4‐12% wt. range with gas contents up to 15% vol. The two transition points, found by Andersson and Rasmuson (2000), were detected also with gas present and appear at higher impeller speeds with increasing gas and fibre concentrations. Plotting RMS and mean velocities versus impeller speed and power input, it is found that both decrease with increasing gas and fibre contents.  相似文献   
颗粒与液相间的湍流涡旋裂变传质模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湍流在宏观上处于远程混沌无序状态, 而在介微观上处于近程有序状态。从分析湍流场中局 域中涡旋的串级结构出发,通过对N-S方程的涡旋输运形式进行求解, 导出一个具有分形意 义的涡旋群运动表达式,并得到涡旋掠过颗粒表面花费的时间, 然后同Higbie的传质渗透模型相联系,以涡旋的分布函数为权求其数学期望,得到搅拌湍流场中的传质系数表达式,结果与实验数据吻合较好。  相似文献   
用PIV数据估算槽道内湍流动能耗散率   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
湍能耗散率的准确获取对工程实际问题和湍流的理论研究都有着重要的意义.但由于湍能耗散率定义的固有复杂性,其测量一直都是一项有相当难度并具有挑战性的工作.运用PIV对水平槽道内湍流流动进行了测量,详细介绍了运用大涡模拟中亚网格(SGS)应力模型估算湍流耗散率的大涡PIV方法,分析了运用该方法估算湍流耗散率的优势.[JP2]将各种不同方法所得到的结果与DNS结果进行了比较,发现运用修正的Smagorinsky[JP]模型所得结果与其符合最好.  相似文献   
Assessment of Large Eddy Simulations for Agitated Flows   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A characterisation of three commonly used impellers was made in this study by measuring local mean velocities and the fluctuations of these velocities with the LDV technique. The data was used to estimate volumetric flow, velocity fluctuations and turbulent intensity in the impeller region of the tank. The impellers investigated were a high flow impeller, a pitched blade turbine and a Rushton turbine. The cylindrical vessel used was made of Perspex, had a dished bottom (DIN 28013), was equipped with four baffles and had an inner diameter of 0.45 m. It was found that the bulk velocities could be scaled with the tip-speed of the impeller (ND). The flow rate at constant impeller speed increased in the order high flow impeller — Rushton turbine — pitched blade turbine. The corresponding order for the turbulence fluctuation is: high flow impeller — pitched blade turbine — Rushton turbine. The velocity profile of the flow out from the high flow impeller was furthermore, not as smooth as could be expected.  相似文献   
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