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A growing number of software developers use standards as a basis for their quality systems. Some of them go one step further and have their quality systems certified. In this paper, two well-known quality standards, ISO 9000 and the CMM, are compared. It is concluded that both standards are useful but there is a growing need for more specific standards.  相似文献   
本文介绍室内平面绕流磨损试验结果和应用于真机的磨损预估,与刘家峡、葛洲坝机组实测磨损量核算结果差别不大。在此基础上对在建的小浪底机组做了估算,并提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
分析目前净化空调工程中设计、施工、管理等方面存在的问题并提出建议.  相似文献   
需求工程是软件工程生命周期的初始阶段,其最终结果是软件需求规约。本文对需求工程的有关内容进行了剖析,设计了一个基于决定的软件需求工程模型DBSREM,并给出了该模型的实现框架。DBSREM的运作需要知识环境,方法工具和实现技术的支持。  相似文献   
Abstract. The analysis, design, and development model (ADDM) is based on the systems lifecycle process (SLCP) in which analysts begin to understand external client requirements and internal client specifications as they are designing and developing a complex system. In the ADDM, clients and system analysts (SA) continuously interact as the system is being designed, developed, tested and maintained. In the design phase, system development can be altered when it is most cost‐effective. Depending on the type of environment and SA preference and expertise, various interfaces and software and hardware configurations are created during the SLCP. The SLCP ensures effective standardization and continuous quality improvements throughout development. The model follows modern information technology principles to integrate and monitor SLCP phases. A case is presented that describes an application of the ADDM. This case outlines the architecture of an e‐commerce production system (ECPS). The system has a three‐tier structure consisting of the client interface, Java server page (JSP) and database module. The model assists in designing economic production operations in an industrial setting by allowing a client to retrieve current production data needed for operations through the internet.  相似文献   
对我国工程项目管理的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国加入WT0,我国与世界其他国家的合作与交流将更加紧密,工程项目(尤其是国际工程项目)建设的合作和竞争也将越来越亲密和激烈.本文通过对国外工程项目实施的特点与方式,国外工程项目的管理与控制,来分析我国在工程项目管理中存在的不足,并由此对我国的工程项目的发展提出几点建议.  相似文献   
总结了国内外当前建设机械的技术现状,对工程机械的发展趋势进行了多角度分析,并就其未来发展作了展望。  相似文献   
基于价值工程的施工管理技术创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
价值工程作为一门新兴管理技术,自20世纪40年代后期产生以来,已被大量运用于生产管理活动之中,特别是在工程建设领域得到广泛的运用,积累了丰富的经验。文章正是以价值工程理论为基础,着重探讨了其在施工管理过程中的应用,以求进一步推动我国施工管理技术的创新和发展。  相似文献   
耐蚀高强动力弹簧合金3YC42的产品材料质量工程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就航天工程用耐蚀高强卫星动力弹簧合金3YC42进行了产品材料质量工程研究。确证了计算成份按固溶强化、形变强化和库尔纳阔夫状态强化的优化组合是从产品质量要求出发的最佳的成份,组织结构和性能质量工程控制.展示了我国设计与研制高科技领域所需材料及其质量控制的水平和能力。  相似文献   
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