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纬编织物最常见的痴点是布面外观不均匀、纵向条纹疵点、横档、织针以及弹力垫纱疵点等,为避免此类疵点的产生,提高产品质量,同时提高生产效率,介绍了几种通过新开发的纬编机配件进行的技术改造。  相似文献   
随着网络规模的不断扩大和应用方式的多样化,互联网在安全可信方面正面临着挑战.作为可信任下一代互联网的重要基础,研究真实地址寻址技术具有十分重要的意义.本文从体系结构出发,对真实地址寻址结构各个层面的技术实现进行了说明,并介绍了基于CNGI-CERNT2的真实地址寻址试验网.  相似文献   
以钛酸正丁酯和SnCl4·5H2O为前驱体,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了SnO2及Sn/Ti摩尔比为5/1的SnO2-TiO2复合纳米材料,并以此复合材料制备了旁热式气敏传感器,对两者的氢敏性能做了比较,利用第一性原理对其气敏机理进行了理论分析.结果表明,TiO2的掺杂使SnO2导带底部产生了掺杂能级,使SnO2元件电阻下降,并随温度的上升出现先快速下降后缓慢下降2个过程.SnO2-TiO2元件对H2的灵敏性明显优于SnO2元件.吸附H后的SnO2电子态密度变化较小,而SnO2-TiO2的电子态密度则有明显变化,并产生了掺杂能级,导带负移,促进了能带间的电子转移.  相似文献   
12Cr2Mol锻件法兰在进行力学性能检测时,-30℃低温冲击不合格.通过对试样进行理化分析及模拟性试验发现,工件在进行热处理时,正火条件是造成低温性能不合格的关键因素.由于正火温度较低和保温时间较短,使得工件在热处理时奥氏体均匀化程度不好,因此材料的韧-脆转变温度提高,造成低温冲击不合格.  相似文献   
含氮马氏体室温时效和低于175℃回火时有Fe16N2沉淀。Fe16N2的沉淀效应显著,于100℃回火时沉淀效应最大,HV、c/a比和α(220)半高宽均达到最大值。Fe16N2淀淀具有很高的强化效果,纯铁和20钢渗氮后于100℃回火,硬度分别提高58%和62%。Fe16N2的沉淀效应具有广泛的应用前景  相似文献   
Fabrication of hexagonal gallium nitride films on silicon (111) substrates   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
Hexagonal gallium nitride films were successfully fabricated through ammoniating Ga2O3 films deposited on silicon (111) substrates by electrophoresis. The structure, composition, and surface morphology of the formed films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The measurement results reveal that the polycrystalline GaN films with hexagonal wurtzite structure were successfully grown on the silicon (111) substrates. Preliminary results suggest that varying the ammoniating temperature has obvious effect on the quality of the GaN films formed with this method.  相似文献   
The successful replacement of the present generation of corrosion-resistant materials (nitric acid-grade stainless steel and Ti) by Ti-5Ta-1.8Nb, which has better corrosion resistance, depends on its weldability characteristics. This article presents the results of a study on the fabrication, qualification, and microstructural characterization of the welds. Welding was carried out using the direct current electrode negative (DCEN) polarity tungsten inert gas (TIG) (manual) welding method with high-purity Ar shielding. Testing was carried out as per the ASME standard (section IX, welding and brazing). Qualification tests found that the weldment met the required properties. The weldment showed heterogeneous microstructures, which are rationalized based on differences in phase transformation mechanisms that are dictated by the thermal cycles experienced by various microscopic regions. The results, described in this article, confirm that the weldability of the developmental Ti-Ta-Nb alloy is excellent. A preliminary evaluation of the corrosion behavior of the welds showed rates comparable to that of the base metal, establishing that this alloy could be considered as an alternative material for use in highly corrosive environments.  相似文献   
介绍用电位滴定法测定重过磷酸钙中游离P2O5含量的方法。采用设定终点滴定,终点pH值为4.5,开始条件设置滴定前搅拌60s,最大滴定速度0.01mL/min,最小滴定速度0.005mL/min,终点前动态范围pH1.000,终点停止漂移0.02mL/min,测量点时间间隔2.0s,滴定方向选择pH值升高的方向,停止体积为成品重钙10.00mL、鲜钙20.00mL。该方法简便,快速,准确度、精密度高。  相似文献   
本文采用气体蒸发法制备出粒度不到5nm的Sn及其氧化物的超微粉。利用热重,差热分析和X射线衍射谱等测试方法研究了热处理制度对其粒度,成份和气敏特性的影响,发现了SnO_2正交相的存在。  相似文献   
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