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中国传统园林与书法是中国特有的文化现象.有着各自的发展规律,但从审美思想、创作手法和鉴赏习惯上看.存在着审美文化的同构性。通过对前人研究成果的分析与梳理.本文探讨了两者在表层文化结构和深层文化结构的内涵,揭示出两者审美文化异质同构的文化基础.以此丰富园林审美的内容,更准确地把握和构筑园林与书法异质同构的理论框架。  相似文献   
姚亦锋 《建筑师》2012,(6):96-101
魏晋六朝五胡乱华占据中原约300年,建康(南京)作为都城是汉文化代表,此时诞生了山水诗词为基础的自然审美园林,城市建设融合自然山水风景,在中国历史上占据划时代的重要篇章。文人学者以寄情自然山水作为人生境界的追求,园林景观不求华彩瑰丽,而是淡泊素雅,恬静飘逸。玄武湖曾经是六朝帝王的园林,园林内有宫苑、有仙岛、也有猎苑,景观面向紫金山和玄武湖。六朝时期孕育创建的园林艺术开创了中国景观建设发展的新纪元。  相似文献   
中国传统园林中的矮墙多用来分隔空间、衬托景物或遮蔽视线。墙上常设漏窗、洞门、空窗等,形成种种虚实对比和明暗对比,使墙面产生丰富多彩的变化。而属于岭南园林流派的台湾板桥林家花园更是以园内形态各异的各式漏窗闻名于世,其将园林建筑艺术与中华文化心理的结合更是到了登峰造极的地步。本文将就园林漏窗中蕴含的人文之美展开论述。  相似文献   
赵迪  张龙  刘佩怡 《风景园林》2017,24(5):107-115
赅春园位于颐和园万寿山后山,是清漪园早期建造的园林建筑群,现存遗址。该园写仿江南金陵永济寺,抽象地写意镇江的金山和焦山,园林建造巧借天然岩壁、重塑山形地势,营造出攀登山林、一览全景之气势。园内山石设计巧妙运用留山、凿山与掇山等手法,其中清可轩与天然石壁意趣相得,为全园点睛之笔。园内文化内涵深厚,兼具儒、道、释等多元文化,是乾隆皇帝圣王理想的物化体现。本文通过对赅春园进行文献考证、实地调研、测绘和复原设计等研究内容,对其造园艺术进行分析,并探析造园主人乾隆皇帝的园林审美,进而推动万寿山后山遗址群的保护与展示工作。  相似文献   
The main task of this study was to characterize Lithuanian honeys obtained from various sources by their carbohydrate composition and electrical conductivity and to determine if there is any dependence between these characteristics and pollen content. Twenty six samples of honey collected in Lithuania in 2006 during flowering season were analyzed by gas chromatography. Botanical source of honey samples was established by the melissopalynological method: 15 of analyzed samples were unifloral rape (winter and spring), 7 willow and 4 polyfloral honeys. Fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, isomaltose, turanose, trehalose, palatinose, cellobiose, raffinose and panose were identified and quantified in all samples. Glucose was predominant in 22 out of 26 samples. The mean values of fructose and glucose varied from 329.2 to 400.0 and from 346.0 to 426.3 mg/g honey, respectively. The amount of sucrose was 0.7-2.5 mg/g. Some correlations between sugar concentration and the content of pollen were established. The ratios of fructose/glucose, maltose/isomaltose, maltose/turanose, sucrose/turanose, which may be used as indicators for honey authenticity, were calculated. In addition, electrical conductivity was measured and it was found that it varied from 0.27 to 0.89 mS/cm. Unifloral rape honeys had the lowest electrical conductivity. Data obtained was thoroughly compared with previously published results and it was found that the characteristics of Lithuanian honeys in most cases meet international requirements for natural honey. However, the information on honey sugar composition and electrical conductivity was not sufficient for the reliable determination of the botanical origin of honey.  相似文献   
施瑛  潘莹 《华中建筑》2010,28(8):112-115
苏珊·拉斯顿的《英国园林——皇家园林、私家园林和公共园林》一书是研究英国景观发展史的重要文献,全书按时间顺序编写,该文编译自原书第五章,展现了17世纪中后期斯图亚特王朝复辟后英国园林中对林园建造活动的恢复和发展历史过程,对全面了解18世纪英国自然风致园产生的园林文化背景有重要意义。  相似文献   
Due to the numerous uses of honey as a food ingredient and its therapeutic properties, humans consume a lot of it. This study examines the differentiation between honey products derived from various botanical and geographic origins as well as honey products that contain various types of syrup used in honey adulteration. A colorimetric sensor array based on an electronic tongue and multivariate analysis was used to distinguish honey samples from various producing regions in Iran (Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Fars, and Bushehr provinces) and distinct botanical sources (Astragalus, Ziziphus, and Polyfloral). With the advantages of being quick, easy, and inexpensive, the colorimetric sensor array was able to discriminate the honey successfully. Using PLS-DA, the honey samples were classified according to botanical origin with 100% and 95% accuracies for training and cross-validation, respectively. Also, according to the PCA score plot, we were able to distinguish between different ratios of adulterated honey and syrup. The present work aims to use a chemometrics-based sensor array as a quick and non-destructive method for accurate honey classification and authentication.  相似文献   
理查德@哈格(Richard Haag,1923~)是美国最具代表性的风景园林大师之一,其作品避免了以往过于美化自然的做法,注重园林与生态之间的关联,用自然主义手法传达出大量的历史、文化、情感信息,从而创造出独特的景观形态,为人类构筑了回归自然的精神家园.探讨了他的设计理念和手法,对其代表作品西雅图煤气厂公园(GasWorks park)和华盛顿布洛德保护地(Bloedel Reserve)进行了重点分析.  相似文献   
试论中国古典园林意境的表现手法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王福兴 《中国园林》2004,20(6):43-44
认真分析中国古典园林的特点和意境的概念,并从中国自然风景式园林造景;听觉、味觉及时令气候变化;空间特殊经营手法;比拟和联想;匾额、楹联、诗文、碑刻等方面论述园林意境表现手法.  相似文献   
古代文人宅园诗意景观对当今住居审美价值取向的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张纵  赵军  梁南南 《中国园林》2007,23(2):77-81
从中国古代宅园的称谓、起源、功能等阐释入手,引征了著名南朝文豪沈约、晚明文士陆绍珩以及清代画论家笪重光的文论,通过古代文人对于宅居环境的风致特征、景观意象,特别是有关村野乡居环境形成的独有的景维、景域的状情般表述,析出诗意化自然氛围的情综意绪,以古代典籍中记载的宅园景观物态形式的描述,结合构景形式的实例佐证,试图揭示诗意“山林景观”与其涵括、涉及的中国传统生态的哲理性,具有对当代住居审美价值取向一定的启示。  相似文献   
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