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通过分析深部铜矿破碎地段支护失效的原因,建立巷道开挖岩石力学分析模型,对巷道开挖后的破碎圈半径和应力分布进行了计算,根据计算结果,对破碎地段的巷道支护参数进行了设计,设计采用钢筋混凝土和锚杆联合支护方案,混凝土厚度95cm,锚杆长度2m。新的支护方案对破碎地段的巷道支护效果明显。  相似文献   
HVOF sprayed WC based cermet coatings have been widely used in industries as barriers against wear and hydrodynamic cavitation due to their high hardness and relatively high toughness. However, cracking of the coatings can occur during coating production or in service, which can reduce operational performances. It can be difficult to assess the performance impact due to cracks within the coating and as to whether the cracked coatings should be resprayed or removed from service. In this work, artificial cracks of different widths were introduced to liquid fuel HVOF sprayed WC-12Co coating through uniaxial tension of the coated steel substrate to assess the implications of such cracking. Tribological performances of the cracked coatings were examined using rubber wheel dry abrasion, ‘ball on disc’ sliding wear, and ultrasonic cavitation erosion. The results show that the crack deteriorates the abrasive wear resistance of the coating at the initial stage due to preferable mass loss at the cracks. However, after 30?min of abrasion, all the cracked coatings showed the same wear rate as compared to the non-cracked coating, with the abrasive wear resistance acting independent to the crack characteristics. Because the cracks could store wear debris and thus minimize the debris induced abrasion to the coating surface during sliding wear test, both improvement in wear resistance and reduction in coefficient of friction (COF) were detected in the cracked coatings. During the cavitation test, it was found that the mass loss of the specimen increased significantly (up to 75%)with crack width and density suggesting that the crack presence greatly deteriorated the cavitation resistance of the cermet coatings.  相似文献   
Buckling of cracked thin-plates under tension or compression   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Roberto Brighenti   《Thin》2005,43(2):209-224
Plates are easily susceptible to buckling under compression, in particular when plate's thickness becomes sufficiently small with respect to others plate's sizes; such a mode of failure is often prevalent with respect to strength failure. The buckling phenomena under tension loading can also occur, especially in plates containing defects such as cracks or holes; when the buckling load is reached, complex wrinkling deflection patterns in compressed regions develops around such imperfections.In the present paper, the buckling analysis of variously cracked rectangular elastic thin-plates under tension and compression is considered. A short explanation of the buckling phenomena in plates is recalled and several numerical analyses, carried out by using the Finite Element Method (FEM), are performed in order to determine the critical load multiplier, both in compression and in tension, by varying some plates' parameters. In particular, the critical load multiplier is determined for different relative crack length, crack orientation and Poisson's coefficient of the plate's material which is made to range between 0.1 and 0.49.Moreover a simple approximate theoretical model to explain and predict the buckling phenomena in cracked plates under tension is proposed and some comparisons are made with FE numerical results in order to assess its reliability in predicting buckling load multipliers.Finally, the obtained results are graphically summarised (in dimensionless form) in several graphs and some interesting conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   
Cracked straight-through Brazilian disc(CSTBD) samples prepared using two rock materials were used for thermal treatment from room temperature to 700°C. Uniaxial splitting experiments were performed using an automatic electro-hydraulic servo press to study the evolution laws of physical and fracture properties of different deep rock materials under high-temperature geological conditions. The fracture characteristics were measured using an industrial camera and digital image correlation technolog...  相似文献   
Phase coarsening in as-cast solder joints produced by isothermal annealing and by thermo-mechanical cycling (TMC) (-30 to 130°C) was determined and its influence on the plastic deformation kinetics of 63Sn37Pb solder joints was investigated by stress relaxation (SR) tests. The static, isothermal coarsening kinetics were in accord with Senkov-Myshlyaev’s theory. The rate of coarsening by TMC was appreciably greater than that by isothermal annealing. The SR curves following TMC exhibited two regions with a stress exponent n > 5 at high stresses (Region A) and n ≈ 2-3 at low stresses (Region B). In both regions, the stress exponent varied in an irregular manner with the mean phase size. In Region A the plastic strain rate at a constant value of τn (τ = shear stress) was relatively independent of the average phase size, while in Region B the strain rate increased with increase in phase size. The activation energy in both regions appeared to be that for lattice diffusion. Possible reasons for the anomalous effects of phase size on the plastic deformation kinetics are offered.  相似文献   
Finite element analyses of a long hollow cylinder having an axisymmetric circumferential internal edge crack, subjected to convective cooling on the inner surface are performed. The transient thermal stress intensity factor is estimated using a domain version of the J-integral method. The effect of the thickness of the cylinder, crack length, and heat transfer coefficient on the stress intensity factor history are studied. The variations of critical normalized stress intensity factor with crack length-to-thickness ratio for different parameters are presented. The results show that if a small inner surface crack begins to grow, its stress intensity factor will increase with increase in crack length, reach a maximum, and then begin to drop. Based on the results, a fracture-based design methodology for cracked hollow pipes under transient thermal loads is discussed.  相似文献   
具有两条裂纹的转子系统的振动研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
温诗铸  郭丹 《机械强度》2005,27(2):135-139
转轴裂纹是旋转机械的常见故障。文中采用数值模拟的方法研究具有两条裂纹的转子系统的非线性耦合振动响应。裂纹对轴段刚度的影响采用断裂力学理论得到,裂纹的开闭状态由裂纹面的应力决定。研究表日月,裂纹的存住引起系统横向、纵向、扭转振动相互耦合,两条裂纹之间的夹角对系统非线性耦合振动有明显的影响。  相似文献   
Shaft misalignment and sliding friction between meshing teeth are considered as primary excitation to generate vibrations and extra dynamic loads on transmitting gear teeth. Time varying mesh stiffness (TVMS) is an important parameter to understand the dynamics of meshing gear pair. Potential energy method is one of the most acceptable methods to calculate TVMS. This paper proposes a computer simulation based approach to study the effect of shaft misalignment and friction on total effective mesh stiffness for spur gear pair. The results showed clearly that misalignment and friction affect TVMS of gear pair. The effect of misalignment and friction has also been studied for cracked gear pair and results are discussed.  相似文献   
Many reinforced concrete structures are subjected to variable loads, but little information is available on the effect of such loading, and the accompanying opening and closing of cracks, on the initiation and propagation of chloride-induced rebar corrosion. The purpose of this paper is to provide that information for reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete and high performance concrete exposed to static or cyclic three-point bending and exposed to salt solution.It was observed that: (i) corrosion occurred only at intersections of the rebar with cracks in the concrete; (ii) high performance concrete was more protective than ordinary Portland cement concrete and (iii) the type of loading had less impact on corrosion than the type of concrete and exposure conditions.  相似文献   
高巍 《当代化工》2014,(2):258-260,266
乙烯是最基本的化工原料之一,对我国经济发展起到重要的支撑作用。结合以往工程设计的实践经验,简要介绍了几种乙烯裂解炉的型式与特点,并就乙烯装置裂解炉的管道设计谈了自己的思路与方法,对裂解炉区重要管系的设计进行了分析和说明。  相似文献   
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