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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) sensors have been used to inspect carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) -reinforced concrete structures exposed to a variety of test conditions. Similar specimens were also used to investigate the detection of delamination between the CFRP and the concrete using a modified wedge test configuration. The use of external electrodes attached to the CFRP surface, coupled with the embedded rebar, provided the best results. Equivalent circuit modeling was used to analyze the impedance spectra. Several circuit parameters, especially the capacitance and constant phase element (CPE) magnitude, correlated very well with both bonded area/delamination and moisture. Both parameters exhibit a linear relationship with delamination area. The capacitance also showed a linear relationship with moisture content while the CPE was more strongly dependent on moisture. Differences in the response of the specimens subjected to the different exposure conditions were seen and explained based on the moisture uptake of the various specimens.  相似文献   
采用成型阴极对冷轧丝杠轧辊进行脉冲电化学光整加工.文章介绍了该方法的基本原理,给出了实验装置,在一定的工艺条件下,对轧辊进行了脉冲电化学光整加工.结果表明,该方法能将轧辊表面粗糙度从0.3μm减小至0.06μm.  相似文献   
气相氧化直接制备多针状氧化锌   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用气相氧化法,在温度850—950℃,氧分压≤8%,气体总流量300~330L/h的条件下,用工业锌粉为原料直接氧化制备出多针状氧化锌。SEM显示产物的中心体直径10—15μg,针状体直径0.2~0.8μm,针长60~100μg,XRD分析检测表明产物具有完整的六方纤锌矿型晶体结构。改变制备条件,可在一定范围内对多针状氧化锌的微观形貌和尺寸进行调控。半宽峰分析表明,随着氧分压的降低,半宽峰有所展开,表明晶体的缺陷增加,晶体缺陷主要是氧空位。  相似文献   
探讨了以Fenton试剂和石灰对苎麻脱胶煮炼废水进行氧化混凝处理的方法.试验表明,当FeSO4·7H20、H2O2(质量分数30%)、饱和石灰乳的投加量分别为3 g/L、3 mL/L和4 mL/L时,CODcr的去除率>50%,色度去除率>90%.更重要的是,处理后出水可部分回用于煮炼生产,从而节约生产用碱量,减少废水排放量,还可提高废水可生化性,为后续生物处理创造条件.该处理方法是一种清洁生产处理方法,具有较广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   
TiN/TiCN多层膜的高温抗氧化性研究对于扩大其应用领域具有重要作用,但目前鲜见相关报道。采用多弧离子镀与磁控溅射技术以不同调制周期在304不锈钢表面共沉积TiN/TiCN多层膜。采用XRD、XPS、倒置显微镜及高温氧化试验研究了多层膜的高温抗氧化行为。结果表明:TiN/TiCN多层膜表面光滑平整、均匀致密,薄膜主要为具有Ti-(C,N)键的fcc-TiN结构;随着调制周期的减小,TiN/TiCN多层膜生长取向发生转变,且具有(111)晶面生长织构;随着氧化温度的升高,多层膜的显微硬度逐渐降低,氧化增重速率不断增大,且在700℃之后变化速率较快,薄膜的开始氧化温度约为750℃;随着调制周期的减小,多层膜TiN与TiCN界面层数量增多,促使晶粒细化,提高了其致密性,还隔断了缺陷贯穿薄膜的连续性,显著降低了薄膜的孔隙率,致使O原子扩散困难,增强了薄膜的高温抗氧化性能。  相似文献   
Birnessite-type MnO2 nanoparticles are synthesized by mixing KMnO4 solution directly with ethylene glycol under ambient conditions. When cobalt exists in the solution, the micro-morphology of the products transforms from conglomeration to dispersive state. The result of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) shows that the product is constructed with nanosphere in sizes of ca. 40 nm. These nanospheres are twisted by nanorods clusters. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern shows that the products are birnessite-type. The electrochemical properties of the prepared materials are studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and galvanostatic charge–discharge test in aqueous electrolyte. The product shows a very high specific capacity of 326.4 F g−1. These results indicate that cobalt has great effects on the micro-morphology and electrochemical properties of manganese dioxide.  相似文献   
Platinum catalyst for CO oxidation has been studied for decades,due to its high activity and good stability.In this work,we prepared three different lantha num oxide or hydroxide supports(LaOx(OH)y),and deposited platinum(Pt) with 0.5 at% via an impregnation approach to synthesize Pt/LaOx(OH)y catalysts.However,we find that these catalysts perform a poor stability for the CO oxidation reaction.The fresh and used samples were comprehensively characterized by multiple techniques including power X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray absorption fine structure(XAFS),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),temperature-programmed reduction by carbon monoxide(CO-TPR) and thermogravimetric analysis(TGA),to demonstrate that the oxidized platinum atoms or clusters,without any component of Pt-Pt metallic bond,are highly dispersed on the surface of LaOx(OH)y.Furthermore,the as-formed lanthanum carbonate(La2O2CO3) during the exposure to ambient circumstances or in the reaction atmosphere of CO+O2,severely impair the reactivity of Pt/LaOx(OH)y.On the basis of the obtained experimental results,we have drawn a conclusion that the oxidized PtOx atoms or PtxOy clusters are the active species for CO oxidation,while the formation of lanthanum carbonate is the origin of deactivation on reactivity.  相似文献   
利用金相显微镜、X射线衍射仪、光谱分析仪等测试仪器,通过对炉管的材质、外观形貌、金相组织、组分组成等方面进行检测,分析了乙烯裂解炉炉管失效的原因.结果表明,材质为Incoloy 800 H合金的裂解炉管可满足乙烯裂解工况的工艺要求,炉管失效主要是由于高温过热引起的氧化腐蚀破坏所致,另外管内介质对腐蚀也有促进作用.  相似文献   
Amphiphilic TiO2 nanotube arrays (TiO2 NTs) were fabricated through electrochemical oxidation of Ti in solution containing H3PO4 and NaF. Scanning electron microscopic analysis shows that the as-prepared TiO2 NTs have an average pore diameter of 100 nm and a wall thickness of 15 nm. The electrochemical oxidation of Ti can be divided into four stages. In the first stage, when the potential is very low, oxygen formation and Ti dissolution are the major reactions. The second stage corresponds to a slightly higher potential, but less than 2.5 V. In this stage, the formation of TiO2 film occurs. When the potential is increased to the even higher range from 2.5 V to 6 V, the TiO2 film dissolves and nanoporous surface structure is generated. This is the third stage. Further increase of the potential enters stage four. The high potentials cause the self-organization of the nanostructure and allow the formation of well-aligned TiO2 NTs. We also found that the change in surface condition of Ti by annealing heat treatment affects the film dissolution kinetics. As compared with TiO2 thin film, the TiO2 NTs show higher photocatalytic activity on decomposing Rhodamine B. The surface of the TiO2 NTs can be wetted by both water and oil. Such an amphiphilic property comes from the capillary effect of the nanochannel structure of the TiO2 NTs. Because of the amphiphilic property and the photocatalytic activity, we conclude that the TiO2 NTs have the capability of self-cleaning.  相似文献   
Highly dispersed,high performance Pt and PtRu catalysts,supported on multiwalled carbon nanotubes(CNTs),were prepared by a high pressure organic colloid method.The particle sizes of the active components were as small as 1.2 nm for Pt and 1.1 nm for PtRu,and the active Pt surface areas were 295 and 395 m2/g,respectively.The catalysts showed very high activities toward the anodic oxidation of methanol,evaluated by cyclic voltammetry,being up to 4 times higher than that of commercial Johnson Matthey Hispec 20...  相似文献   
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