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This paper considers a satellite network with data messages being transmitted by land mobile users according to slotted Aloha multiple access. The mobile communication links suffering from multipath fading and signal shadowing are modelled as Gilbert-Elliott channels. FEC block coding is used to correct transmission errors. The maximum achievable information throughput and the mean packet delay are derived from a combined analysis of the multiple access and FEC/ARQ protocol. The results show that the additional overhead necessary for FEC is outweighed by the benefit in throughput and delay. Finally, the capture effect and its consequences are discussed.  相似文献   
A dose of SBR modifier added to asphalt can improve asphalt's performance in stability, permanence, viscosity, and resistance to aging. Better application performances of asphalt pavement are affected directly by proper SBR modifying. This paper shows some investigations that confirm the relationship between the addition of SBR with the structure and the properties of SBR-modified asphalt. This paper also discusses the modified asphalt high temperature property, low temperature ductility, and mechanism of SBR-modified asphalt. The addition of SBR modifier showed an increase in viscosity, softening point, and elastic recovery of modified asphalt with rising temperature. When the temperature rises, the improvement of SBR-modified asphalt in softening point, elastic recovery, and visco-toughness result from SBR cross-linking. Although the lengths of low temperature ductility of SBR-modified asphalt are increased, the viscosities of modified asphalt increase; however, the softening point between the upper layer and lower layer were about 1.8°C after the isolated experiment.  相似文献   
Land application of residues in short-rotation plantation has a priori the double advantage to meet the nutrient needs of these tree plantations at lower cost while recycling residues. Agronomic and environmental effects of a very wide variety of residues on plants and soils have been studied worldwide. I attempt here to compile and to summarize the results of the studies about the effects of land applications of residues (mostly organic) in plantations or under controlled pot conditions of the three species mostly used for short-rotation coppice: willow, poplar, and eucalyptus. The spreading of most residues causes an enrichment of the soil in nutrients and a subsequent increase in the growth of plants. Manure, compost, sewage sludge, and wastewater seem most effective in stimulating growth. Ashes have less impact on growth. Few negative effects on the plant have been highlighted in response to spreading, except in the case of very rich effluents in salt in response to which growth reduction and leaf loss nevertheless did not lead to plant death. The high transpiration potentials of the fast growing species dedicated to intensive tree plantations allow them to absorb and tolerate, without major damages, nutrients in excess, most heavy metals, and antibiotics. In some cases, heavy metal accumulation in soils following the spreading of residues, but few of them showed leaching or water pollution. Nevertheless, the used doses and the intervals between applications were of primary importance to avoid leakage of undesirable elements in the environment.  相似文献   
TD-LTE多频应用已成为一种趋势,但同时也带来了多种干扰问题,本文就EMC电磁兼容问题展开研究和分析,对干扰的规避提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   
地铁在城市交通出行中扮演重要角色,但近年来电磁干扰影响地铁安全营运事故时有发生。为分析机动车和电气化铁路对车地无线通信系统的电磁干扰,从电磁兼容三要素出发,结合实验测试论证了某地地铁车地系统在开放空间及近距离条件下对机动车和电气化铁路具有较好的电磁兼容性,并针对测试过程中所出现的电磁兼容隐患提出了建议。  相似文献   
本文从认证方式,测试标准,测试项目,测试限值,符合性标签的使用等方面叙述了美国、加拿大、欧盟、澳洲和新西兰对信息技术设备的EMC要求.  相似文献   
"电磁兼容技术"是理论性和工程实践性均较强的一门课程。针对传统教学模式存在的问题,笔者结合自己的科研经验开展了案例导入式教学法的尝试,依据教学进度,精心选择案例,让学生参与进来,从而实现了理论和实践相结合,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   
近些年来,复合材料横向模量的分析受到了普遍的重视,并获得一定进展.本文采用Phillips提出的串联/并联模型,考虑到沿纵向纤维与基体的变形协调,利用材料力学方法,求得具有正方形截面的纤维增强复合材料的横向模量,进而讨论了其它形状纤维截面的应用.  相似文献   
国军标中对加固本军用终端设备电磁兼容性的要求是比较高的,要想使军用终端设备取得良好的电磁兼容性,除 了要加强机箱和电缆的屏蔽外,EMI 电源滤波器的性能对整机的电磁兼容性有着很大的影响,本文主要研究了电源滤波 器在解决电磁兼容性问题中的作用,介绍了电源滤波器的工作原理,分析在实践中对电源滤波器参数的选择,以及在工 程安装使用的正确方法,从而了解和掌握运用电源滤波器解决电磁兼容性问题的方法。  相似文献   
阐述了在无铅转移过程中涉及的可制造性与可靠性问题,包括无铅转移对元器件、印制电路板与焊点的影响以及它们相互之间的兼容问题.重点论述了前向兼容与后向兼容、锡须、空洞与微空洞、可焊性涂层以及如何避免无铅转移中出现的问题.  相似文献   
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