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王华 《宁夏工程技术》2004,3(4):360-362
银川市污水处理厂在处理污水的同时,产生了大量的副产品污泥,为了避免污泥的二次污染.需要进一步处置,针对污水处理厂污泥的处置及利用途径作了初步研究,提出宜采用农田利用的方法进行处置;工业源污泥的处置原则是综合利用,对于近期无法综合利用的污泥,可采用填埋的方法处理.这样既避免了污泥的二次污泥,又可以为农民提供较为廉价的有机农用肥.  相似文献   
The static respiration activity index test was designed to assess the biodegradability (or biostability) of compost samples by monitoring their oxygen consumption rate under cultivation conditions. However, as revealed in this study, the measured activity index correlated not only with the biochemical characteristics of the tested sample but also with the operational conditions, including sample quantity, sample moisture content and cultivation temperature. It was speculated that this observation could be attributed to the limited oxygen transport to the sample. Hence the oxygen transport and consumption in the tested sample were modelled using a one‐dimensional, pseudo‐steady state model to estimate the relative significance of mass transfer resistance to the bioreaction rate. A so‐called critical thickness of the sample, above which mass transfer resistance became significant, was identified and assessed under various experimental conditions. The possible oxygen limitation for the static respiration test to estimate the activity index of compost samples was critically assessed. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the relationships among temperature, moisture, carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio, space per cow, and bacterial counts from bedding material collected from compost bedded pack (CBP) barns. A field survey of 42 routinely aerated CBP barns was conducted in Kentucky between October 2010 and March 2011. Two bedding material samples of 1,064.7 cm3 each were collected during a single site visit from 9 evenly distributed locations throughout each barn and thoroughly mixed to create a composite sample representative of the entire CBP. Bacterial counts were determined for coliforms, Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, and Bacillus spp. University of Kentucky Regulatory Services (Lexington) laboratory personnel performed nutrient analyses to determine moisture, carbon, and nitrogen contents. Surface and 10.2-cm pack depth temperatures were collected for each of the 9 evenly distributed locations and the mean calculated to produce a composite temperature. Space per cow was calculated as the total CBP area divided by number of cows housed on the CBP. The GLM procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) generated models to describe factors affecting bacterial counts. Bacterial counts were 6.3 ± 0.6, 6.0 ± 0.6, 7.2 ± 0.7, 7.9 ± 0.5, and 7.6 ± 0.5 log10 cfu/g of dry matter for coliform, Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, and Bacillus spp., respectively. Composite temperature, CBP moisture, C:N ratio, and space per cow had no effect on coliform counts. Escherichia coli reached a peak concentration when the C:N ratio was between 30:1 and 35:1. Staphylococci counts increased as ambient temperature increased. Streptococci counts decreased with increased space per cow and composite temperature and increased with increasing ambient temperature and moisture. Streptococci counts peaked at a C:N ratio ranging from 16:1 to 18:1. Bacillus spp. counts were reduced with increasing moisture, C:N ratio, and ambient temperature. Mastitis-causing bacteria thrive in similar conditions to that of composting bacteria and microbes, making elimination of these at higher temperatures (55 to 65°C) difficult in an active composting environment. Producers must use recommended milking procedures and other preventative practices to maintain low somatic cell count in herds with a CBP barn.  相似文献   
The effects of pretreatment method of cow dung compost, which was employed as natural hydrogen bacteria source, on the microbial community, population distribution of microbes and hydrogen production potential were investigated in the batch tests. The maximum hydrogen yield of 290.8 mL/L-culture appeared in the pretreated method A (infrared drying) by dark fermentation. The pretreated method of compost significantly affected microbial succession, population distribution of microbes. Both Clostridium sp. and Enterobacter sp. were found to be two species of preponderant hydrogen-producing bacteria, the next best was Bacteroides sp. and Veillonella sp., the last was Lactobacillus sp. and Streptococcus sp., which were also essential. The results showed that the mutualism and symbiosis relations of the mixed bacteria played a critical role in hydrogen fermentation process.  相似文献   
The performance of hydrogen production from cellulose by the cow dung compost enriched continuously in defined medium containing cellulose was investigated. In the initial experiments, batch-fermentation was carried out to observe the effects of different substrate concentration conditions on the rate of cellulose-degrading, growth of bacteria and the capability of hydrogen-producing from cellulose. The result showed that the cellulose degradation decreased from 55% at 5 g/l to 22% at 30 g/l. The maximum cumulative hydrogen production and the rate of hydrogen production first increased from 828 ml/l at 5 g/l to 1251 ml/l at 10 g/l then remained constant beyond 10 g/l. The maximum hydrogen production potential, the rate of hydrogen production and the yield of hydrogen was 1525 ml/l, 33 ml/l.h, and 272 ml/g-cellulose (2.09 mol/mol-hexose) was obtained at substrate concentration 10 g/l, the hydrogen concentration in biogas was 47–50%(v/v) and there was no methane observed. During the conversion of cellulose into hydrogen, acetate and butyrate were main liquid end-products in the metabolism of hydrogen fermentation. These results proposed that cow dung compost enriched cultures were ideal microflora for hydrogen production from cellulose.  相似文献   
以杏鲍菇菌渣为原料,探讨了其固态发酵产漆酶的条件,并对粗酶液在染料脱色中的应用进行了初步探索。结果表明,当添加质量分数4%甘蔗渣、质量分数1.2%硝酸铵、质量分数1.0%碱木素时,杏鲍菇菌渣产酶能力最强,达到386.9 U/gds。相对于杏鲍菇菌渣初始漆酶酶活18.6 U/gds,优化后提高了20倍以上。最适条件下,发酵粗酶液在无介体存在下对甲基红、活性艳蓝K3R、酸性蓝209、活性艳蓝KNR的脱色率分别达到85.8%、85.6%、68.3%、71.2%,在添加介体的条件下活性艳蓝K3R、酸性蓝209、活性艳蓝KNR的脱色率分别达到88.8%、93.4%、89.7%。显示出杏鲍菇菌渣漆酶良好的环保应用前景。  相似文献   
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