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鉴于环状低聚物的诸多危害,归纳了PET中环状低聚物的表征方法,具体介绍了低聚物的分离方法及其性能的研究方法,重点总结了目前减少环状低聚物含量的一些新的措施和方法,以期为今后的相关研究提供参考,并提出应该建立工业上简便易行的环状低聚物含量检测方法。  相似文献   
本文提出了对于推广的卡诺定理的另一种较严密的证明方法,此种证明方法更易于为学生接受,其物理含义更为明确。  相似文献   
Gamma过程退化模型估计中测量误差影响的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究产品性能退化规律并评估其剩余寿命和可靠性特征是维修决策的重要前提和依据。Gamma过程退化模型在性能退化建模和维修最优化方面得到了广泛研究和重视。但是很少考虑测量误差对模型估计的影响。由于观测数据常常受到测量不确定性的影响,所以如果在Gamma退化过程的构造中没有考虑测量误差的影响,就会导致退化动力学的有偏估计。为此,利用EM算法提出了1种统计方法,利用了可以获取的量测信息来克服以上不足。仿真研究说明了考虑测量不确定性的重要性和提出方法的有效性。另外,提出的统计方法也可以被应用于许多类型的随机过程退化模型。  相似文献   
(1) Background: Depending on the type of hydrophilic polymer used, different types of hydrogels may be chemically stable or may degrade and eventually disintegrate, or dissolve upon exposure to sunlight. Many over-the-counter medications are now stored with a limited control of temperature, humidity and lighting. Therefore, in this study, the photostability of a gel made of cross-linked polyacrylic acid (PA), methylcellulose (MC) and aristoflex (AV) was assessed, and the interaction between the polymers used and ascorbic acid and its ethylated derivative was investigated. (2) Methods: The samples were continuously irradiated at constant temperature for six hours. The stability of the substance incorporated into the gels was assessed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. FTIR-ATR infrared spectroscopy was used to measure changes during the exposure. (3) Results: Ascorbic acid completely decomposed between the first and second hours of illumination in all samples. The exception is the preparation based on polyacrylic acid with glycerol, in which the decomposition of ascorbic acid slowed down significantly. After six hours of irradiation, the ethylated ascorbic acid derivative decomposed in about 5% for the polyacrylic acid-based gels and aristoflex, and in the methylcellulose gel it decomposed to about 2%. In the case of ascorbic acid, the most stable formulation was a gel based on polyacrylic acid and polyacrylic acid with glycerol, and in the case of the ethyl derivative, a gel based on methylcellulose. (4) Conclusions: The experiment showed significant differences in the decomposition rate of both compounds, resulting from their photostability and the polymer used in the hydrogel.  相似文献   
受1980年美国华盛顿州圣海伦斯火山爆发的影响,图特河北汊的流域特性、水沙条件和河床边界条件均发生了巨大变化,河流的调整和响应十分迅速,为研究河流受突发剧烈扰动后的河床再调整过程提供了一个很好的范例.本文选取图特河北汉上中游14个测量断面为研究对象,收集了近30年来的水文泥沙和断面资料,对河道的垂向、横向及纵向的形态调整过程进行了全面分析.结果表明,图特河北汉在火山爆发后前3年内的调整最为迅速,后期调整逐渐减缓,并向平衡状态发展,显示了河流受到扰动后调整速率逐渐衰减的重要特征,这一特点是冲积河流自动调整的反映.图特河北汉河床的调整在空间上呈现上冲下淤的特点,河流正是通过河床上冲下淤的调整方式,使得河道比降整体不断变缓,水流能量降低,上游河道冲刷减弱,进而使河流逐渐向平衡状态发展.此外,河岸崩塌展宽也是图特河北汉调整的重要方面,上游源区段和峡谷段的河岸侵蚀主要由河床持续冲刷下切导致,而宽谷段河岸的崩塌主要是由于河道的横向摆动引起.  相似文献   
    分析了干湿循环条件下有机涂层的电化学阻抗谱特征后选取了阻抗变化率参数作为一维自组织特征映射(self-organizing feature map,SOM)神经网络的训练样本,每个样本对输出层神经元都会产生一定的激发水平,根据该神经网络的特性,输出神经元激发水平的变化趋势便可以反映涂层的降解过程.结合涂层阻抗谱的变化特征,可以把干湿循环条件下涂层的失效过程分为三个阶段,即介质渗入涂层过程,介质到达金属表面诱发金属腐蚀过程和腐蚀扩展涂层剥离过程.  相似文献   
The development and prevalence of diseases associated with aging presents a global health burden on society. One hallmark of aging is the loss of proteostasis which is caused in part by alterations to the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) and lysosome–autophagy system leading to impaired function and maintenance of mass in tissues such as skeletal muscle. In the instance of skeletal muscle, the impairment of function occurs early in the aging process and is dependent on proteostatic mechanisms. The UPS plays a pivotal role in degradation of misfolded and aggregated proteins. For the purpose of this review, we will discuss the role of the UPS system in the context of age-related loss of muscle mass and function. We highlight the significant role that E3 ubiquitin ligases play in the turnover of key components (e.g., mitochondria and neuromuscular junction) essential to skeletal muscle function and the influence of aging. In addition, we will briefly discuss the contribution of the UPS system to lifespan. By understanding the UPS system as part of the proteostasis network in age-related diseases and disorders such as sarcopenia, new discoveries can be made and new interventions can be developed which will preserve muscle function and maintain quality of life with advancing age.  相似文献   
循环荷载作用下钢结构滞回性能的数值模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了“塑性铰有限分布”的数值模型用以分析钢结构在循环荷载作用下的滞回性能。经与试验结果比较表明模型简单、易于实施,待进一步完善后,可直接用于对梁及压弯构件的模拟。  相似文献   
碳化硅结势垒肖特基二极管(SiC JBS)是新一代航天器电推进系统的关键部件,但高能粒子辐射严重威胁其可靠性与稳定性。为揭示其辐射损伤机理,为其抗辐射加固设计与考核评估储备数据,本研究基于加速器开展了先进商用SiC JBS 10~20 MeV中能质子地面辐照实验,并提取器件辐照前后的正向伏安特性、反向伏安特性、电容电压等电学参数及缺陷特性。系统分析器件关键特性随辐照条件的改变规律。结果显示,质子辐照引起了器件肖特基势垒升高、载流子浓度降低,且10 MeV较低能质子导致的位移损伤退化更严重。分析认为,PN结界面缺陷导致高性能商用SiC JBS反向电学性能对中能质子的辐照更加敏感,正向特性相对稳定,辐照生碳缺陷造成载流子去除效应是引起SiC JBS性能退化的主要机制。  相似文献   
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