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A model for characterizing changes in viscosity of soy protein during extrusion was adapted to predict apparent viscosity ratio of gelling ovalbumin. For ovalbumin (87% purity) the temperature time histories of 3,5, and 7% gel formation were determined at 85, 90 and 95°C. A back-extrusion method was used to determine apparent viscosity ratios during gelation. Activation energy for denaturation/gelation was estimated at 159 kJ/mol. The model parameter a (degree of molecular entanglement) was 0.75, 0.75, and 1.0 for 3, 5, and 7% gels, respectively. Reaction rate constants were similar for samples with different protein concentrations. Maximum apparent viscosity ratio increased as protein concentrations increased. The mathematical model was verified by determining apparent viscosity ratios at 86 and 93°C and water holding at 90°C, resulting in R2-0.93. This model may be useful in predicting ovalbumin thermal gelation apparent viscosity ratios.  相似文献   
扬州丝绸有悠久的历史,夏代就出产“织贝”,到汉朝已经达到了很高水平。唐代有“番客袍锦”为贡品,鉴真和尚东渡日本带去了不少丝绸制品。明代栽桑、养蚕、缫丝、织绸遍及扬州府所属各州、县,是地方官府的重要田赋收入。  相似文献   
高宪枫 《饮料工业》2009,12(6):14-17
广东糖水是一种具有典型地方文化特色的传统美食.其核心理念是以中医的食疗养生和食物的物性特征为理论基础,结合地域气候特征和食物的配伍原则,将具有特殊功效的食材搭配在一起,制作成各式各样的食用甜点,从而达到调理身体机能和食疗养生的目的.简要介绍了广东糖水的定义、历史、理念以及代表性产品等,并对如何把广东糖水与现代食品工业相结合提出了建议.  相似文献   
张玉柱  栗伟 《酿酒》2009,36(3):12-13
东北白酒有着850多年的历史,目前的现状是酒企众多,区域品牌为主,品牌文化特征明显,东北白酒有着得天独厚的发展优势:原料优势、文化优势、质量优势、价格优势.为了振兴东北白酒应做好以下四方面工作:进行资源和品牌整合,充分发挥老酒企的优势,加强品牌塑造,深入开发品牌核心价值.  相似文献   
An analytic solution for the estimation of structural parameters and initial tensile modulus of plain woven fabrics under uniaxial tensile loading in their linear elastic domain of deformation is presented. For this purpose, a new approach in straight line geometry with a parallel segment to the fabric plane and an inclined segment at the weave intersection in 3D form is proposed which leads to the theoretical estimation of all the structural parameters of plain woven fabrics with saw-tooth geometry. Defining and applying of JJ2 Ratio in the model enable us to modify the geometrical model and estimate the value of structural parameters considering the history of samples influenced mainly by its manufacturing process. The strain energy method and Castigliano’s theorem are used for the mechanical analysis of the structure. The elasticity, bending, shearing, and compression rigidity of yarns are incorporated into the model. It has been shown that predicting the geometrical and mechanical parameters of woven fabrics before production are possible if and only if the crimp value of the fabrics can be estimated before their production. The proposed theory is validated and compared by applying into some experimental data and a previous model.  相似文献   
中国近代酿酒微生物研究史料   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
中国酿酒历史源远流长,对酿酒微生物的研究始于近代。日本人齐藤在1904年就对我国的绍兴酒酿造的丝状菌进行了研究,我国对中国酒曲微生物的研究始于20世纪30年代初。老一辈的科技人员的研究成果及文献,对中国酒曲微生物的种类及分布、菌粪学、酒曲的效用等均作了较详细的记载。这些重要参考史料对研究中国酿酒微生物很有帮助。  相似文献   
试论绍兴黄酒工艺的成型年代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从绍兴黄酒用麦曲的时间推断,绍兴黄酒工艺成型于南宋。随着麦作物在南方的推广,南方制曲原料由单一的大米发展为大米和小麦。南宋初期,大批北方人流寓南方,将北方制曲酿酒技术传播到南方。绍兴黄酒融合了南北酿酒技术之精华,创造出北方麦曲加南方米曲酿酒的独特的绍兴黄酒工艺。  相似文献   
Defined as meat cultured in a laboratory within a bioreactor under controlled artificial conditions, in vitro meat is a relatively recent area that has opened a whole universe of possibilities and opportunities for the meat sector. With improved chemical and microbial safety and varied options, in vitro meat has been proposed as a green, healthy, environmentally friendly, and nutritionally better product that is free from animal suffering and death. Cell culture and tissue culture are the most probable technologies for the development of this futuristic muscle product. However, there are many challenges in the production of a suitable product at an industrial scale under a sustainable production system and a great body of research is required to fill the gaps in our knowledge. Many materials used in the product development are novel and untested within the food industry and demand urgent regulatory and safety assessment systems capable of managing any risks associated with the development of cultured meat. The future of this product will depend on the actions of governments and regulatory agencies. This article highlights emerging biotechnological options for the development of cultured meat and suggests ways to integrate these emerging technologies into meat research. It considers the problems and possibilities of developing cultured meat, opportunities, ethical issues as well as emerging safety and regulatory issues in this area.  相似文献   
近年来,白酒行业掀起的“酱酒热”不可避免的对浓香型白酒消费市场带来了一定的冲击。该文从发展历史、行业概况、风格特点、生产工艺及技术成果等几个方面对建国以来浓香型白酒的整体发展情况进行了简要概述,并进一步对浓香型白酒发展前景进行了展望,以期为浓香型白酒企业及相关工作者提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
赵丰 《丝绸》1995,(10)
中国古代丝绸文物展和中国古代丝绸学术讨论会首次在香港举行。这次盛会汇集了世界各地丝绸史研究专家,从中了解到,对中国古代丝绸的收藏已受到国外收藏家的重视,同时对中国丝绸史的研究近年来也方兴未艾,呈现出一种国际化的趋势。  相似文献   
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