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齐岳 《发电设备》2007,21(5):403-406
对火电厂电气监控系统间隔层设备的通信接口方式及通信协议进行了介绍,并指出了其特点及发展方向。  相似文献   
研究了大型焦炉的能量流,重点分析大型焦炉的高效率能量转换、加热焦炉用煤气热能的节约、焦炉煤气由燃料化利用向资源化利用的提升、焦炉支出热的回收和高效利用;充分论述大型干熄焦装置宜采用高温高压锅炉。  相似文献   
主要从生产组织、工艺优化、余热利用等六个方面介绍了铝及铝合金退火炉节能降耗的方法和措施.  相似文献   
根据我厂的能耗状况,分析并切实有效地强化了职工的节能意识,阐述了本厂的节能举措,论述了近两年来的节能技改项目及节能工作所取得的成效。  相似文献   
将连续混炼过程的有效比能耗分为升温、混炼、脱挥和建压比能耗,并提出了计算各项的一种方法。用该方法对不同机型、不同规格、不同加工对象的连续混炼机的比能耗进行了分析。结果表明,在多数连续混炼过程中,升温比能耗在总有效比能耗中所占比例都较大,建压比能耗所占比例都很小;原料热物性是影响有效比能耗及其构成的根本因素;当原料和混炼产物质量确定时,连续混炼机的螺杆与机筒结构、螺杆直径、产量、混炼工艺等都会影响有效比能耗及其构成。  相似文献   
Boron-doped or phosphorus-doped β-FeSi2 thin films have been prepared on silicon substrate by magnetron sputtering. Effects of Si/Fe ratio on the boron and phosphorus doping efficiencies have been studied from the resistivities of doped β-FeSi2 thin films and current-voltage characteristics of doped β-FeSi2/Si heterojunctions. The experimental results reveal that the carrier concentration and doping efficiency of boron or phosphorus dopants at the Fe-rich side are higher than that at the Si-rich side. The effect of Si/Fe ratio can be deduced from the comparison of the formation energies under two extreme conditions. At the Fe-rich limit condition, the formation energy of boron or phosphorous doping is lower than that at the Si-rich condition. Therefore, the activation of impurities is more effective at the Fe-rich side. These results demonstrate that the boron-doped and phosphorous-doped β-FeSi2 thin films should be kept at the Fe-rich side to avoid the unexpected doping sites and low doping efficiency.  相似文献   
铁路信号设备综合防雷设计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张雪奎 《煤矿机械》2006,27(10):47-49
针对当前信号设备防雷存在的问题,分析铁路信号设备综合防雷设计方案,对信号设备进行分区、分级、分设备的系统防雷设计分析。保证铁路安全运输。  相似文献   
苏原 《真空》2009,46(4)
根据多次真空展的统计数据,总结出第10届国际真空展的四大亮点:参展厂商数及参展外商数、展位数均创历史新高;干泵成展会主角;流通、服务业方兴未艾,国内参展厂商高端产品比重增加.通过参展,作者认为:应从新能源开发,在新一轮产业革命中寻求真空行业发展的新机遇.  相似文献   
研究了通过高能球磨制备TiB2/TiC纳米复合粉体的反应过程和机理,对粉体的显微结构进行了表征.实验结果表明,采用金属 Ti和 B4C为原料,在球磨过程中, TiC先于 TiB2形成.球磨5h后Ti与B4C反应生成TiB2和TiC,在随后的长时间高能球磨过程中TiB2和TiC两相保持稳定.球磨 30h后,直径约 8nm的 TiC纳米粒子分布在 100~200 nm的 TiB2粒子中,形成均匀分布的纳米TiB2/TiC复合粉体.  相似文献   
This paper compares the efficiency of uniform quantization in the spatial domain with frequency dependent quantization in the spatial frequency domain, in the context of the end-to-end performance of visual-communication channels. Results show that the minimum data density required for informationally lossless transmission depends on the design of the image-gathering device. The information in the acquired signal, not the energy, dictates the trade-off between data transmission and visual quality. Frequency dependent quantization that maintains the information capacity of the channel while reducing the entropy of the encoded signal, improves its information efficiency. Information bit-allocation is preferable for optimized visual communication for restoration, whereas energy bit-allocation can be used only for image reconstruction.This research was supported by NASA Task Assignment NAS1-18584-90 with the Department of Mathematics, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529.  相似文献   
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