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多方案控制具有简单实用、可靠性好,稳定性高,性价比高等的优点,在城市交通控制中得到了广泛应用。本研究在利用指数平滑异同移动平均法对缺失交通数据进行修补的基础上,运用快速聚类与系统聚类相结合的混合聚类方法对交通数据进行分析,并以经典的Silhouttte评价指标作为聚类终止条件,同时兼顾/考虑了交通数据时序性,消除聚类结果中的三类“奇异点”,最后利用交通信号配时软件SYNCHRO制定了相应时段的控制方案。相关的案例分析显示,优化后的多时段控制方案可以更好地适应交通流的波动,车均延误减少9.79%,其中时序性考虑可以有效改善控制方案频繁切换对交通流的扰动,避免其负效应对混合聚类改善效果的影响。  相似文献   
袁鑫攀  汪灿飞  龙军  彭成 《计算机科学》2017,44(Z11):494-497
M-Chord是一种基于P2P网络的高维向量索引,其聚类边缘的向量容易与搜索圆频繁相交,使得查找的区域增多,降低了M-Chord的效率。提出一种基于聚类分离的分布式高维向量索引(CS-Chord),将边缘区域的高频检索向量从Chord环中分离出来,集中存储在服务器上,中心区域的向量仍存储于Chord环中,节省了大量资源的定位时间,从而提高检索效率。实验结果表明:在查询半径为0.2时,CS-Chord距离计算次数约为2000,比M-Chord减少了约2500次;CS-Chord消息转发次数约降低150次,仅为M-Chord的50%。  相似文献   
Support vector regression provides an alternative to the neural networks in modeling non-linear real-world patterns. Rough values, with a lower and upper bound, are needed whenever the variables under consideration cannot be represented by a single value. This paper describes two approaches for the modeling of rough values with support vector regression (SVR). One approach, by attempting to ensure that the predicted high value is not greater than the upper bound and that the predicted low value is not less than the lower bound, is conservative in nature. On the contrary, we also propose an aggressive approach seeking a predicted high which is not less than the upper bound and a predicted low which is not greater than the lower bound. The proposal is shown to use ?-insensitivity to provide a more flexible version of lower and upper possibilistic regression models. The usefulness of our work is realized by modeling the rough pattern of a stock market index, and can be taken advantage of by conservative and aggressive traders.  相似文献   
For a given connected graph G of order n, a routing R in G is a set of n(n−1) elementary paths specified for every ordered pair of vertices in G. The vertex (resp. edge) forwarding index of G is the maximum number of paths in R passing through any vertex (resp. edge) in G. Choudum and Sunitha [S.A. Choudum, V. Sunitha, Augmented cubes, Networks 40 (2002) 71-84] proposed a variant of the hypercube Qn, called the augmented cube AQn and presented a minimal routing algorithm. This paper determines the vertex and the edge forwarding indices of AQn as and 2n−1, respectively, which shows that the above algorithm is optimal in view of maximizing the network capacity.  相似文献   
采用单苯环氯取代指数作为氯代二苯并二口恶口英类化合物 (PCDDs)的分子结构描述符 ,通过正向逐步线性回归方法建立了PCDDs的logKow与分子结构描述符之间的定量关系模型。与文献报道的MOD模型相比 ,该模型不仅具有显著的相关性 (n =43,Radj=0 898,SE =0 195 ,在α =0 0 5时 ,F =2 0 45 5 ,p =0 0 0 0 0 ) ,而且对于分子结构具有更好的区分能力。利用建立的模型 ,对没有logKow文献值的其他 33种PCDDs化合物给出了预测值  相似文献   
针对已有的灰色关联度模型仅适用于实数序列而不能应用于区间灰数序列的情况,通过引入决策者心态指标,将区间灰数序列转化为决策者心态指标序列,并且当决策者的心态指标确定时,心态指标序列就转化为实数序列,于是通过对体现决策者心态的实数序列建立灰色关联度模型,得到了反映出决策者心态的灰色关联度,从而构建了基于心态指标的区间灰数关联度模型。决策者处于不同心态时,可以通过调整其心态计算灰关联度,从而使建立的关联度模型更加符合实际。最后,通过计算实例说明了模型的可行性。  相似文献   
在客源时间分布上,计算乌镇游客游览时间强度指数,得到游客游览时间主要集中在二、三季度,并以7、8月份为最高峰。而在客源市场的分布上,鸟镇已经形成了以浙江为核心,上海、北京等地为一级,安徽、河南等地为二级的国内客源市场。在长三角古村落旅游发展迅速的今天,乌镇与周边的周庄、同里等古镇的竞争日益激烈,而旅游产品的创新、加大宣传迅速占领国内二级客源市场等措施将有助于乌镇在竞争中脱颖而出,占领主导地位。  相似文献   
Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC)-stabilized gold organosol in toluene has been prepared by using a two-phase (water-toluene) extraction of AuCl4- followed by its reduction with sodium borohydride in the presence of the surfactant, CPC. The surfactant-stabilized gold nanoparticles were exploited to examine their optical properties when exposed to various solvent systems by measuring the changes in the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectrum.  相似文献   
通过分析QHO电路原理,来阐述路灯监控终端进行开关控制转换的原理。  相似文献   
本文介绍了HID电子镇流器在城市照明中的节能应用。  相似文献   
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