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An effective method was proposed to determine the two organic-phase rate constants of the primary and secondary reactions which have differences in rates. The goal was achieved by employing the reaction of two mixed l-alcohols and dibromomethane in an alkaline solution of KOH/chlorobenzene two-phase medium under phase transfer catalysis. A new product of unsymmetric acetal was obtained in this work. The intermediate ROCH2Br (a-haloalkyl ether) was not detected during or after the reaction when using high reactive alcohols. This result indicated that ROCH2Br was more reactive than the organic reactant CH2Br2. This high reactive a-haloalkyl ether implied that the rate constants of secondary reactions are larger than those of the primary reactions. The resistance of mass transfer of the catalyst ((C4H9)4NBr, QBr) and the active catalyst, ((C4H9 )4NOR, QOR R: c4h9and C8h17) transferring from the aqueous phase to the organic-phase and vice versa were found to be negligible. The organic-phase reaction is a rate-determining step of the phase transfer catalytic reaction, A measured constant concentration of tetrabutylammonium alkoxide (QOR) during the reaction leads to the application of pseudo-first order rate law. The reaction rate constant of ROCh2Br acts 104 larger than that of CH2Br2.  相似文献   
针对均匀开孔波纹塔板的缺陷,开发了一以孔定位开孔波纹塔板,在常温常压下,地不同开孔率的这种波纹塔板,进行了水力及传质性能试验。实验结果表明,与均匀开孔的波纹塔板相比,这种新型波纹塔板的板效率有较明显的提高。  相似文献   
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of a three-phase airlift reactor were studied in a rectangular split-vessel reactor and using an air-seawater-marine sediment system. Experiments were conducted over a range of downcomer to riser cross-sectional area ratios (AD/AR = 0.65 to 1.0) for two-phase systems and for five sediment concentrations (5 to 25% w/v) using marine sediments. The influence of higher sediment concentrations (30 to 50% w/v) was examined for AD/AR = 1. The presence of fine sediment particles in the system had little effect on hydrodynamic and mass transfer parameters compared to the two-phase systems up to 25% loading, decreasing at higher loadings. The airlift reactor was found to meet the dissolved oxygen demand needed for a contaminated sediment treatment process. Axial distribution of the particles was uniform along the riser and the downcomer. Correlations were developed that described the hydrodynamic and mass transfer behaviour for all experimental conditions examined.  相似文献   
This paper deals with average mass transfer between a liquid and both sides of discs arranged as baffles in a cylindrical container. The case of pumped flow alone through the stationary arrangement is first considered; the radial flow between the pairs of stationary discs is divergent and convergent successively. In other experiments, there is no pumped flow, but the discs are rotated between the stationary annular discs. The mass transfer coefficients are measured electrochemically for different geometrical and hydrodynamic conditions and the results are empirically correlated. The behaviour of corresponding surfaces involving a convergent or a divergent radial flow is discussed.  相似文献   
Reduction of chromate in very low concentration (20 ppm) has been carried out in a GBC reactor. Final concentrations below 0.5 ppm have been achieved at reasonable reaction rates. Spontaneous reduction of chromate by hydrogen in a GBC reactor without an external power source requires careful selection of cathode material. Chemically stable materials such as titanium and RVC tend to passivate when in contact with chromate solution and are unsuitable for use as cathode materials. Graphite, active carbon and graphite felt show no obvious passivation. Reduction of oxidized groups and oxygen are the major side reactions. These occur significantly, especially when using an activated carbon bed as a cathode.  相似文献   
Crosslinked poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) modified with a quaternary tetraalkyl ammonium salt, ethyl methacrylate dimethyldodecylammonium bromide, was prepared by exposure of the solid blend to ultraviolet radiation from a high-pressure 150 W mercury lamp. The photochemical crosslinking of the blends proceeded in the presence of benzophenone as a hydrogen-abstracting agent. Gel fraction yield exceeded 85%, equilibrium swelling in water varied from 3.0 to 5.0, and the equilibrium swelling in chloroform from 6.5 to 12.5. The networks obtained have been characterized by elemental analysis, i.r.,1H n.m.r., and d.s.c. measurements and their microstructure, water absorption and equilibrium swelling have been discussed.  相似文献   
Convective drying of wastewater sludges and sawdust/sludge mixtures was studied. The first part of this work was an experimental study performed in a cross-flow convective dryer using 500 g of wet material extruded through a disk with circular dies of 12 mm. The results showed that the sawdust addition has a positive impact on the drying process from a mass ratio of 2/8, on a dry basis, with observed drying rates higher than the original sludge. The second part of this work consisted of developing a drying model in order to identify the internal diffusion coefficient and convective mass transfer coefficient from the experimental data. A comparison was made between fitted drying curves, well represented by the Newton's model, and the analytical solutions of the diffusion equation applied to a finite cylinder. Variations of dimensional characteristics, such as the volume and exchange surface of the sample bed, were obtained by X-ray tomography. This technique allowed us to confirm that shrinkage, which is an important phenomenon occurring during sludge and sawdust/sludge mixture drying, must be taken into account. The results showed that both the internal diffusion coefficient and convective mass transfer coefficient were affected by mixing and sawdust addition. The internal diffusion coefficient changed from 7.77 × 10?9 m2/s for the original sludge to 7.01 × 10?9 m2/s for the mixed sludge and then increased to 8.35 × 10?9 m2/s for the mixture of a mass ratio of 4/6. The convective mass transfer coefficient changed from 9.70 × 10?8 m/s for the original sludge to 8.67 × 10?8 m/s for the mixed sludge and then increased to 12.09 × 10?8 m/s for the mixture of a mass ratio of 4/6. These results confirmed that sawdust addition was beneficial to the sludge drying process as the mass transfer efficiency between the air and material increased. Reinforcing the texture of sludge by adding sawdust can increase the drying rate and decrease the drying time, and then the heat energy supply will be reduced significantly. The study also showed that neglecting shrinkage phenomenon resulted in an overestimation for the internal diffusion coefficient for the convective drying of sludges and sawdust/sludge mixtures.  相似文献   
《Drying Technology》2013,31(6):1163-1176
Osmotic dehydration kinetics of potato slices and cubes was studied using sugar syrup of different concentrations and temperatures. The initial concentration of sucrose was varied from 30 to 65%, and temperature was varied from 22 to 80°C. The equilibrium coefficients for solids ranged from 0.84 to 1.55, and for water it ranged from 0.70 to 1.05. The equilibrium coefficient for solids increased with the increase in temperature while it decreased with the increase in syrup concentration. However, the equilibrium coefficient for water decreased with increasing temperature and it increased with the increase in syrup concentration. A multiple regression analysis of experimental data was carried out to correlate equilibrium coefficients with dimensionless temperature and syrup concentration.  相似文献   
《Drying Technology》2013,31(5):1313-1316
《Drying Technology》2013,31(10):2559-2575
Technology transfer is the art of turning elegant science or technology into a paying proposition. It requires good planning and a lot of hard work, but even these cannot guarantee success. Some examples of paper drying technologies that have enjoyed varying degrees of success have been used as a basis for discussion of some of the barriers to technology transfer and how they might be overcome.  相似文献   
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