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我国的公共照明设备的电能源浪费现象非常严重,以学校图书馆借阅室的照明灯为例,几乎常年、整天的照明造成大量的电能源浪费。结合电子专业的技术知识,通过设计电路图以及对电路图的仿真,并应用相关电子元器件,设计出一个节能控制电路,根据当日的光照水平和阅览室内学生人数,决定照明灯的开关,实物运行效果良好。  相似文献   
研究红外场曝露对于高血糖疾病模型大鼠的影响.主要利用红外场曝露高血糖大鼠30天,然后通过考查红外场曝露对于高血糖大鼠血液组织红外光谱特征的影响来研究红外线曝露对于大鼠血糖水平产生的影响,研究结果认为红外场曝露有助于高血糖大鼠血糖水平的恢复,并进一步通过红外光谱数据的二阶导数谱的分析探讨了红外场曝露对于大鼠血糖水平产生影响的机理.  相似文献   
In order to prevent and eliminate the asphaltene precipitation during gas flooding, the rules of the changes of the pressure under different conditions are systematically studied by the laser solid detection system, the light transmission method, and the PT phase diagram when the asphaltene precipitation occurs. When the pressure is reducing to a certain value, the penetrating light intensity of the crude oil is markedly decreased, which shows that the pressure at this point is the pressure of the onset of asphaltene precipitation (AOPP). The AOPP value decreases with an increase in the temperature. During gas flooding, the AOPP value increases with an increase in the content of gas in the crude oil, and these two nearly do have a linear relationship. According to the PT phase behaviors of the gas–crude oil system, with an increase in the content of gas in the crude oil, the asphaltene precipitation envelope curve (APE) is gradually moved up, which shows that the possibility of asphaltene precipitation is much higher. During oil production, for the oil reservoirs with rich asphaltene, the production pressure drop should be kept a small value to ensure that the flowing bottom-hole pressure is higher than AOPP and it is necessary to help complement producing energy timely by using water injection, gas injection, etc. Besides, according to the intersection of TP curve and APE curve in the PT phase diagram, the location where the asphaltene precipitation occurs in the wellbore can be roughly predicted. The experimental results can provide the theoretical foundation for taking measures to prevent and eliminate the asphaltene precipitation.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a common contaminant in meat and poultry, and causes urinary tract infections after colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, followed by accidental transfer of contaminated feces to the urethra. There is limited information regarding the inactivation kinetics of S. saprophyticus in meat and poultry. When S. saprophyticus was suspended in ground chicken meat (GCM) the thermal processing D10 was 6.26, 0.60 and 0.09 min at 55, 60 and 65 °C, respectively. When S. saprophyticus was inoculated into GCM and subjected to high pressure processing (5 °C, 0–25 min) at 200, 300 or 400 MPa the HPP D10 was 15.5, 9.43, and 3.54 min, respectively. When the S. saprophyticus cocktail was inoculated into GCM and irradiated (5 and −20 °C) the gamma radiation D10 were 0.64 and 0.77 kGy, respectively. When S. saprophyticus was inoculated into chicken purge which was then placed on food contact surfaces including stainless steel, and high density polyethylene and polypropylene and treated with UV-C (0–60 mJ/cm2) the UV-C D10 ranged from 14.9 to 18.5 mJ/cm2. These results indicate the inactivation kinetics for S. saprophyticus are consistent with those for other foodborne pathogens and could be controlled in poultry meat and purge without difficulty.  相似文献   
The use of a nitrogen radio frequency plasma source together with an appropriate quantum well configuration have recently resulted in the successful realization of p-type ZnSe by molecular beam epitaxy. This has enabled a variety of pn heterojunction based devices to be built including the first semiconductor injection lasers operating in the blue/green portion of the spectrum first reported by 3M and the Brown/Purdue group. In this paper, we discuss two lattice matched multiple quantum well structures that produce laser emission in the blue and blue/green portion of the spectrum.  相似文献   
马于光  刘式墉  朱江  沈家骢 《中国激光》1993,20(10):749-752
用溶液沉积的方法制备了染料分散红掺杂的聚苯乙烯膜,并用电场取向的方法对膜中的染料极性分子进行了取向。对取向膜进行的电光测试结果表明取向膜的电光系数r_(33)≈35pm/V较无机晶体要大。  相似文献   
本文利用Karhunen—Loeve展开,在光源空域内对光源场互谱密度进行量子谐振子模分解,发展了一种计算光源场熵的新方法,并精确计算了高斯Schell模光源场的熵,讨论了光源场熵与光源全相干度,光源场模数的关系。  相似文献   
Innovative daylighting systems have four key aims; to increase daylight levels deep within rooms, to improve daylight uniformity, to control direct sunlight and to reduce glare. Results from experimental studies at the Building Research Establishment (BRE) indicated that the systems tested (prismatic glazing, prismatic film, mirrored louvres and light shelves) usually reduced illuminances at the rear of rooms compared with unshaded windows. It is concluded that, in the UK at least, innovative daylighting systems should be designed primarily as shading devices, controlling glare while admitting more daylight than conventional blinds.  相似文献   
崔浩然 《染整技术》1994,16(1):47-49
对棉防羽绒布卷染时,为提高日晒牢度,对各种直接染料进行筛选,并通过多种方法如固色、接枝等谋求提高日晒牢度。最后确定合理选用染料和工艺中提出合理要求。  相似文献   
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