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This review paper details the current status of environmental impact assessment (EIA) legislation framework and procedures of implementation of EIA systems in the Gulf Cooperation Council States. The paper discusses the similarities and the different practice approaches of EIA studies between the States through assessment criteria of EIA systems. Performance evaluation criteria consisting of systematic and foundation measures are used for comparative assessment. This paper hence, seeks to develop a compilation on these EIA systems with regard to its legislation, practices and performance in the respective countries. A set of recommendations on how such practices can be enhanced and improved is presented.  相似文献   
频差存在时广义相关时延估计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王江  杨景曙 《信号处理》2008,24(1):112-114
研究了两个接收站输出信号的频率有差异时的时延估计问题并针对广义相关时延估计提出了改进方法.首先理论推导了频率差异是如何影响广义相关时延估计的,接着应用频域相关函数对频差做准确估计和补偿,最后给出了频差补偿后的广义相关时延估计方法.以四种常用通信信号为例,仿真验证了不同信噪比下提出方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   
This paper concerns the problems of non-fragile guaranteed cost control (GCC) for nonlinear systems with or without parameter uncertainties. The Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy hyperbolic model is employed to represent the nonlinear system. The non-fragile controller is designed by parallel distributed compensation (PDC) method, and some sufficient conditions are formulated via linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) such that the system is asymptotically stable and the cost function satisfies an upper bound in the presence of the additive controller perturbations. The above approach is also extended to the non-fragile GCC of T–S fuzzy hyperbolic system with parameter uncertainties, and the robust non-fragile GCC scheme is obtained. The main advantage of the non-fragile GCC based on the T–S fuzzy hyperbolic model is that it can achieve small control amplitude via ‘soft’ constraint approach. Finally, a numerical example and the Van de Vusse example are given to illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
亚微米重质碳酸钙水中分散的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了亚微米重质碳酸钙(GCC)的应用及制约其应用的关键——均匀稳定的分散,阐述了目前对于亚微米重质碳酸钙在水中分散的研究进展,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
本文介绍了80位浮点运算的编译实现技术,在IA-64平台上针对一套科学计算测试程序进行了性能瓶颈分析。利用IA-64体系结构特点,改进和实现了用户定义函数的自动内联、高级循环变换、数据预取、80位浮点数学库函数内联扩展四种编译优化。测试结果表明,这些优化手段显著提高了80位浮点运算的串行性能和并行性能。  相似文献   
Microfibrillated cellulose(MFC) was first prepared by 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl(TEMPO) oxidation pretreatment and mechanical grinding in the presence of a certain amount of ground calcium carbonate(GCC).The effects of GCC dosage and grinding concentration on the fibrillation were investigated.The obtained MFC was then added to the bulk GCC to form MFC-modified GCC fillers.The properties of MFCmodified GCC fillers were compared to those of the traditional GCC fillers.Results showed that the resulting fibrils became more uniform when the dosage of GCC was 10%~15% and the concentration of the suspension was 6.97%.Compared to traditional GCC,the average particle size of the MFCmodified GCC fillers was larger.Scanning electron microscopy images showed that GCC and MFC formed a bridge structure in the MFC-modified GCC fillers.In the process of papermaking,the MFC-modified GCC fillers decreased the drainage rate but increased the retention of fillers.The prepared papers filled with MFC-modified GCC fillers had higher tensile strength than those filled with traditional GCC fillers.  相似文献   
在构造嵌入式系统开发环境的时候,GCC作为一个成功的开源项目,以其源码开放以及众多的目标体系结构支持,引起人们的关注。然而,人们仍然可能面临一些问题,其中之一就是如果使用的处理器并不在GCC的支持列表中,应该怎么做。针对该问题,GCC良好的扩展机制提供了简单自行编写特定目标体系结构支持后端的机会。该文以实际项目中的MPC5××系列为例,描述如何基于GCC构造开源的嵌入式环境开发工具链。  相似文献   
基于GCC的IF转换算法的分析与改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分支指令是发掘指令级并行(ILP)的一个主要障碍。IF转换能够有效地删除指令流中的分支,通过删除程序中的莱些分支,将控制依赖转换为数据依赖。能够获得更好的调度效果。本文详细分析了GCC中基于IA-64谓词执行的IF转换算法,并改进了其算法。实验数据表明。优化效果明显。  相似文献   
This paper investigates a novel design method for robust nonfragile proportional‐integral‐derivative (PID) control that is based on the guaranteed cost control (GCC) problem for a class of uncertain discrete‐time stochastic systems with additive gain perturbations. On the basis of linear matrix inequality (LMI), a class of fixed PID controller parameters is obtained, and some sufficient conditions for the existence of the GCC are derived. Although the additive gain perturbations are included in the feedback systems, both the stability of closed‐loop systems and adequate cost bound are attained. As a sequel, decentralized GCC PID for a class of discrete‐time uncertain large‐scale stochastic systems is also considered. Finally, the numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed controller synthesis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   
GCC后端中四路双精度短向量寄存器的实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
设计和实现一个新的产品化的编译器通常需要几年时间。基于已有的编译器进行修改和扩展,是研发面向新体系结构的编译器的主要途径。GNU编译器集合(GCC)支持多种高级语言和多种目标处理器平台、文档及源代码开放等。基于GCC的Sparc后端,实现了支持四路双精度SIMD指令的四路双精度短向量寄存器的描述。在此过程中,定义了新的目标机,扩充了一类向量模式,定义了一类新的寄存器约束,实现了四路双精度寄存器的描述,定义了四路双精度SIMD指令的机器描述。对于面向此类SIMD指令的内嵌函数,GCC编译器能够正确使用该类向量寄存器来生成对应的SIMD指令。  相似文献   
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