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In drilling in titanium alloys, heat trapped in a hole adversely affects tool life, hole surface quality and integrity. Therefore, modeling temperature distribution in drilling is vital for effective heat dissipation and improving quality of drilled surfaces. The existing numerical and finite element models consider only frictional heat, whereas the effect of shear heat generation and tertiary heat generation is neglected. In the present work, a comprehensive thermal model of the drilling process is developed by considering all heat generated in shear, friction and tertiary zones. The drill cutting edges are divided into a series of independent elementary cutting tools (ECT). The calculated heat flux loads are applied on an individual ECT in the finite element model to determine the temperature distribution and the maximum temperature around the cutting edge. The temperature in the drill was also measured experimentally with the help of an Infrared (IR) camera. The results of numerical simulations lie within the error of ~8.75% when compared to the prior studies, and ~5.41% when compared to our experimental work. The thermal model gives the temperature distribution, and the maximum temperature observed at the corner of cutting edge was 604.2°C at a cutting speed of 35?m/min.  相似文献   
李炳新 《氯碱工业》2010,46(10):42-45
介绍了离子膜法烧碱生产装置中氯氢压差控制系统的控制方案,并对仪表的选型、安装提出了建议和要求。  相似文献   
从电解槽的密封形式谈离子膜的安装   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聂日丛 《氯碱工业》2010,46(5):18-20
从电解槽单元槽的连接形式就生产中遇到的问题探讨了膜的安装及选用。  相似文献   
针对饮用水除锰问题,对比研究了次氯酸钠(NaClO)、二氧化氯(ClO2)和高锰酸钾(KMnO4)3种氧化剂预处理后与超滤组合的除锰效果和膜污染特性。结果表明,3种组合工艺均能有效去除Mn2+,出水Mn2+浓度均在5μg/L以下,去除率达到99%以上。超滤膜表面的滤饼层是造成膜污染及膜通量快速下降的重要原因之一。扫描电镜(SEM)分析发现,不同氧化剂预处理后膜表面的滤饼层形态有显著不同,KMnO4预处理后滤饼层颗粒较大,颗粒间的空隙较为明显;而ClO2和NaClO预处理后滤饼层颗粒细小且含量少,颗粒间的空隙不明显,从而形成较为致密的滤饼层。由X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)分析可知,滤饼层的主要成分是Mn3+和Mn4+的混合物,滤饼层表面含有丰富的表面羟基,其对水中游离的Mn2+表现出极强的配位吸附作用。  相似文献   
BAC防水卷材在暗挖段隧道防水工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了BAC防水卷材(湿铺法复合双面自粘橡胶沥青防水卷材)的基本构造和性能,并对其在暗挖隧道防水工程的主要施工工艺作了详细阐述。  相似文献   
北京理工大学体育文化综合馆由大跨度双曲金属屋盖及玻璃幕外墙围合而成,并有大挑檐,无法从规范及现有的研究成果得出设计风荷载。利用风洞试验获得了设计所需的有关参数。阐述了风洞试验及数据处理方法,对试验结果进行了总结和分析,归纳出用于设计的风荷载,使设计达到安全、经济、合理的目的。  相似文献   
A new approach of ball-milled Mg2Ni in tetrahydrofuran (THF) to improve the hydriding kinetics of Mg2Ni alloy is suggested and studied. It is found that the modified alloy displayed the improved activity for hydriding even at relatively low temperature (e.g., 323-373 K). In the case of the sample milled in THF for 20 h, the hydrogen content (mass fraction) reaches 1.6 % at 323 K, 2.1% at 348 K and 3.4% at 448 K, respectively. The use of THF during grinding led to the change of the structure, which is reflected by the broadening and weakening of the diffraction peaks in the XRD spectra. The XPS analysis shows that Mg (2s) binding energy peak of Mg2Ni after modification shifted from a lower binding energy to a higher one, indicating the charge transference between Mg and THF and the formation of catalytically active electron donor-acceptor (EDA) complexes on the surface of modified Mg2Ni alloy.  相似文献   
Superplastic forming and diffusion bonding (SPF/DB) production hardware is being fabricated today for aerospace applications. Metal tooling is being used to bring the titanium sheets into contact so diffusion bonding can occur. However, due to material sheet and tooling tolerances, good bond quality is difficult to achieve over large areas. A better method for achieving DB is to use “stop-off” inside sealed sheets of titanium, which constitutes a pack, and then the pack is bonded using external gas pressure. A good method for heating the pack for this process is to use induction heating. Components using “stop-off” that were diffusion bonded first and then superplastically formed have shown much better bond quality than components that were produced using matched metal tooling. This type of tooling has been successful at bonding small areas as long as the exerted pressure is concentrated on the area where bonding is required. Finite element modeling is providing weight effect solutions for titanium SPF/DB aerospace structures. This paper was presented at the International Symposium on Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming, sponsored by the Manufacturing Critical Sector at the ASM International AeroMat 2004 Conference and Exposition, June 8–9, 2004, in Seattle, WA. The symposium was organized by Daniel G. Sanders, The Boeing Company.  相似文献   
In using the AC field measurement (ACFM) technique for non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of metals, a current-carrying wire structure is used to induce eddy current within a thin layer of the metal and a magnetic field sensor to measure the field perturbations in the vicinity of the metal. The sensitivity of ACFM crack detection and sizing relies on an appropriate design of the wire structure geometry together with a dully placement of the sensor. This paper presents an analytical modeling technique for evaluating the electromagnetic field interaction of an ACFM probe with a long uniform crack in a ferromagnetic metallic slab. The probe in the proposed model can have an arbitrary-shape wire inducer with no restrictions on its relative sensor position. The technique is accurate and very efficient computationally. It first uses the two-dimensional Fourier transform to obtain the field distribution at the metal surface. The Laplacian field distribution above the metal is then determined by satisfying the so-obtained boundary condition at air–metal interface. To demonstrate the accuracy of the model, we consider the special case of a rhombic wire inducer. The comparison of our results with those obtained using the conventional algorithm in the literature validates the accuracy of the model introduced in this paper. To show the generality of the model, we also present theoretical and experimental results associated with a solenoid inducer with a three-dimensional geometry for which no analytical solution is available in the literature. The theoretical prediction of crack signal supported by experimental results is used to develop a model-based method for inverting crack signal into crack depth.  相似文献   
目的: 研究盐酸埃他卡林(Ipt) 对脑组织缺氧的保护作用。方法: 小鼠给予Ipt 0.5, 2.0, 8.0 mg·kg-1 3个剂量(n =12, ig), 连续给药3 wk, 并设生理盐水组和维生素E 组作为对照, 采用断头制备脑缺氧模型。活性采用化学比色法测定脑组织过氧化脂质(MDA) 含量、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX) 和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD) 活性。外周红细胞膜脂流动性以DPH 为荧光探针, 采用荧光偏振法测定。结果: Ipt0.5, 2.0, 8.0 mg·kg-1 3 个剂量组延长小鼠断头后喘息持续时间, 增加外周红细胞膜脂流动性, 降低微粘度, 且呈现量效关系。相同条件下, Ipt 对MDA 含量,GSH-PX 活性及SOD 活性的影响不明显。结论: Ipt 对脑组织缺氧有显著保护作用, 其作用可能与其改变血液流变学特性有关。  相似文献   
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