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通过青春境遇、成长之痛、回归本身、内部流变这四个部分对“70后”作家的生存与书写进行了评析,对这样一种创作现象做一个总体的、公允的价值判断。  相似文献   
原子簇在熔体晶体生长中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原子簇在熔体晶体生长中的作用蔡英文,范新会,李建国,傅恒志原子簇是指由原子群体所构成的相对稳定的集团,也称团簇[1]。它的存在构成了凝固形核理论的核心,但在生长动力学理论中却从未有人对原子簇的作用加以思考。事实上,从高温过热工艺(BTOP,俄)[2]...  相似文献   
本文介绍一种作者自己设计的疲劳裂纹装置.它可以代替价格昂贵的高频疲劳试验机;用于对三点弯曲试件预制疲劳裂纹.该装置结构简单,容易制造.投资少,附加在车床上即可工作.  相似文献   
裂隙分布的分形特征与岩石强度的相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据分形几何学的基本观点对岩石中的裂隙分布进行了观测研究,提出了描述裂隙分布规律的分形维数D及度量裂隙发育程度的指数Q、K,并建立了裂隙发育指数与岩石单轴抗压强度之间的相关规律  相似文献   
通过对我国当前经济增长方式的分析,指出实现经济增长方式从粗放式增长向集约式增长转变是我国深化改革面临的当务之急,并提出发展自主创新是转变经济增长方式的必由之路。从建立健全自主创新体系入手,可为我国经济增长方式的转变提供强有力的支持,进而实现我国经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
Zinc Oxide Nanorods and Their Photoluminescence Property   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 IntroductionOne dimensional(1D)nanostructures,suchasnano tubes,nanowires,nanorodsandnanoribbons,haveattractedextraordinaryattentionfortheirpotentialapplicationsindeviceandinterconnectintegrationinnanoelectronicsandmolecularelectronics[1- 4].Thesemiconductingmetalox ideZnOisawideband gap (3.37eV)compoundsemi conductorthatissuitableforblueoptoelectronicapplica tions ,withultravioletlasingactionbeingreportedindisor deredparticlesandthinfilms[5 ].One dimensionalZnOnanostructureshavebeensynthe…  相似文献   
The main oil-bearing formation of Area 4 of Tahe oilfield is in Yingshan Group of Ordovician consisted of thick pure limestone. The types of the pore space contain the pore, fissure, cave as well as fracture formed by solution collapse. The primary porosity and tectonic fracture are of poor growth. Therefore, the formation growth is mainly controlled by hydraulic units of the palaeo-karst. There are three palaeo-hydraulic zones: vadose zone (including infiltration sub-zone and percolation sub-zone), phreatic zone and tranquil zone. They are identified by retrieving the palaeo-geographical karst environment. The pore space of the infiltration zone is mainly solution fissures, small solution cavities and solution pores. The growth and lateral connection of the formation are favorable. The reservoir/formation ratio is 0.54. The pore space of the phreatic zone developed large size cavities and fractures related to cave collapse. The height of the cavity can reach 71m. The fractures by collapse have a influencing range of more than 100m, and its reservoir/formation ratio is 0. S1. But the lateral connection is unfavorable. The percolation subzone and the tranquil zone are of relatively poor growth with the reservoir/formation ratio less than 0.3.  相似文献   
1 INTRODRCTIONWithregardtothestudyofcrystalgrowthunits,researchersmainlyconcentrateonthedissolutionofsolute ,theformationofgrowthunitsandthetransportationofthecrystalgrowthunittotheinterface ,aswellasthecongruencyofthegrowthunitsontheinter facesofthecry…  相似文献   
The coalescence of crystallite under hydrothermal conditions was discussed in our previous paper[1]. When the solute concentration exceeds the supersaturation, the nucleation and growth process take place. The initial crystallites are only several nanometers. They have high surface-to-volume ratio, high index surfaces, and therefore have high surface energy. As the hydrothermal reactions proceed in the alkaline medium, the crystallite surfaces are apt to absorb polar solvate ions such as OH-,…  相似文献   
关于贫困的研究,学术界主要是从公平、伦理、道德等角度进行的。从“贫困人口的存在构成了对经济增长的制约”这一角度出发,进行较系统的探讨。  相似文献   
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