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A new process has been developed to manufacture good pasta products from a blend of durum wheat semolina and maize flour (ratio 33: 66). It consists of submitting, to a high temperature (90 to 120°C) for 90 to 180 min, pasta previously processed and dried under the usual industrial conditions. Colour characteristics (yellowness, brownness and red index) are not affected when the treatment is kept below 100°C; at a higher temperature the red index increases sharply. There is a distinct improvement in cooking quality (cooking losses, surface condition) and this is inversely related to the water content of the pasta before treatment. The viscoelasticity of cooked pasta is dramatically modified when the temperature of treatment is 120°C.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing,DSP)的发面机自动发酵系统控制的优化方法。对自动发酵系统中的自动入料系统进行优化,采用误差反馈控制算法进行面食发酵机械自动入料控制设计,在算法设计的基础上进行面食发酵机械自动入料系统的硬件设计。结果表明:设计的面食发酵机械自动入料系统人机交互性较好,系统稳定性较强,控制误差在迭代500次时仅为0.1%,实现精度控制。  相似文献   
The study investigated the effect of fermentation of cassava roots on the quality characteristics of flour and pasta. Cassava roots were fermented under natural condition for a period of 12, 36 and 60 h. Physicochemical properties, microbial analysis, pasting properties, in vitro digestibility, X-ray diffraction analysis of cassava flour, cooking properties, texture profile analysis (TPA) and sensory properties of the pasta were examined. The moisture content, carbohydrate, water absorption capacity, swelling and solubility index of fermented flour increased with an increase in fermentation period. Also, as fermentation progressed, increase in pasting viscosities of cassava flour was observed. The resistant starch (RS) content of cassava flour decreased with increasing period of fermentation. The duration of fermentation process significantly affected textural properties and cooking loss of cassava pasta. Sensory assessment showed that cassava roots fermented for 36 h gave pasta with the most acceptable qualities.  相似文献   
Pasta samples were made by substituting wheat flour (2.5% and 7.5%) for lyophilised raspberry, boysenberry, and redcurrant and blackcurrant. Total polyphenol content showed minimum variation during processing while anthocyanins presented high degradation. In general, the first minutes of cooking showed the major detrimental effect on antioxidant activity. In vitro starch hydrolysis showed the lowest value with the addition of raspberries and boysenberries. During simulated digestion, polyphenols were released from pasta matrix reaching a 2.3- to 4.3-fold increase in bioaccessible polyphenols. Likewise, values observed for reducing power and free radical scavenging activity ranged from a 0.7- to 2.0-fold and 1.6- to 6.8-fold increase in relation to cooked pasta, respectively. In addition, ≈40% of dialysability was observed for scavenging activity. In conclusion, enrichment of pasta with fine fruits is an effective tool to obtain a product with enhanced antioxidant potential.  相似文献   
A tannins-rich chestnut extract was used to enhance the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of chitosan-based film materials. The favourable mechanical properties of the novel material enabled its application in the preparation of the sachets that were used for packing and storage of filled fresh pasta. The fresh pasta ageing progressed in conventional refrigerated storage conditions of 8 °C with 60 ± 2% relative humidity in the absence of light for 60 days. The rapid moisture mobility between a starchy food and sachets during the first 9 days of storage induced retrogradation of the fresh pasta, whereby total phenolic content show dependency on moisture throughout the shelf life. Active components within the sachet prevented microbial growth on the food surface during the entire 60 days.  相似文献   
Chickpea flour was supplemented (10%–40%) with barley flour for making pasta and evaluated for its quality attributes. Results showed that the increasing level of chickpea improved the pasting properties and showed a significant increase in WAC (155.28%–257.02%) and OAC (224.40%–263.17%). Increasing chickpea exhibits a reduced cooking time (5.56–5.09 min) with cooking loss below desired range. The increase in chickpea concentration produced pasta with increased protein (11.13%–15.77%) and fibre content (1.97%–3.19%). The overall colour attributes improved and texture was also improved in comparison to barley pasta. Total phenolics and flavonoids increased from 2.26 to 3.46 mg GAE g−1 and 1.73 to 2.48 mg QE g−1, respectively, with rising chickpea levels in pasta. The presence of characteristics peak in FTIR spectra with absorption band between 3200 and 3300 cm−1 confirms the presence of phenolics compounds. The SEM reveals that the addition of chickpea flour impacts the structural integrity of the pasta owing to the increased protein and fibre. Thus, Barley–chickpea has a great potential to be used for pasta production with enhanced nutritive and quality attributes.  相似文献   
Dry fractionation was applied to the legume-based pasta (yellow lentils:whole rice 90:10 w:w) discarded for physical defects. After the air classification, the fine fraction showed a 33% increment of the protein content compared to the raw material, with a 21% yield. The scanning electron micrographs revealed the presence of protein–starch complexes and broken starch granules which led to a low protein separation efficiency. The fine fraction showed interesting nutritional features due to the high concentration of the essential micronutrients Zn (43.3 mg kg−1) and Fe (72.6 mg kg−1). However, also the alpha-galactosides were enriched into the same fraction. The two fractions, fine and coarse, were both characterised by elevated water absorption capacity, with significantly higher values in the fine one. Finally, the gelling capacity varied among the fractions, being influenced by the protein content. Overall, these ingredients could be used to fortify the protein and the essential mineral contents of bakery products, sauces, and creams.  相似文献   
Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS) has been used as a grain-based supplement in animal feed. The focus of this study was to investigate the effects of chemical and physical characteristics that may affect DDGS susceptibility to Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) infestation. Multiple regression-based models were built to determine if the diet’s chemical and physical characteristics affect T. castaneum development. Based on the regression models, diet particle size was the most influential factor in larval development. Larval weight increased more rapidly on T. castaneum normal laboratory diet, 90% flour/10% brewer’s yeast (F/Y), followed by ground DDGS, compared to raw DDGS with different particle sizes. To determine the effect of diet particle size on larval development, experiments were conducted to increase particle size by pelletizing F/Y using a rotary drum granulation apparatus. T. castaneum larval stage lasted significantly longer on F/Y granules with a particle size of 1.4 mm or larger. Although the chemical properties of DDGS (protein, fat, fiber and ash content) were not significant predictors of T. castaneum larval development, larval developmental time and weight gain on ground DDGS was significantly slower than on F/Y, highlighting the potential importance of nutritional factors not accounted for in our analysis. Our results conclude that storing DDGS as raw ingredient and in the granule or pellet form with large particle size may help limit T. castaneum infestations. Although granulation or pelletization may not be economically feasible for small manufacturing plants, larger producers may benefit from the reduced risk of insect contamination associated with secondary feeders such as T. castaneum.  相似文献   
Beef lungs are an underutilised co-product of the meat industry that could be used as an ingredient to supplement the protein content of cereal foods. Beef lung powder (BLP) had a protein content of 87% (dry weight basis), an amino acid score of 1, and contained 1 mg g−1 iron. Fresh semolina pasta was used as a model food, and BLP was incorporated up to 20%. Incorporation of 10% BLP improved the indispensable amino acid score of the pasta from 0.48 to 0.91. At that level of incorporation, higher cooking loss and redder (increased ‘a’ value) and darker (decreased ‘L’ value) colour resulted. The fresh pasta with BLP had a lower glycaemic response compared to control samples. BLP improved the functional value of the fresh pasta and is a potential ingredient in the development of new food products.  相似文献   
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