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目的 建立罗汉果中六六六、滴滴涕的基质固相分散萃取(MSPD)-气相色谱(GC)分析方法。方法 采用基质固相分散萃取技术作为前处理方法, 用气相色谱法进行快速定性定量分析。结果 八种有机氯农药的添加回收率在75.1%~112.4%之间, 相对标准偏差为2.1%~12.4%之间。基质固相分散萃取将提取、过滤和净化一步完成, 简化了传统样品的前处理过程, 缩短了时间, 节省溶剂, 也减少了对环境的污染。结论 该方法作为罗汉果中的六六六、滴滴涕有机氯农药残留的快速检测新方法, 基本能满足国内以及国际对农药残留分析质量控制要求。  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of two mixtures of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on steroidogenesis in the H295R cell line. The two mixtures were obtained from the livers of burbot (Lota lota) caught in two Norwegian lakes (Mjøsa and Losna) with different contaminant profiles. Steroid hormone levels in the cell culture medium and mRNA levels of 16 genes involved in steroidogenesis were investigated. The crude Lake Mjøsa extract had to be diluted ten times more than the Lake Losna extract in order to prevent cytotoxicity. The ten times diluted Lake Mjøsa mixture had higher levels of DDT and derivates (∑ DDTs, 1.7 times) and brominated flame retardants (∑ BDEs and HBCD, 15-25 times) than the Lake Losna mixture, which, on the other hand, had higher concentrations of ∑ PCBs (1.5 times higher) and also of HCB, ∑ HCH isomers and ∑ chlordane isomers (5-20 times higher).In the cell culture media, only cortisol levels were increased at the highest exposure concentration to the Lake Mjøsa mixture, while both cortisol and estradiol levels were increased following exposure to the two highest Lake Losna mixture exposure concentrations. Testosterone levels decreased only at the highest exposure concentration of the Lake Losna mixture. Multivariate models suggested that ∑ PCBs, and to a lesser extent ∑ DDTs, were responsible for the cortisol responses, while estradiol and testosterone alterations were best explained by HCB and ∑ PCBs, respectively. Exposure to the mixtures generally increased mRNA levels, with smaller effects exerted by the Lake Mjøsa mixture than the Lake Losna mixture. It was concluded that both mixtures affected steroidogenesis in the H295R cells. Small differences in mixture composition, rather than the high content of brominated flame retardants in the Lake Mjøsa mixture, were suggested to be the most probable reason for the apparent differences in potencies of the two mixtures.  相似文献   
为考察小清河污灌湿地中滴滴涕(Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane,DDT)和六六六(Hexachlorocyclohexane,HCH)的残留量及污染来源,并研究污染物(DDT和HCH)沿土壤垂直剖面的分布规律,对不同污灌区土壤样品进行索氏萃取、硅胶净化等预处理后,用气质联用仪测定HCH和DDT的质量浓度.结果表明:湿地表层土壤中HCH和DDT平均质量分数分别为0042和0204 μg/kg,质量分数范围分别为ND~0225 μg/kg和ND~1204 μg/kg,远低于国家土壤环境质量标准(GB15618—1995)中规定的土壤DDT和HCH残留量一级标准限值005 mg/kg,处于较低的残留水平;无污灌湿地HCH异构体残留量依次为β-HCH>α-HCH>γ-HCH,HCH残留主要是历史使用的农药残留和少量新成污染;湿地DDT污染主要以DDE形式存在,是历史使用的农药残留造成的;污灌降低了土壤中DDT和HCH的残留量,平均降低比率为6716%和78%;湿地土壤相同样点中DDT残留量高于HCH残留量;DDT残留量随土壤深度的增加整体呈现减少的趋势,HCH残留质量分数随土壤深度变化无明显规律.  相似文献   
面向能耗优化的面积(核数)-功率(频率)分配问题是当前众核处理器研究热点之一.通过性能-功耗模型了解其在核数-频率空间的分布规律,然后在核数和频率级别这2个维度上通过实测执行逐步搜索,可以获取“核数-频率”配置的最优解,从而达到能耗优化的目的;然而本领域现有方法在核数-频率空间内实测搜索最低能耗时收敛速度慢、搜索开销大、可扩展性差.针对此问题,提出了一种基于求解最优化问题的经典数学方法——可行方向法的最低能耗搜索方法(energy-efficient optimization based on feasible direction method,EOFDM),每次执行都能从核数和频率2个维度上同时减小搜索空间,在迭代执行中快速收敛至最低能耗点.该方法与现有研究中最优的启发式爬山法(hill-climbing heuristic,HCH)进行了对比实验,平均执行次数、执行时间和能耗分别降低39.5%,46.8%,48.3%,提高了收敛速度,降低了搜索开销;当核数增加一倍时,平均执行次数、执行时间和能耗分别降低48.8%,51.6%,50.9%;当频率级数增加一倍时,平均执行次数、执行时间和能耗分别降低45.5%,49.8%,54.4%,在收敛速度、搜索开销和可扩展性方面均有提高.  相似文献   
武汉市郊农田土壤中有机氯农药的残留分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过采集武汉市郊农田表层土壤,用GC-ECD法分析了土壤中HCH(六六六)、DDT(滴滴涕)及其代谢物的残留情况.结果表明:HCH残留低于DDT,∑HCHs介于0.18~18.90 ng·g-1,平均值为1.97 ng·g-1,∑DDTs介于1.82~165.34 mg·g-1,平均值为31.41 ng·g-1;残留水平较高的是P,P'-DDE、P,P'-DDD和P,P-DDT.部分表层土壤中的∑DDTs超出了中国土壤环境质量标准的自然背景值.初步分析结果表明武汉市郊土壤中HCH及DDT的含量处于低浓度水平.  相似文献   
Persistent organic pollutants have been associated with disease susceptibility and decreased immunity in marine mammals. Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), chlordanes (CHLDs), and hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) were evaluated in terms of stage of development and likely exposure routes (in utero, suckling, fasting) in the blubber of 202 stranded and wild-caught, primarily young of the year (n = 177), harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in the central California coast. This is the first report of HCH concentrations in the blubber of California seals. Lipid normalized concentrations ranged from 200 to 330,000 ng/g for sum PCBs, 320-1,500,000 ng/g for sum DDTs, 23-63,000 ng/g for sum PBDEs, 29-29,000 ng/g for sum CHLDs, and 2-780 ng/g for sum HCHs. The highest concentrations were observed in harbor seal pups that suckled in the wild and then lost mass during the post-weaning fast. Among the pups sampled in the wild and those released from rehabilitation, there were no differences in mass, blubber depth, or percent lipid although contaminant concentrations were significantly higher in the pups which nursed in the wild. When geographic differences were evaluated in a subset of newborn animals collected near their birth locations, the ratio of sum DDTs to sum PCBs was significantly greater in samples from an area with agricultural inputs (Monterey), than one with industrial inputs (San Francisco Bay). A principal components analysis distinguished between seals from San Francisco Bay and Monterey Bay based on specific PCB and PBDE congeners and DDT metabolites. These data illustrate the important influence of life stage, nutritional status, and location on blubber contaminant levels, and thus the need to consider these factors when interpreting single sample measurements in marine mammals.  相似文献   
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