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Measurement system capability analysis is to determine whether the measurement system is capable for use in quality control. The existing research has been extended from univariate to multivariate cases. Two approaches, the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and the weighted principal components (WPC), were advocated in literature. The MANOVA method is constructed based on the volume ratio that treats the volume of constant‐density contours as the variability estimations. However, it ignores the fact that the relative position change of multivariate measurement errors could affect the measurement system capability. The WPC method uses dimension reduction to reduce the complexity but is unable to build the precision‐to‐tolerance ratio because it does not include tolerance. In this paper, we propose a modified‐region‐based method to compute the precision‐to‐tolerance ratio, the percent of repeatability and reproducibility, and the signal‐to‐noise ratio. This method also incorporates the variance–covariance structure of the measurement errors when dealing with the constant‐density contours of tolerances, total variation, and process variation. The performance of the modified‐region‐based method is evaluated based on a dataset from the literature and a set of relevant simulation. The proposed method proves to be effective compared with other methods.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Experiments in materials science investigating cubic crystalline structures often collect data which are in truth equivalence classes of crystallographically symmetric orientations. These intend to represent how lattice structures of particles are orientated relative to a reference coordinate system. Motivated by a materials science application, we formulate parametric probability models for “unlabeled orientation data.” This amounts to developing models on equivalence classes of three-dimensional rotations. We use a flexible existing model class for random rotations (called uniform-axis-random-spin models) to induce probability distributions on the equivalence classes of rotations. We develop one-sample Bayesian inference for the parameters in these models, and compare this methodology to some likelihood-based approaches. We also contrast the new parametric analysis of unlabeled orientation data with other analyses that proceed as if the data have been preprocessed into honest orientation data. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   
21世纪中国烤烟种植区域及主栽品种变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2001-2014年主要烤烟种植区域及主栽品种为材料,分析了2001年以来烤烟种植区域和主栽品种变化,并结合文献资料重点分析烤烟主栽品种的演变。分析表明,烤烟种植区域主要集中在西南烟区;主栽品种单一、种植年限过长,且遗传背景狭窄,急需培育能彰显地方特色的烤烟新品种。  相似文献   
魏臻  张晓旭  陆阳  卫星 《计算机应用》2016,36(4):909-913
针对基于视频监控/识别的井下机车无人驾驶系统中机车动态无线接入传输网络的问题,提出一种串行干扰消除(SIC)区域划分策略。首先,建立基站通信覆盖范围内的非线性区域划分模型;其次,根据理论推导可得区段划分数与基站通信覆盖范围的关系,机车位置与发射功率的关系;最后给出SIC区域划分策略。仿真实验结果表明:SIC区域划分策略使得一个基站可以同时接入3辆机车,机车总通过时间和基站覆盖范围利用率的整体优化效果提高50%以上。  相似文献   
We consider a continuous multi-facility location-allocation problem that aims to minimize the sum of weighted farthest Euclidean distances between (closed convex) polygonal and/or circular demand regions, and facilities they are assigned to. We show that the single facility version of the problem has a straightforward second-order cone programming formulation and can therefore be efficiently solved to optimality. To solve large size instances, we adapt a multi-dimensional direct search descent algorithm to our problem which is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution. In a special case with circular and rectangular demand regions, this algorithm, if converges, finds the optimal solution. We also apply a simple subgradient method to the problem. Furthermore, we review the algorithms proposed for the problem in the literature and compare all these algorithms in terms of both solution quality and time. Finally, we consider the multi-facility version of the problem and model it as a mixed integer second-order cone programming problem. As this formulation is weak, we use the alternate location-allocation heuristic to solve large size instances.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an energy-efficient method for distributed region formation flying of nanosatellites. The proposed framework consists of two concurrent sub-schemes that include estimation and formation. In the estimation sub-scheme, unlike the existing methods on satellite formation flying, that assume the availability of the reference orbital elements to all followers, here, a distributed estimator is developed so that the follower nanosatellites estimate the position of the leader in its orbital slot. In the formation sub-scheme, we consider a region formation strategy which is an efficient method in dealing with the formation of a large number of nanosatellites. We propose an optimal region following formation method based on the receding horizon control (RHC) using the estimated reference orbital elements. Subsequently, an algorithm is presented to solve the proposed energy-efficient formation flying method. Finally, the simulation result is presented that illustrates the purposed method improves the power consumption for each nanosatellite with respect to the existing non-optimal region formation flying controllers.  相似文献   
齐齐哈尔工业区春季大气中PBDEs的污染及气粒分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
齐齐哈尔富拉尔基区为典型的国家重工业集中区域,为研究其大气中多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的质量浓度水平、污染特征和气/粒分配规律,分别在其下风向和上风向采集大气颗粒相和气相样品,对PBDEs的质量浓度进行测定.结果表明,大气中PBDEs总质量浓度为13.9~102 pg·m-3,平均值为53.6 pg·m-3,BDE-209是质量浓度最高的同系物.来源分析表明,PBDEs主要来源于商用五溴联苯醚和十溴联苯醚的使用.由log KP和log poL线性回归得到的斜率均高于平衡状态理论值-1,说明大气中的PBDEs气粒分配未达到平衡状态.采用Junge-Pankow吸附模型和Harner-Bidleman吸收模型对PBDEs颗粒态百分比(φ)进行了模拟,结果均高于实际值.  相似文献   
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