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吴军  李青 《计算机仿真》2009,26(7):298-301
为了研究股票价格在宏观上的变化趋势以及产生这些变化的主要因素.提出了一种新的基于元胞自动机的模型分析股票价格宏观变化,构建了新的股票价格变化规则以及新的股票交易量的变化模型,假设了两大类影响股票价格宏观变化趋势的肉素,同时也细化了股票交易量的函数.模拟了当影响因素都利好,影响因素都利空以及影响因素利好利空交替出现的情况下,股票价格在宏观上的变化情况.仿真结果在一定程度上模拟了股票价格的宏观变化情况和股票价格变化的波动壤集性,说明了假设的两大类因素的合理性以及演化模型的正确性.  相似文献   
The momentum exchange between the phases plays a vital role in modelling of gas–solid flows and it is mathematically described by drag models. However, no consensus exists on which drag model gives the most accurate prediction of the drag force, and, despite the increase in available computing power, the same drag models are used in two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulations. In this study, direct numerical simulations of gas flow through multiple random configurations of static monodisperse particles are performed. The variations of solid volume fraction and particle Reynolds number are in the ranges of 0.05–0.4 and 13.7–136.9, respectively. The drag force exerted on particles is calculated and properly averaged. Based on the simulation results, thirteen drag models are compared and correction factors are introduced using the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. The correction factors provide a simple adjustment for the models to be used in 2D modelling.  相似文献   
在传感器网络中,电源能量是各个节点最宝贵的资源。为了使传感器网络的使用时间尽可能地长,必须合理有效地利用能量。该文从无线传感器网络的体系结构出发,对影响网络能源消耗的因素进行了研究。  相似文献   
总结了埃塞俄比亚ADAMA风电项目风机吊装施工进度的主要影响因素,如:风速、机位间道路、物流、货损的修复进度等,并提出了相应解决措施。在国外工程实践中,合理控制了工期,有效降低了工程成本,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
The aims of the study were to: 1) create work organisation constructs for forest machine operators; 2) examine relationships between these work organisation constructs and different ergonomic outcomes. The study was carried out among forest machine operators in six European countries and was based on a questionnaire survey (n = 358). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used in the formation of the construct measures of work organisation. The EFA resulted in a five-factor structure. The factors were named ‘job control’, ‘variation’, ‘job rotation’, ‘breaks’ and ‘rate of work’. Three multiple regression analyses were carried out separately for the dependent variables job satisfaction, musculoskeletal symptoms and headache/sleeping problems. All regression analyses resulted in significant overall models. The highest explained variance among the dependent variables was found for job satisfaction (R = 0.51, i.e. ‘large’ effect size). The unique contribution of the work organisation constructs varied in the models, but ‘job rotation’ contributed significantly in all regression models. The results may be used as a source for ergonomic improvements to work organisation. The present study was performed as part of the EU project ‘ErgoWood’, which resulted in a European handbook for mechanised forest operations (Gellerstedt et al. 2005 Gellerstedt S. Lidén E. Bohlin F Health and performance in mechanised forest operations The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Products and Markets Uppsala 2005  [Google Scholar]). The results delivered part of the evidence base for a toolbox in this handbook regarding changes in work organisation to improve health and performance.  相似文献   
随着旅游业竞争的日趋激烈,旅游景点如何在竞争中脱颖而出,对顾客满意度影响因素分析和研究至关重要。文章以万州青龙大瀑布为例,通过对影响万州青龙大瀑布顾客满意度因素的问卷调查,将影响满意度的19个变量因素运用SPSS软件进行整理分析,运用因子分析法将19个变量归为四大公共因子,分别是旅游服务、旅游保障、景区宣传、景区管理四大类,并对其进行信度检测,随后构建了顾客满意度综合评价模型,最后对如何提高顾客满意度提出对策建议,以促进旅游景点服务质量的有效提高。  相似文献   
We review, unify and extend work pertaining to evaluating mode mixity of interfacial fracture utilizing the virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). From the VCCT, components of the strain energy release rate (SERR) are obtained using the forces and displacements near the crack tip corresponding to the opening and sliding contributions. Unfortunately, these components depend on the crack extension size, Δ, used in the VCCT. It follows that a mode mixity based upon these components also will depend on the crack extension size. However, the components of the strain energy release rate can be used for determining the complex stress intensity factors (SIFs) and the associated mode mixity. In this study, we show that several—seemingly different—suggested methods presented in the literature used to obtain mode mixity based on the stress intensity factors are indeed identical. We also present an alternative, simpler quadratic equation to this end. Moreover, a Δ-independent strain energy release based mode mixity can be defined by introducing a “normalizing length parameter.” We show that when the reference length (used for the SIF-based mode mixity) and the normalizing length (used for Δ-independent SERR-based mode mixity) are equal, the two mode mixities are only shifted by a phase angle, depending on the bimaterial parameter ε.  相似文献   
The scaled boundary finite‐element method is extended to the modelling of thermal stresses. The particular solution for the non‐homogeneous term caused by thermal loading is expressed as integrals in the radial direction, which are evaluated analytically for temperature changes varying as power functions of the radial coordinate. When applied to model a multi‐material corner, only the boundary of the problem domain is discretized. The boundary conditions on the straight material interfaces and the side‐faces forming the corner are satisfied analytically without discretization. The stress field is expressed semi‐analytically as a series solution. The stress distribution along the radial direction, including both the real and complex power singularity and the power‐logarithmic singularity, is represented analytically. The stress intensity factors are determined directly from their definitions in stresses. No knowledge on asymptotic expansions is required. Numerical examples are calculated to evaluate the accuracy of the scaled boundary finite‐element method. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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