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Extrinsic lattice matched InAlAs/InGaAs/InP HEMT model, incorporating the parasitic source and drain resistance, for very high frequency application is developed. The current voltage characteristics and the transconductance have been evaluated and the influence of carrier concentration dependent mobility on frequency has also been analyzed. A cut-off frequency of 135 GHz is obtained.  相似文献   
循环水阻垢缓蚀剂在新昌电厂的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄宏 《江西电力》2011,35(2):37-40
针对新昌电厂循环水的低硬度、低碱度水质特点,通过大量试验,筛选复配出适合低硬度低碱度水的阻垢缓蚀复合药剂.该阻垢缓蚀复合药剂在新昌电厂1年的应用效果证明,使用缓蚀阻垢剂能够较好地控制循环水系统的腐蚀与结垢问题,通过药剂的协同增效作用,能使循环冷却水的浓缩倍数达到6左右.  相似文献   
Contents of various elements in dyferent parts of the tea plant (shoot, mature leaf, small stem, thick wood and root), black tea manufactured by the crush-tear-curl and orthodox processes, and tea brew after 1 and 5 min of infusion were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. From these, the amount of each element assimilated in the production of 1000 kg of marketable tea, as well as the quantity of each element brought into infusion and thus possib f y taken up through drinking tea, were calculated and discussed. Among the various elements assimilated by the tea plant, the shoot jraction (economically important for manufacturing commercial tea) contained high concentrations of N, P, K and Mg while the mature leaf accumulated Al, Bu, Ca, Cd, Mn, Pb and Sr. Of the dgerent elements brought into infusion while brewing black tea, the amount of K was found to be the largest (> 10000 μg g−1 tea) followed by P (700–1200 μg g−1), Mg (300–700 μg g−1), Ca and A1 (each 150–300 μg−1), Mn (60–150 μg g−1), Cu, Na, Si and Z n (each 6–50 μg g−1), B, Ba, Cr, Fe, Ni and Pb (each Id μg g−1), and Sr, Co and Gd (each <1μg g−1). The proportion of the totalamount of an element brought into infusion showed that the elements Ba, Ca, Fe and Sr were less soluble (<10 % of total amount), Al, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mg, Mn, P, Pb, Si and Zn were moderately soluble (10–50 %), and K, Nu and Ni were highly soluble (>50%). The overall mean of the extent of solubility of all elements in 1 and 5 min showed that, out of the amount soluble in 5 min, about 68% was dissolved within 1 min.  相似文献   
研究红外场曝露对于高血糖疾病模型大鼠的影响.主要利用红外场曝露高血糖大鼠30天,然后通过考查红外场曝露对于高血糖大鼠血液组织红外光谱特征的影响来研究红外线曝露对于大鼠血糖水平产生的影响,研究结果认为红外场曝露有助于高血糖大鼠血糖水平的恢复,并进一步通过红外光谱数据的二阶导数谱的分析探讨了红外场曝露对于大鼠血糖水平产生影响的机理.  相似文献   
Visualized observation on the wave feature in a horizontal slug flow was made with a high‐speed digital camera. It was found that the liquid film flow in the elongated bubble region of slug flow behaves as a continuity wave. Theoretical analysis was carried out and it reveals that the liquid film flow is a continuity wave with celerity the same as the translational velocity of the elongated bubble. The control equation for the liquid film height in the elongated bubble region was derived. The results predicted by the equation fit well with the observed data. A new conclusion was obtained that slug flow has continuity wave in it, explaining the stable slug flow wave characterization. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 34(8): 547–554, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20092  相似文献   
This work presents a simplified modeling and simulation approach for energy systems engineering that is capable of providing quick and accurate responses during system design. For that, the laws of conservation are combined with available empirical and theoretical correlations to quantify the diverse types of flows that cross the system and produce a simplified tridimensional mathematical model, namely a volume element model (VEM). The physical domain of interest is discretized in space, thus producing a system of algebraic and ODEs with respect to time, whose solution delivers the project variables spatial distribution and dynamic response. In order to illustrate the application of the VEM in energy systems engineering, three example problems are considered: (i) a regenerative heat exchanger; (ii) a power electronic building block (PEBB); and (iii) a notional all‐electric ship. The same mathematical model was used to analyze problems (ii) and (iii), that is, the thermal management of heat‐generating equipment packaging. In the examples, the converged mesh had a total of 20, 2000, and 7725 volume elements. The third problem led to the largest simulation, which for steady‐state cases took between 5 and 10 min of computational time to reach convergence and for the ship dynamic response 50 min (i.e., 80,000 s of real time). The regenerative heat exchanger model demonstrated how VEM allowed for the coexistence of different phases (subsystems) within the same volume element. The thermal management model was adjusted and experimentally validated for the PEBB system, and it was possible to perform a parametric and dynamic analysis of the PEBB and of the notional all‐electric ship. Therefore, because of the observed combination of accuracy and low computational time, it is expected that the model could be used as an efficient tool for design, control, and optimization in energy systems engineering. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The flux pattern of milk (whole milk, skimmed milk and buttermilk) showed a distinct contrast to whey (sweet whey and acid casein whey) systems during ultrafiltration (UF) at constant composition. For milk systems, the initial flux was lower than for whey systems, but the flux stabilised within a few minutes of operation. However, for both acid and sweet whey, the flux continued to fall with time for nearly 1 h. The fouling coefficient (FC) for buttermilk was 0.6 after 5 min, rising to 0.68 after 60 min. During this time flux did not decline, suggesting that concentration polarisation (CP), rather than fouling, was controlling the flux rate. In contrast, the FC for whey was 0.5 after 5 min with a progressive rise over the next 55 min, but the flux also fell throughout this period suggesting that flux was controlled by fouling rather than CP. The higher concentration of protein in milk systems appeared to be responsible for CP, rather than fouling, being the controlling mechanism.  相似文献   
清洗对于电子产品可靠性有着非常重要的影响,针对印制电路组件污染物进行了系统阐述,并对不同的清洗技术和工艺进行了总结归纳,讨论了影响清洗效果的各个因素及其检验规范,为实际生产起到了指导性作用。  相似文献   
A rapid X-ray spectrometric (XRS) method has been developed for the determination of the total glucosinolate content of oilseed rape and other Brassica oilseeds. The method is based on analysis for fully oxidised sulphur (S6+), which includes half the sulphur (S) in the glucosinolate molecule, and the S in sulphate. Results are highly correlated with glucosinolate content determined by glucose release, a standard method widely used in Australia. The relationship is total glucosinolates = (23·97 S6+ -9·43) r2 = 0·987, where the glucosinolate content is expressed as μmol g?1 and the S6+ content in mg g?1. The relationship is applicable to seed of any glucosinolate content and to meal, and is unaffected by changes in protein sulphur content. The correlation of glucosinolates with S6+ is shown to be closer than the correlation with total S. The latter correlation forms the basis of the existing XRS method, used within the European Community in recent years. The advantages of S6+ derive from the linearity of the regression and the elimination of errors caused by variation in protein content. The method should be valuable to the Australian oilseed industry because it allows the rapid screening of breeding lines to ensure low glucosinolate content and the assessment of deliveries for crushing and of meal.  相似文献   
颗粒浓度及粒度的光散射在线测量   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
介绍一种在线监测颗粒浓度及粒度变化的光散射方法。着重提出消除观察窗玻璃污染物对测量结果影响的办法。给出了部分现场实测结果。  相似文献   
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