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The antioxidant activities of a methanolic extract of mucuna beans (Mucuna pruriens var utilis) and several non‐protein amino/imino acids, namely L ‐3,4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine (L ‐dopa), L ‐3‐carboxy‐6,7‐dihydroxy‐1,2,3,4‐tetrahydroisoquinoline (compound I), (?)‐1‐methyl‐3‐carboxy‐6,7‐dihydroxy‐1,2,3,4‐tetrahydroisoquinoline (compound II) and 5‐hydroxytryptophan (5‐HTP), were evaluated. By virtue of their hydrogen‐donating ability, all the tested compounds and the mucuna seed extract showed excellent reducing power, with the highest values being recorded for L ‐dopa in a dose‐dependent manner. Similarly, as compared with synthetic antioxidants (BHT and BHA) and quercetin, all the tested compounds and the seed extract were found to be more potent in free radical‐scavenging activity (P < 0.05) against α,α‐diphenyl‐β‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH?) radicals. Hydroxyl radicals (OH?) and superoxide anion radicals (O2??) were effectively scavenged by the tested compounds, with the exception that no scavenging activity of 5‐HTP was observed on (O2??) up to a concentration of 2 mg ml?1, as was also the case for BHA. Among the tested non‐protein amino/imino acids and seed extract the highest peroxidation‐inhibiting activity (95%) was recorded for 5‐HTP. On the other hand, in the linoleic acid/β‐carotene‐bleaching system, L ‐dopa, compound I and compound II acted as pro‐oxidants, whereas the seed extract showed only weak antioxidant activity as in the linoleic acid emulsion system. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
糯米酶解工艺以及抗氧化活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用4种蛋白酶水解白糯米,以羟自由基清除率作为指标,选取中性蛋白酶作为水解用酶。考察了蛋白质底物浓度、酶添加量、酶解温度、初始pH 4种因素对于中性蛋白酶糯米酶解液羟自由基捕获能力的影响。在单因素实验基础之上,使用L9(34)正交优化试验设计,确定酶解液具有最高抗氧化能力的酶解工艺条件。优化后的工艺参数为底物浓度2%,酶添加量24 000 U/g(以蛋白质计),酶解温度55℃,pH8,作用时间0.5 h。在该条件下羟自由基清除率平均值可达56.05%。底物浓度、酶添加量、温度以及pH 4种因素对于羟自由基(.OH)清除率差异影响均极显著。糯米酶解液中的抗氧化肽等成分在60℃~100℃的温度范围内活性保持很好。  相似文献   
建立了一种微量检测样品清除羟基自由能力的液相分析方法。采用Inertsil ODS-SP C18色谱柱(4.6mm×150mm,5μm),流动相为v(甲醇):v(0.02mol/L乙酸铵水溶液)=5:95,流速1.0mL/min,柱温30℃,样品使用量为30μL,液相检测时间为6min。在上述条件下测得胶原肽清除羟基自由基的半抑制浓度(IC50值)为15mg/mL,与传统分光光度法测定值一致。该方法灵敏度高,准确度和重现性好,样品使用量少,并且不受样品本身颜色的干扰,可广泛应用于微量检测天然抗氧化剂对羟基自由基的清除能力。  相似文献   
叶酸的提取及抗氧化性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究果蔬中叶酸的最佳提取条件及叶酸的抗氧化活性.以油菜,香菇,香蕉为原料,以提取温度、提取剂的浓度、提取时间为因素进行正交试验,确定最佳提取条件,用荧光光度法测定叶酸含量.采用Fenton体系、邻苯三酚自氧化体系,分别研究不同浓度的叶酸对羟自由基( ·OH)和超氧自由基(O2-·)的清除效果.结果表明果蔬中叶酸的最佳提...  相似文献   
黄芪多糖的提取及其对自由基的清除作用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
用水浴浸提法提取黄芪多糖,有最高得率。其工艺条件为:固液质量比1:60,乙醇浓度80%,于90℃水浴提取3h。黄芪多糖提取液对自由基的清除作用也进行了研究。  相似文献   
本文对测定聚酯多元醇羟值的几种酰化方法进行比较研究,分析了几种方法在测试过程中的适用范围及存在问题。通过比较提出了操作简便,快速适用的乙酸酐-N-甲基咪唑-DMF法,该方法催化酰化反应在45℃水浴中进行,完成一次测定耗时可以由行业标准方法的1~2h缩短至20min,且测试数据与行业标准法测试数据接近。  相似文献   
Catechins are a major group of polyphenolic compounds contained in abundance in green tea. Using electron spin resonance spectroscopy along with a spin‐trapping agent, the scavenging effect of tea catechins and their corresponding epimers against superoxide anion radicals generated by a hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase reaction system was evaluated. The presence of 3′,4′,5′‐trihydroxyl groups attached to the B‐ring of the flavan skeleton of tea catechins elevated their radical‐scavenging efficiency in comparison to those with 3′,4′‐dihydroxyl groups. There were no significant differences between the four dominant tea catechins and their corresponding epimers with regard to radical‐scavenging ability. Under the different spin‐trapping agent concentrations, the sigmoid curves of reducing spin‐trapping adducts produced by tea catechins were shifted leftward, suggesting that a likely possible action of tea catechins is to scavenge superoxide anion radicals directly, not to inhibit the function of xanthine oxidase. Although caffeine is also known as a major ingredient of tea, its superoxide anion radical‐scavenging effect was much weaker than that of the catechin family. It is concluded that tea catechins and their epimers serve as powerful antioxidants for directly eliminating superoxide anion radicals, and may be useful in the prevention of diseases relating to in vivo oxidative stress. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
通过控制反应条件得到了在粘度和羟值上具有较好重复性的淀粉乙二醇糖甙聚醚。在 1 2 5~ 1 30℃、催化剂为 0 .76%硫酸、甙化 30 min,醚化率为 7mol的条件下 ,得到了一系列产品。聚醚的平均偏移在 :羟值± 4,粘度±80 0厘泊 ( 32℃ )。从糖甙混合物中蒸馏得到的回收乙二醇 ,未经纯化再次使用 ,研究了其可重复使用性能。结果表明 ,回收乙二醇的重复使用没有影响聚醚的性能 ,所得糖甙聚醚的性能满足 PU硬质泡沫的制备要求。  相似文献   
黑酱油类黑素的提取、光谱性质及功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从黑酱油中提取类黑素并对其光谱性质和功能进行研究。结果表明:经有机溶剂沉淀及脱盐处理,冷冻干燥获得类黑素粗制品,得率为22.8g/100mL;经Sephadex G-50凝胶层析除去小分子物质,得到分子质量分布在3000~55000u的类黑素纯品。紫外和红外光谱扫描结果显示类黑素粗品是美拉德反应和酶促褐变的产物。类黑素粗制品对DPPH自由基的清除率最高达89.0%,对羟自由基的清除能力达89.5%,对亚硝胺合成的抑制率可达80.0%。提示酱油类黑素粗制品可以作为功能性固体酱油被开发,类黑色素纯品可开发成为功能性食用色素。  相似文献   
采用中性蛋白酶酶解猪睾丸蛋白制备抗氧化肽。以还原力为指标,通过正交实验设计,确定了酶解猪睾丸蛋白制备抗氧化肽的工艺条件:底物质量浓度8%,起始pH7.0,酶用量360U/g(新鲜猪睾丸),温度37℃,时间90min,相应指标还原力0.997。通过体外抗氧化活性的研究,发现猪睾丸抗氧化肽对.OH、H2O2、DPPH.和卵黄脂蛋白的IC50分别为0.47、0.56、0.86、0.42g/L。   相似文献   
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