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王正成 《纺织学报》2005,26(5):146-148
对基于异构、自治、分布环境(简称HAD环境)下纺织企业管理信息系统的权限问题进行需求分析,分别给出2种不同的权限控制策略:用户动态链接生成和基于防火墙的访问控制策略,并且结合国家863项目———基于电子商务的敏捷供应链管理研究给出了部分运行实例。  相似文献   
医用棉纱布层结构设计直接影响其定向吸液能力的强弱。通过试验,分别阐述了吸收层、伤口接触层以及纱布中间结构设计对医用棉纱布定向吸液能力的影响,分析了医用棉纱布层结构,希望能够为医疗事业的发展提供助力。  相似文献   
张君贤  隋淑英  朱平等 《印染》2013,39(3):16-18
用蒸馏水溶解海藻酸钠和明胶,将这两种溶液混合制得海藻酸钙/明胶复合功能膜,研究共混膜的相容性、力学性能、透湿性及吸湿保湿性等。试验结果表明,明胶含量较少时,共混膜有良好的相容性;海藻酸钙/明胶质量比为1∶0.6时,共混膜的力学性能、吸湿保湿性较好。  相似文献   
本文概括了目前腐植酸及其衍生物在污水处理、吸水树脂等方面的应用,并根据腐殖酸的结构与性能,对腐植酸在纺织材料方面的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

With today's global competitive marketplace, new textile product development requires a design, marketing, materials and technology interface. An opportunity existed to examine the new textile product development processes being used by global textile companies with a variety of textile product end-uses: apparel, home textiles, transportation, industrial, nonwovens, carpets, and medical textiles. The Crawford and DiBenedetto model (2003) was used as the conceptual framework for the study and data was collected using secondary and primary data sources. A total of 24 global companies, based in the United States, comprised the sample for this study. Each company's new textile product development processes, practices, and new products were examined, with identification of key new product development concepts being utilized. Results indicated that companies were utilizing new product development (NPD) processes as a competitive tool, but are using a combination of NPD strategies to develop and launch products in the global marketplace.  相似文献   
Impact properties of thermoplastic composites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The excellent properties exhibited by thermoplastic composites at much reduced weight have attracted attention in the development of products in different sectors. Thermoplastic (TP) composites, because of their distinctive properties as well as ease of manufacturing, have emerged as a competitor against the conventional thermoset resin-based composites. Depending on the application, these composites may undergo impact events at various velocities and often fail in many complex modes. Hence, the development of TP composites having high energy-dissipation at (the desired) much-reduced weight has become a challenging task, but it is a problem which may be alleviated through the appropriate selection of materials and fabrication processes. Furthermore, fibre surface modification has been shown to increase fibre-matrix interfacial adhesion, which can lead to improved impact resistance. Textile preforms are helpful in acting as a structural backbone in the composites since they offer a relatively free hand to the composite designer to tailor its properties to suit a specific application. Additionally, hybrid textile composite structures may help in achieving the desired properties at much lower weight.

Simulation software can play a significant role in the evaluation of composites without damaging physical samples. Once the simulation result has been validated with actual experimental results, it should be possible to predict the test outcomes for different composites, with different characteristics, at different energy levels without conducting further physical tests. Various numerical models have been developed which have to be incorporated into these software tools for better prediction of the result.

In the current issue of Textile Progress, the effects of various materials and test parameters on impact behaviour are critically analyzed. The effect of incorporating high-performance fibres and natural fibres or their hybrid combination on the impact properties of TP composites are also discussed and the essential properties of TP polymers are briefly explained. The effects of fibre and matrix hybridization, environmental factors, various textile preform structures and fibre surface modification treatments on the impact properties of thermoplastic composites are examined in detail. Various numerical models used for impact analysis are discussed and the potential applications of TP composites in automobile, aerospace and medical sectors are highlighted.  相似文献   
In the present work, the suitability of printing natural fabrics (wool, silk, cotton and flax) with two natural dyes (alkanet and rhubarb) using pigment-printing technique has been investigated. The effect of different factors, i.e. dye concentration, nature of thickening agent, type of fixation, concentration and type of mordant, has been studied. The printed goods were evaluated by measuring the K/S value and the overall fastness properties. Results show that the highest K/S value was obtained by using Meypro gum as a thickener. The K/S increases rapidly as the concentration of the natural dye powder in the printing paste increases from 10 to 40 g/kg printing paste. Moreover, results show that the printed goods, which were fixed via steaming, have relatively higher colour strength than their corresponding samples fixed via thermofixation. The effect of mordants on colour development was also studied and alkanet dye was chosen as an example for this investigation. The best results were obtained by using mordant at a concentration of 20 g/kg printing paste. Different colour yields could be obtained by using different mordants, and all of colour fastness results were ranging between very well and excellent.  相似文献   
胡玲  张仁乐 《江苏纺织》2013,(11):58-60
伴随着激烈的市场竞争,纺织业向高端化渐进,服装业向品牌化发展已经成为行业发展的未来趋势。应结合纺织服装业的生产可分割性、行业黏着度低等特点,通过产业链要素资源再整合,积极纳植入更多的新理念、新元素、新技术。本文通过对江苏宿迁市纺织服装业的分析,提出加强纺织服装产业链的重要性。  相似文献   
Diana Marks 《Textile》2013,11(2):152-175

In the Kuna language the word mola is polysemous, with meanings which include cloth, a rectangular panel of appliquéd cloth and a complete blouse. A pair of mola panels joined together with a yoke and sleeves form a mola blouse, thus the word mola means both part and whole of an item of clothing. Sewn and worn by Kuna women and girls, molas have become identified with Panama and mola panels have become the quintessential tourist souvenir. Parallels are made between the meaning and iconic role of the Kuna mola and art forms from other indigenous cultures. Individual mola panels are found in the collections of major ethnographic, art, and textile museums and there are many private collectors in the US, Europe, Japan and Australia. The role of the mola blouse as part of the dress ensemble of Kuna women is frequently not appreciated, since complete mola blouses form a small part of many collections. The display of mola panels as artworks in ethnographic and art museum exhibitions promotes their intrinsic aesthetic qualities and contributes to distancing them from their role as a component of dress. The meaning of molas may be considered to be polyvalent: Kuna women who sew and wear molas and Kuna communities may derive various meanings; there may be various meanings attributed to specific designs; and outsiders may derive different meanings. The attraction of molas to the Western eye is explored in terms of Kuna ethnoaesthetic principles and choice of iconography, as well as aesthetic appreciation. Molas may be interpreted as early examples of craftivism and contemporary collectors are attracted to their handmade qualities.  相似文献   
产业用纺织品市场稳步增长,其市场份额已占整个纺织工业的30%左右,各部分的增长率超过10%,由于不断的创新发展,工业上不仅用机织物,还用非织造布、毛毡类、薄膜和其他材料生产现代复合材料,在纺织品整理中,轧光工艺依然不可或缺,并决定着产品的最终质量一些需轧光整理的典型应用包括:安全气震材料、户外透气装、工业滤材、医药应用、降落伞、厚帆布、油布织物、包装材料、防护服、遮光屏或砂布。  相似文献   
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