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Human operators are still a vital resource in modern manufacturing systems, especially for fine assembly tasks. Declining muscle strength due to physical tasks can impair psychomotor skills and can cause adverse effects on assembly quality. To understand how local muscle fatigue can influence multiple psychomotor skills, 20 subjects participated in an experiment in which four psychomotor tests were performed to mimic fine assembly tasks, and their performances under nonfatigued wrist and fatigued wrist conditions were compared. Results showed that wrist fatigue caused significant decrements in the dexterity of fingers and fingertips, but there was no significant influence on arm‐hand steadiness. Local muscle fatigue impairs psychomotor skills to different extents but does not necessarily lead to lower performance. Humans are capable of coordinating motion units to compensate for the influence of muscle fatigue, but this is rather limited. It is suggested that in assembly operations, tasks should be arranged according to different task demands on diverse psychomotor skills.  相似文献   
Microbial activity and then oxidation progress are the most important freshness indicators during post-mortem. In this study, we monitored proteomic and microbial changes, as well as biochemical degradation, in the tail and claw muscles of crayfish stored for 12 days at +4 °C. One specified protein band at 107 kDa in the claw muscle and two specified protein bands in the tail muscle at 140 and 36–40 kDa were identified. Western blotting indicated a higher amount of oxidised proteins in the tail compared to the claw muscle. Tail muscle showed higher oxidation progress and calpain activity than claw one. Both muscles were spoiled after 12 days with respect to total viable counts. In the first days, calpain activity is the main reason for protein degradation, while protein oxidation dominates for the rest of the time. Lipid–protein oxidation progress showed probably, protein oxidation started earlier than lipid oxidation in both muscles.  相似文献   
提取鸭骨骼肌肌钙蛋白I(skeletal muscle troponin I,sTnI)用于制备单克隆抗体,并对抗体性能进行 评价。将鸭骨骼肌提取后经十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electropheresis,SDS-PAGE)测定,取凝胶条带免疫小鼠,融合后经筛选获得分泌抗鸭sTnI的杂交瘤细胞株,用 酶联免疫吸附测定法检测抗体效价、亚型及特异性等特性。结果表明:鸭骨骼肌提取物经SDS-PAGE后出现2 条 颜色较深的条带,取分子质量24 kDa条带用于免疫;筛选后获得2 株单克隆抗体,其中3E7特异性较好,效价在 1∶1.0×105以上,为IgG1亚型,亲和常数(Ka)为5.9×105 L/mol;免疫印迹结果显示,抗体3E7能与鸭骨骼肌提取 物反应,与牛、羊、鸡、鱼骨骼肌提取物无明显反应。  相似文献   
为研究热处理对茶花鸡肌肉中脂肪酸组成的影响,本文以300日龄的云南本地茶花鸡公鸡的胸肌和腿肌为研究对象,采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)检测胸肌和腿肌中脂肪酸含量,对其脂肪酸含量进行差异分析。结果表明在茶花鸡肌肉中共检测出32种脂肪酸,其主要脂肪酸为油酸、棕榈酸、亚油酸、花生四烯酸、硬脂酸及肉豆蔻酸。在原料肉中,胸肌和腿肌中总脂肪酸含量分别为3242.41与10026.31 μg/g,部位间存在显著性差异(P<0.05);胸肌与腿肌中脂肪酸类型以不饱和脂肪酸为主,含量分别占32种脂肪酸总量的60.92%与63.55%。经热处理后,胸肌中总脂肪酸含量比加热前胸肌中降低了9.37%(P<0.05),腿肌中总脂肪酸含量比加热前腿肌中降低了22.15%(P<0.05);胸肌、腿肌中脂肪酸以不饱和脂肪酸为主,不饱和脂肪酸含量分别占32种脂肪酸总量的59.38%与61.20%;胸肌和腿肌之间脂肪酸含量差异显著(P<0.05),腿肌的饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)、多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量与胸肌有显著差异(P<0.05)。可见,茶花鸡胸肌和腿肌脂肪酸含量存在显著差异,热处理对茶花鸡胸肌和腿肌脂肪酸组成有明显影响。  相似文献   
Injured peripheral nerves but not central nerves have the capacity to regenerate and reinnervate their target organs. After the two most severe peripheral nerve injuries of six types, crush and transection injuries, nerve fibers distal to the injury site undergo Wallerian degeneration. The denervated Schwann cells (SCs) proliferate, elongate and line the endoneurial tubes to guide and support regenerating axons. The axons emerge from the stump of the viable nerve attached to the neuronal soma. The SCs downregulate myelin-associated genes and concurrently, upregulate growth-associated genes that include neurotrophic factors as do the injured neurons. However, the gene expression is transient and progressively fails to support axon regeneration within the SC-containing endoneurial tubes. Moreover, despite some preference of regenerating motor and sensory axons to “find” their appropriate pathways, the axons fail to enter their original endoneurial tubes and to reinnervate original target organs, obstacles to functional recovery that confront nerve surgeons. Several surgical manipulations in clinical use, including nerve and tendon transfers, the potential for brief low-frequency electrical stimulation proximal to nerve repair, and local FK506 application to accelerate axon outgrowth, are encouraging as is the continuing research to elucidate the molecular basis of nerve regeneration.  相似文献   
目的 建立了畜禽肌肉和表皮组织中松香酸、脱氢松香酸和胡椒酸的液相色谱-四极杆/串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)的检测方法。方法 均质样品中加入乙腈和水分别提取目标物,经涡旋分散、震荡提取、离心和固相萃取柱净化。提取液以乙酸铵-甲醇为流动相梯度洗脱C18色谱柱分离,5 mmol的乙酸铵和甲醇为流动相进行梯度洗脱,三重四级杆质谱ESI+/ESI-切换模式检测,以特征离子峰和保留时间定性,定量离子峰面积定量。结果 松香酸、脱氢松香酸的测定低限为5.0 μg/kg、胡椒酸20.0 μg/kg,线性范围分别为5.0~200.0 μg/kg和20.0~500.0 μg/kg,相关系数(r)在0.999以上。分别添加定量限1、2、4倍的浓度验证加标回收率,三个浓度水平的回收率为68.5% ~ 107.6%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为6.8%~14.2%(n=6)。结论 该方法快速、准确、灵敏,适用于监管部门对市售畜禽食品中工业松香残留的检测。  相似文献   
目的 进行乐清湾北部及嵊泗区域养殖贝类肌肉中镉含量调查并探讨通过摄食途径可能导致的健康风险。方法 测定2016~2018年间采自乐清湾北部缢蛏、青蛤及嵊泗区域紫贻贝等三种养殖贝类肌肉中镉含量水平,与国家限量标准进行比对,并运用单因子污染指数(Pi)评估样品中镉污染程度,并以目标危害系数(THQ)和目标致癌风险(TR)为考量指标,评估通过摄食途径可能导致的健康风险。结果 三种肌肉样品中镉检出率为100%,但超标率为0。含量平均值总体比较:紫贻贝﹥缢蛏﹥青蛤。结论 本研究中所有样品Cd 单项污染指数的Pi 值均远低于1.0 ,绝大部分为正常背景水平,少量呈轻度污染水平。健康风险评估结果显示,所有样品THQ 值均小于安全基准值1.0,数据表明暴露人群没有明显的非致癌健康风险。TR的评价结果均在美国环保署推荐的可接受风险值(10-6~10-4)范围内,但也有部分样品超过了国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受风险值(5.0×10-5),需引起关注。  相似文献   
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