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范长春 《广东化工》2010,37(4):95-96
磺胺地索辛是典型的长效磺胺类抗菌药,T1/2为40h,有很强的抗细菌及原虫感染的作用,可用于上呼吸道及尿路感染,目前广泛用于畜禽疾病的治疗和预防;此外,它对畜禽生长有促进作用,又作为饲料添加剂被广泛应用。文章介绍了磺胺类抗菌药磺胺地索辛的合成进展,并评价了各工艺的优缺点。  相似文献   
煤制乙二醇技术进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
综述了目前乙二醇生产工艺技术的现状和发展动向,指出了石油乙烯路线是目前乙二醇工业生产的主要工艺。同时,着重介绍了中国科学院福建物质结构研究所与企业合作,率先在国内外实现工业化的煤制乙二醇的成套技术。该技术符合我国缺油、少气、煤炭资源相对丰富的资源特点,可利用煤炭资源生产乙二醇,代替目前的石油乙烯路线,将有效缓解我国乙二醇产品供需矛盾,逐步实现我国以煤代油生产乙二醇的战略目标,节省大量石油资源,对国家的能源和化工产业产生重要积极影响,代表了当今煤化工领域的前沿发展方向之一。  相似文献   
软模板法合成有序介孔材料的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有序介孔材料具有高度有序的孔道结构,较高的比表面积和较多活性位,已经广泛应用于气体吸附、催化剂和功能材料等领域。本文系统评述了软模板法制备有序介孔材料的合成路线及其组装机理,并对课题组采用软模板法组装介孔氧化钛粒子的机理进行了分析。  相似文献   
Combining scanning force and fluorescent microscopy allows simultaneous identification of labeled biomolecules and analysis of their nanometer level architectural arrangement. Fluorescent polystyrene nano-spheres were used as reliable objects for alignment of optical and topographic images. This allowed the precise localization of different fluorescence particles within complex molecular assemblies whose structure was mapped in nanometer detail topography. Our experiments reveal the versatility of this method for analysis of proteins and protein–DNA complexes.  相似文献   
An in-vitro method using commercially available enzymes for the prediction of the in-vivo digestible crude protein content was developed and tested on seven feedstuffs and 16 diets for pigs. Fat-extracted feed samples were consecutively incubated with pepsin at pH 1 and pancreatin at pH 6.8. From the nitrogen content of the feed sample and of the residue after incubation the in-vitro digestibility of the crude protein was calculated. Using the linear regression of in-vitro on in-vivo digestible crude protein of samples obtained in feeding trials, the in-vivo digestible crude protein content (DXPp) in g kg?1 dry matter could be predicted. For feedstuffs and diets the correlation was 0.99 and 0.95 and the residual standard deviation 17 and 6 g kg?1 dry matter, respectively. In a similar procedure the nitrogen solubilised during incubation with enzymes was analysed. The regression value was similar to that of the original procedure. However, this procedure was abandoned because it was more laborious.  相似文献   
The effects of germination on total protein and amino acids, and phytic acid of beans of Glycine max L, Glycine hispida L, Phaseolus radiatus L and Phaseolus angularis L were studied. The increase in total crude protein content was > 21% for Glycine beans and 8–15% for Phaseolus beans. There was a marked increase in the total essential amino acids of Glycine max (76%) and Phaseolus radiatus (52%). A smaller increase was observed for Phaseolus angularis (25%) and Glycine hispida (3%). The phytic acid contents of the beans were drastically reduced (< 0.2%), mainly due to leaching into the soak water. Total ash content showed a decrease, too, also due to leaching; the loss of potassium was very high whereas losses of the divalent metals, calcium, iron and magnesium, were only moderate, probably because of the ability of divalent cations to bind to protein to form proteincation-phytate complexes and also because divalent salts of phytic acid are insoluble at moderate to high pHs.  相似文献   
In this study, synthesized SiO2/ZnO hybrid nanoparticles were used to change the wettability of carbonate rock from highly oil-wet to strongly water-wet state. The SiO2/ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized by modified sol-gel method. In this method, TEOS was used to increase the functional groups on the surface of the ZnO nanoparticles to produce highly hydrophilic nanoparticles. The contact angle measurements were conducted on the rock surface before and after nano-treatment. The contact angle of oil droplet with the rock changed from 0° to 150°, 161°, 164° and 170° after impregnation the rock with 0.01, 0.033, 0.07 and 0.33 wt.% nanofluids.  相似文献   
介绍了几组用于扩频系统的声表面波滤波器的设计、制作和实验结果.器件频率为95~350MHz.插入损耗为9~24dB.阻带抑制优于45dB.  相似文献   
通过湿化学法合成PZT陶瓷微粉实现粉料的高经、超细、粒度均匀及化学成分的精确控制。综述了湿化学法制备PZT陶瓷粉料的常用方法及其基本原理和生产工艺条件,并对溶胶-凝胶法、共沉淀-煅烧法和水热法制备PZT微粉的优越性及不足进行了评价。  相似文献   
Behavioral Testability Insertion for Datapath/Controller Circuits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method for test synthesis in the behavioral domain is described.The approach is based on the notion of adding a test behavior to the normal-mode design behavior. This testbehavior describes the behavior of the design in test mode. Thenormal-mode design behavior and test-mode test behavior are combinedand then synthesized by any general-purpose synthesis system toproduce a testable design with inserted BIST structures. The testbehavior is derived from the design behavior using testabilityanalysis based on metrics that quantify the testability of signalsand variables embedded within behaviors. The insertion method iscombined with a behavioral test scheme thatintegrates a) the design controller and test controller, b) testingof the entire datapath and controller. Examples show that when thetestability insertion procedure is used to modify a behavior beforesynthesis, the resulting synthesized physical implementation isindeed more easily tested than an implementation synthesized directlyfrom the original behavior.  相似文献   
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