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Although curcumin is considered to have various therapeutic effects, its use as a functional food or supplement is restricted owing to its low water solubility and bioavailability. To increase the solubility of curcumin in water, the use of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and vinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymers with a pyrrolidone skeleton was noted to be promising. In particular, the bi-component formulations of curcumin/PVP prepared through spray drying exhibited an amorphous state in powder X-ray diffraction observations and temporally increased the apparent solubility of curcumin to over 5000 times that of untreated curcumin; nevertheless, after 24 h, the solubility decreased owing to the unstable supersaturated state of curcumin. The addition of α-cyclodextrin (α-CyD) in the bi-component curcumin/PVP formulation helped maintain the supersaturated state of curcumin, whereas the addition of β- and γ-CyD led to the collapse of the supersaturated state. The addition of α-CyD can likely help inhibit the nucleation and crystal growth of curcumin, through the interaction among the solubilized units of curcumin/PVP and α-CyD.  相似文献   
根据修补区混凝土可开放交通的要求,优选出全再生快速修补混凝土最优配合比,并与常用的再生粗骨料快速修补混凝土进行比较.结果表明,全再生快速修补混凝土的抗压强度和粘结强度较易满足要求;其最优化配合比参数为:胶凝材料总量为500 kg/m3,再生细骨料在细骨料中掺量为30%,而其砂率为35%;其干燥收缩略大于常用的再生粗骨料快速修补混凝土,但显著提高了其抗氯离子渗透性能.  相似文献   
Plant materials with cellular structure, like fruits and vegetables, are often viewed as porous media in terms of model building of the drying process, on the basis of a hypothesis that all of the moisture of a plant tissue is trapped in a continuous and connected pore network system. However, most of the moisture in the plant tissue is contained naturally in enclosed cells. In the course of drying, the trapped moisture has to cross the cell membranes and then migrates in the extracellular space. Based on this concept, a pore network model for isothermal drying of plant materials was developed in which two stages of moisture movement—transmembrane transfer and extracellular transfer in the pore network—were considered. Finally, the isothermal convective air-drying processes of a potato slice were simulated. The calculated results were validated by the experiments conducted under the simulation conditions.  相似文献   
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) starter cultures can be processed by many drying techniques, among which spray drying has great potential. However, injuries of LAB during spray drying lead to a low survival rate. The microbial injuries of LAB during spray drying are specifically induced by dehydration inactivation, thermal inactivation, and balance between the two. To reduce the drying temperature, new drying techniques based on spray drying were tried; that is, low-temperature vacuum–spray drying and spray–freeze drying.  相似文献   
李殷 《广东化工》2014,(14):125-125
陶瓷材料,由于其耐高温、耐腐蚀、耐磨等性能优异,在各行各业应用相当广泛。但也正是因为它的这些特性,在使用化学方法进行元素分析时,会遇到样品难以消解的问题,导致测试无法进行。文章重点研究电子元件中常用的三氧化二铝、氧化锆类陶瓷材料的消解方法,并介绍使用ICP-OES对消解完全的样品溶液进行元素分析的注意事项。  相似文献   
研究了钢纤维体积分数、膨胀剂种类及掺量对不同尺寸的超高性能混凝土(UHPC)试件28d抗压强度及自成型27h后至180d收缩特性的影响.结果表明:以40mm立方体试件抗压强度为基准,不掺膨胀剂时100mm立方体试件的抗压强度换算系数为0.75~0.80,而掺有膨胀剂的100mm立方体试件抗压强度换算系数为0.74~0.80;UHPC的收缩形式以自收缩为主,约占其总收缩量的87.0%~92.7%,掺加钢纤维能够有效降低其收缩量;试验选用的EA1膨胀剂因水化速率过快,在UHPC收缩测试前已基本完全水化,造成试件内部自干燥作用加强,因此增大了UHPC的收缩量;选用的EA2膨胀剂能与空气中的水蒸气及试件内部的水分发生反应并产生持续的膨胀效果,因此在实际应用时应注意控制其掺量,以保证UHPC的体积稳定性.  相似文献   
王国杰 《工程力学》2014,31(12):173-180
进行了密封与沿环外侧面干燥两种条件下的自密实混凝土圆环约束收缩试验,分别研究自密实混凝土试件在自生收缩单独作用下,以及在干燥与自生收缩共同作用下钢环应变随混凝土龄期的发展规律及开裂性能,并与普通混凝土进行比较。配合比参数包括粉煤灰掺量、粉煤灰和矿渣复掺掺量、水胶比。揭示了配合比参数在两种不同条件下对钢环应变和开裂龄期的影响规律,并提出以“标准化”的钢环应变曲线作为开裂趋势曲线,以开裂系数为0.95时的龄期为“名义开裂龄期”作为圆环试验中混凝土开裂指标的建议。研究结果还表明,同一配合比参数对干燥约束收缩与自生约束收缩的作用有可能一致,也有可能完全相反,因此有必要对两种收缩分别研究;该文提出的“开裂趋势曲线”和“名义开裂龄期”能综合混凝土开裂中“作用”和“抗力”两个方面的影响,从而对混凝土的开裂性能进行动态、定量、综合的评价。  相似文献   
在单因素实验的基础上,利用响应面法对微波辅助乙醇提取米团花黄色素条件进行优化。实验得出,乙醇浓度为70%(V/V)、微波功率为350W、微波时间为80s,液固比为50∶1,米团花黄色素的提取率为95.23%,与预测值98.38%拟合性较好。   相似文献   
采用热风干燥、自然干燥、真空干燥、真空冷冻干燥工艺对新鲜香菇、杏鲍菇进行干燥处理,分析不同干燥方式对其感官质量及其风味物质(主要包括可溶性糖、游离氨基酸和呈味核苷酸)的影响。发现真空干燥处理得到的干品具有浓郁的蘑菇风味,游离单糖增加,游离氨基酸含量高,且含有较高的鲜味核苷酸5’-GMP。真空干燥法得到的干制蘑菇更适合调味品的开发。   相似文献   
采用微波法对姬松茸多糖进行提取工艺研究。以子实体粒度(目数)、料液比、微波功率、提取时间为考察因素,多糖得率为指标,采用正交实验法对多糖提取工艺进行优化。确定了微波提取的最佳工艺参数为:粒度(目数)为60目,料液比为1∶80(g/mL),微波功率为640W,提取时间为8min。按此优化条件,多糖得率可达9.04%,可显著提高姬松茸多糖的得率,工艺简单,成本较低。   相似文献   
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