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This paper presents a general method to formulate monotonically convergent algorithms for identifying optimal control fields to manipulate quantum dynamics phenomena beyond the linear dipole interaction. The method, facilitated by a field-dependent dipole moment operator, is based on an integral equation of the first kind arising from the Heisenberg equation of motion for tracking a time-dependent, dynamical invariant observable associated with a reference control field.  相似文献   
The work examines the feasibility of minimizing a linear objective function subject to a max-t fuzzy relation equation constraint, where t is a continuous/Archimedean t-norm. Conventional methods for solving this problem are significantly improved by, first separating the problem into two sub-problems according to the availability of positive coefficients. This decomposition is thus more easily handled than in previous literature. Next, based on use of the maximum solution of the constraint equation, the sub-problem with non-positive coefficients is solved and the size of the sub-problem with positive coefficients reduced as well. This step is unique among conventional methods, owing to its ability to determine as many optimal variables as possible. Additionally, several rules are developed for simplifying the remaining problem. Finally, those undecided optimal variables are obtained using the covering problem rather than the branch-and-bound methods. Three illustrative examples demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms conventional schemes. Its potential applications are discussed as well.  相似文献   
There are several numerical methods for calculation of electric fields but they need some sort of experience and trial and error to get the correct solution. A genetic algorithm (GA) based approach is used to eliminate the need for the experience and to save time and effort spent in the trial and error. Two enhancement techniques, namely, Refreshment Method and No-Twins Method, are used with the GA operators to improve the performance of the GA in assessment of high voltage fields. The performance of these two enhancement techniques has been studied for computing the electrostatic field in high voltage applications.  相似文献   
C语言程序是学习和掌握计算机技术的基础课程,如何改革该课程教学,提高教学质量,一直是人们所关注与探讨的问题。本文从对学生的问卷调查结果的分析入手,总结、剖析了我院的C语言程序课堂教学中存在的问题,并结合实际提出的一些建议,以期对教学改革有所意义。  相似文献   
面向对象分析与设计,涉及的内容新、实践性强。文章着眼于高等职业院校,分析了课程体系、教学目标,以类模型图为例,阐述了抽象-实现-建模的三步教学法。  相似文献   
该文针对大多数没有计算机专业知识的使用者,探讨了计算机安全问题的原因,并给出计算机安全使用、避免损失的方法。  相似文献   
In order to facilitate numerical simulations of plasma phenomena where kinetic processes are important, we have studied the technique of Fourier transforming the Vlasov equation analytically in the velocity space, and solving the resulting equation numerically. Special attention has been paid to the boundary conditions of the Fourier transformed system. By using outgoing wave boundary conditions in the Fourier transformed space, small-scale information in velocity space is carried outside the computational domain and is lost. Thereby the so-called recurrence phenomenon is reduced. This method is an alternative to using numerical dissipation or smoothing operators in velocity space. Different high-order methods are used for computing derivatives as well as for the time-stepping, leading to an over-all fourth-order method.  相似文献   
The application of the fractional step projection method recently proposed by Guermond and Quartapelle to the numerical approximation of unsteady Navier–Stokes solutions by means of a spectral/p element method is considered. In particular we illustrate the second-order pressure correction technique and evaluate its accuracy properties in some test cases. Stability with respect to the compatibility condition between the approximation spaces for velocity and pressure is also addressed. The high (spectral) accuracy in space and the second-order accuracy in time are verified by two simple test cases with analytical solution. A more interesting problem is solved showing the ability of the method to produce very accurate results also for problems in complex geometries.  相似文献   
{In a seminal paper of 1989, Fredman and Saks proved lower bounds for some important data-structure problems in the cell probe model. In particular, lower bounds were established on worst-case and amortized operation cost for the union-find problem and the prefix sum problem. The goal of this paper is to turn their proof technique into a general tool that can be applied to different problems and computational models. To this end we define two quantities: Output Variability depends only on the model of computation. It indicates how much variation can be found in the results of a program with certain resource bounds. This measures in some sense the power of a model. Problem Variability characterizes in a similar sense the difficulty of the problem. } Our Main Theorem shows that by comparing a model's output variability to a problem's problem variability, lower bounds on the complexity of solving the problem on the given model may be inferred. The theorem thus shows how to separate the analysis of the model of computation from that of the problem when proving lower bounds. We show how the results of Fredman and Saks fit our framework by computing the output variability of the cell probe model and the problem variability for problems considered in their paper. This allows us to reprove their lower bound results, and slightly extend them. The main purpose of this paper though is to present the generalized technique. Received January 25, 1999; revised July 30, 1999.  相似文献   
韩世聪 《微型电脑应用》2000,16(6):22-23,33
本文从互连网发展的趋势入手,对路径模式发掘进行了研究。先简要介绍数据库发掘的概况及网上数据发掘的特点,后结合关联法和组合概率法,并以算法和实例详细对之进行分析。  相似文献   
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